By Douglas V. Gibbs
As a rule, tyranny blankets itself with goodness. It proclaims itself as being what is best for the community. Tyranny states that it is tolerant, fair, and charitable. They call for equity, diversity, and love. They say they support the rule of law, and want nothing more than for our society to be one of order, and fair moral standards. Tyranny calls for economic equality, community oneness, and an end to anything that comes close to the unfairness of monopoly. Tyranny claims to be there to help, to assist, and to protect. The tyrant rises up as a friend and guardian, professing change, hope, and a new kind of freedom. They offer peace, and safety. They proclaim utopia, free from the bondage of possessions, borders, and religion. Theirs is a paradise, offered by a ruling elite, and all you must do is submit to their dictates.
Change is approaching. Collapse is feared. Division has increased. Tolerance has become a one-way street that is not tolerated in any other way. The God-given right of freedom of speech has been demoted to the rank of "Special Privilege." Fairness and charity means that any success will be punished, stripped from the producer, and given to those that fail to produce enough to lift themselves out of poverty. Equity is being forced, not based on opportunity, but on the mandates of an ever-increasing governmental power. Diversity is being used to divide and conquer, and love is being defined as "agree with everything I am or do, or else you are a hater." The rule of law has departed from the Constitution, and is defined by the manipulative rulings of judiciary that is being stacked with leftist judges, thanks to the nuclear option, as we speak. Order and fairness are being monitored by intelligence agencies, and the Internal Revenue Service. Moral standards have been flipped to mean the opposite of what they once were. Economic equality is an aim to ensure everyone is equal in misery, unless, of course, you are a member of the ruling elite, or a favored corporation that has joined the leftist's system of mercantilism. Community oneness is one of shackles and bondage in the name of sustainability, and any growth of anything, other than that of government power, is considered greedy, hateful, and a monopoly. They are helping to destroy individuality, dismantle State Sovereignty, assist in stamping out liberty, and are doing all they can to protect us from ourselves through mandates regarding how we eat, how we act, what we say, and if they are going to allow us to continue to live our lives, or even receive medical treatment, through government manipulated health care. Possessions are being considered greedy and must be relinquished in the name of fairness. Borders are being considered evil and racist, and anyone and everyone, regardless of their intent to harm this nation, are not only welcome, but qualify for government gifts paid by the taxpayer. The religion of this nation from its founding is being silenced, as the religions of secularism, and Islam, which have the goal of replacing our constitution with their own dictatorial laws, are embraced, protected, and promoted. Paradise is hell, and the world being offered by the liberal left democrats, if you draw it all out to a logical conclusion someday in the future, is nothing more than a totalitarian tyranny not unlike any other dictatorship in history.
They claim to be offering their help, but what they offer is poison, and infection. The charm of the leftists has become even offensive to the average, uninformed voter. The younger vote is leaving the ranks of Obama supporters in droves. The Orwellian system is being rejected, and the response by the leftists is to double down.
Leftists are planners. They draw everything out, and marvel at how wonderful their plans of a government-guided society works on paper. Timetables are set, and the plans are drawn out. Dust is being blown off of old, Marxist legislation. They know not to go too fast. If their plans move too quickly, the people may realize what they are up to, and reject it before they have a chance to make the people dependent upon it. But, they can't move too slowly, either. Opportunities for leftist progression only appears once every sixteen or twenty years. One, maybe two, terms of a presidency, is all they have. Careful planning. Urgent application. Deception and lies, coupled with celebrity messiah-hood, is the plan of action.
With Barack Obama, the leftists got what they've been waiting for. The plan was perfect. Control government, recruit as many leftist radicals to man governmental posts as possible, do all they can to shove as much leftism into the system as possible, and when word of what they were up to began to bubble up through the ranks of the opposition, proclaim all dissenters racist and radical extremists, and then go about their business as the opposition is beaten to a pulp by their accomplices in the media.
As with The Mule in Asimov's Foundation Series, the leftists did not expect the rise of the Tea Party. The 2010 Election threw a huge wrench into their plans. Characters like Ted Cruz and Rand Paul are like searchlights being directed at their dark deeds. People who normally would not care, or would normally not be paying attention, are watching, scrutinizing, and are realizing the dangers of the consolidation of power we are seeing. They have realized they must move quickly. Time is running out.
When tyranny gets desperate, tyranny does desperate things. The agencies are now under the direct orders of the White House. A Wall Street collapse, purposely orchestrated, is being considered. Seeking a third term, though unconstitutional, for President Obama is a common discussion among liberal leftists. Finding a way to silence the opposition, be it through force, or political correctness, is underway. The actions currently being carried out is not working. The opposition continues to point fingers, to scream their dissent, and proclaim the Left's actions as tyrannical, dangerous, and un-American.
What good is dictating to people what they can and can't do under the guise of health care if nobody signs up? What good is manipulating the currency if people buy gold, silver, or cyber-currency? How can the private industry be controlled if underground markets rise up? How can the media be as effective as they desire if a conservative media is bubbling up around it through cable, and Online? How can the opposition be silenced if they won't shut up? How can guns be controlled if people won't surrender them? How can more taxes be taken if people find a way around it, or leave the country, or use means of barter?
Eventually, leftism discovers that it cannot gain its utopia without using government to force everyone in that direction. Eventually, the statists realize that only through force will the opposition comply. Only through threats, and acting upon those threats, will the dissent be silenced.
The logical conclusion, if one is to draw it out, is that if the liberal left in America is not stopped, eventually, someday, they will resort to force. . . not through "storm troopers kicking down doors," as Jonah Goldberg once stated, "but with lawyers and social workers saying. 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'"
You will comply.
I am an optimist. I will not comply. I will not capitulate. I will defend the Constitution. I will defend liberty.
It can be done, bit by bit, piece by piece. Remember, they never expected the 2010 Election to go the way it did, and it really gummed up the works for the leftists. We just need to work on doing things like that again, and again, and again - but not just in national elections, but locally. Infiltrate the school board. Infest the planning departments. Gain control of the city councils. Occupy the seats, ring the bells, submit your candidacies, and make them sweat. It can be done, if only we are willing to get off of the couch.
Sitting on the couch and complaining is not a strategy. Full throttle war, in their face, striking hard and striking often, is. Are you willing to pledge your lives, fortunes and sacred honor as the signers of the Declaration of Independence did?
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