Black Historian joins us Saturday...
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Corona Constitution Class: Judicial Branch
Kellyanne's Learning Curve
By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host
Kellyanne Conway has misspoke, got into a little trouble promoting Ivanka's products, and now has been caught in a photograph just making herself comfortable, casually kneeling on the couch in the Oval Office, while checking her phone. I like Kellyanne, I really do. She's tough, smart, and pulls no punches. But, does she understand that her position is one that requires a bit of, I don't know, respect for the office as she works with the President of the United States, and not as a media commentator?
I get it. The leftist mainstream media went from puppy dogs under Obama to watch dogs under Trump, and they are looking for anything, and everything, to criticize the Trump administration about. So, why give them fodder? Why do these things we just know they are going to crawl all over?
As Donald Trump's senior adviser Kellyanne Conway should know better. Especially since she has come under fire so many times, already.
that the media didn't even mutter when Barack Obama had his feet propped up on the furniture in the Oval Office.
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host
Kellyanne Conway has misspoke, got into a little trouble promoting Ivanka's products, and now has been caught in a photograph just making herself comfortable, casually kneeling on the couch in the Oval Office, while checking her phone. I like Kellyanne, I really do. She's tough, smart, and pulls no punches. But, does she understand that her position is one that requires a bit of, I don't know, respect for the office as she works with the President of the United States, and not as a media commentator?
I get it. The leftist mainstream media went from puppy dogs under Obama to watch dogs under Trump, and they are looking for anything, and everything, to criticize the Trump administration about. So, why give them fodder? Why do these things we just know they are going to crawl all over?
As Donald Trump's senior adviser Kellyanne Conway should know better. Especially since she has come under fire so many times, already.
The image was captured by an AFP photographer. Conway's appearance on the couch with her shoes on as Trump poses for a photo with leaders of historically black colleges and universities looks way too much the way a teenager would look crawled up on the couch in mom and dad's living room. It's funny, though,

Conservative critics also chastised Obama for unbuttoning the previous Oval Office dress code that called for a suit jacket and a tie.
So, a message to Kellyanne. "I love ya, but let's keep the vultures off ya by keeping a little bit of a respectful tone for the position, and the furniture, could ya? After all, you no longer represent you. You represent the President of the United States."
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
Trump to Recommend New Budget
By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host
Trump's budget could care less about Democrats, Republicans, or politics in general. It's the people's budget, full of his campaign promises. Where he promised something would increase, the money went up. Where he promised to reduce spending, the money goes down. And, he's saying he will get our country funded in a manner a business is...cutting the fat, cutting unnecessary spending, and making it a well-oiled machine.
President Trump’s economic plan is based on a conservative prediction of economic growth being at 4% (which is still robust when compared to Obama's one-percenters). Four percent growth equals an additional $1 trillion added to GDP. The tax revenue from the GDP growth is $200 billion/per year (1/5th of $1 trillion). Or $2 trillion over the 10-year projection. And to be honest, with tax cuts coming, the growth will likely be even greater because the tax cuts will encourage investments, new businesses, and expansion of existing businesses. And, with more people making more money in an economy designed to fuel the free market, tax revenue will be even greater than anticipated. . . I am anticipating.
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host
Trump's budget could care less about Democrats, Republicans, or politics in general. It's the people's budget, full of his campaign promises. Where he promised something would increase, the money went up. Where he promised to reduce spending, the money goes down. And, he's saying he will get our country funded in a manner a business is...cutting the fat, cutting unnecessary spending, and making it a well-oiled machine.
And the Democrats are ticked off and out of their minds. The White House plan includes an increase in defense and national security spending by $54 billion (a 3% increase from Obama's numbers), and Trump plans to cut the same amount from non-defense programs.
Trump says "we have to start winning wars again," and "peace through strength."
Sounds "Reaganesque," doesn't it?
No, Trump is not the new Reagan. He's Trump. But, he seems to be more Republican in what us Reagan supporters remember, than anyone else in the Republican Party.
How did the Republicans become so unRepublican?
President Trump is also going to propose a $10 trillion spending cut over ten years – or $1 trillion per year. This is entirely reasonable considering the scale and scope of government. Back during the tale-end of Dubya's presidency, a friend of mine and I went through the federal budget and determined that 85% of federal spending is unconstitutional. While I don't believe we should pull the rug out from under Americans on all of those things, but rather reform slowly until the federal government is removed from things it has no authority being involved with, a reduction in spending with the word "trillion" attached seems like a wonderful start.
President Trump’s economic plan is based on a conservative prediction of economic growth being at 4% (which is still robust when compared to Obama's one-percenters). Four percent growth equals an additional $1 trillion added to GDP. The tax revenue from the GDP growth is $200 billion/per year (1/5th of $1 trillion). Or $2 trillion over the 10-year projection. And to be honest, with tax cuts coming, the growth will likely be even greater because the tax cuts will encourage investments, new businesses, and expansion of existing businesses. And, with more people making more money in an economy designed to fuel the free market, tax revenue will be even greater than anticipated. . . I am anticipating.
Dick Morris: Why is Trump Calling the Media his Enemy?
By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host
"It's a good strategy, on his part..." "He's reducing the impact of the media." "The media is biased in its attacks."
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host
"It's a good strategy, on his part..." "He's reducing the impact of the media." "The media is biased in its attacks."
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
Monday, February 27, 2017
Ohio Discovers Voter Fraud
By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host
Each of the non-citizen voters have committed a criminal felony. DHS is deporting illegal alien felons as a top priority. Any illegal alien who voted will now be subject to arrest and deportation….
Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted announced an investigation has uncovered that hundreds of non-US citizens are registered to vote in the state, and dozens of them voted illegally.
According to a release from Husted, 385 people who are not citizens of the United States are registered to vote in Ohio. Out of those, 82 voted in at least one election in the last year.
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host
Each of the non-citizen voters have committed a criminal felony. DHS is deporting illegal alien felons as a top priority. Any illegal alien who voted will now be subject to arrest and deportation….
Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted announced an investigation has uncovered that hundreds of non-US citizens are registered to vote in the state, and dozens of them voted illegally.
According to a release from Husted, 385 people who are not citizens of the United States are registered to vote in Ohio. Out of those, 82 voted in at least one election in the last year.
God knows how many more there are that weren't caught. Remember, a number around 3 million has been floated around when it comes to illegal aliens voting nationwide.
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
Political Pistachio Consistently over 3,000 Hits Per Day
By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host
Growth over the last few months has been incredible. Political Pistachio, the official blogsite of Constitutionalist Douglas V. Gibbs, has become the "go to" site for many people when it comes to conservative news and commentary. Our readers understand that according to the founder, editor, and chief writer for Political Pistachio, Douglas V. Gibbs, the U.S. Constitution is America's owner's manual and if we want to continue to drive our country in the right direction, it is imperative that we understand the owner's manual, and apply those principles to our governmental system.
The Political Pistachio blog began in May of 2006. The radio program on BlogTalkRadio began February 2007, and moved to AM Radio on August 6, 2011. Doug's Constitution Classes in Temecula began in February of 2008, and since then, a number of classes and other services have been added. Doug's book, "25 Myths of the United States Constitution" hit the shelves early 2014, and he has three other books on the market since then. Doug has appeared on various radio and television outlets, including Fox News, and provides many opportunities for constitutional literacy as a public speaker.
On the horizon are Constitution Classes at Congress of Racial Equality chapter offices in the Western Region of the United States (with a national program being formulated for next year), an after school program for public school children, and a curriculum for the home school industry (which goes into implementation at a home school satellite program in Southern California in August of 2017).
I have also begun lobbying Sacramento and Washington D.C. for the purpose of getting bills proposed that move the country in the direction of following the principles and philosophies of the U.S. Constitution. My latest being a proposal for California lawmakers to support a federal law that is on the books that requires schools receiving public funding to have a constitution education program or assembly on Constitution Day, September 17, each year.
In March, alone, lobbying for the Constitution Association and Congress of Racial Equality, I will be making trips to San Diego, Fresno and Sacramento just during the first two weeks of the month.
The reality of all of this is that it takes funding, and I receive very little for what I do. With over a million visitors a year, now, at Political Pistachio, over 11,000 followers on the Constitution Study Facebook Page, and the hundreds of thousands connected to Douglas V. Gibbs through the organizations I am a part of, a question must be asked:
"Where is the funding coming from?"
The bleak reality is that the funding is very anemic. There are two donors, and most of his book sales occur at the few speaking engagements I provide.
So, here's the request:
If you have a group and you want one of the most comprehensible constitution presentations available, contact Doug at constitutionspeaker at yahoo dot com to set up a date. If you want to buy the books, go to Doug's "books page." Or, if you want to Donate, do so RIGHT HERE! (Sorry, not a non-profit. . . yet).
We are in this together. Feel free to do what you can, and be sure and support those out there fighting the good fight.
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host
Growth over the last few months has been incredible. Political Pistachio, the official blogsite of Constitutionalist Douglas V. Gibbs, has become the "go to" site for many people when it comes to conservative news and commentary. Our readers understand that according to the founder, editor, and chief writer for Political Pistachio, Douglas V. Gibbs, the U.S. Constitution is America's owner's manual and if we want to continue to drive our country in the right direction, it is imperative that we understand the owner's manual, and apply those principles to our governmental system.

On the horizon are Constitution Classes at Congress of Racial Equality chapter offices in the Western Region of the United States (with a national program being formulated for next year), an after school program for public school children, and a curriculum for the home school industry (which goes into implementation at a home school satellite program in Southern California in August of 2017).
I have also begun lobbying Sacramento and Washington D.C. for the purpose of getting bills proposed that move the country in the direction of following the principles and philosophies of the U.S. Constitution. My latest being a proposal for California lawmakers to support a federal law that is on the books that requires schools receiving public funding to have a constitution education program or assembly on Constitution Day, September 17, each year.
In March, alone, lobbying for the Constitution Association and Congress of Racial Equality, I will be making trips to San Diego, Fresno and Sacramento just during the first two weeks of the month.
The reality of all of this is that it takes funding, and I receive very little for what I do. With over a million visitors a year, now, at Political Pistachio, over 11,000 followers on the Constitution Study Facebook Page, and the hundreds of thousands connected to Douglas V. Gibbs through the organizations I am a part of, a question must be asked:
"Where is the funding coming from?"
The bleak reality is that the funding is very anemic. There are two donors, and most of his book sales occur at the few speaking engagements I provide.
So, here's the request:
If you have a group and you want one of the most comprehensible constitution presentations available, contact Doug at constitutionspeaker at yahoo dot com to set up a date. If you want to buy the books, go to Doug's "books page." Or, if you want to Donate, do so RIGHT HERE! (Sorry, not a non-profit. . . yet).
We are in this together. Feel free to do what you can, and be sure and support those out there fighting the good fight.
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
Reducing Public Expense Through the States: A Constitutional Idea
By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host
Localism used by local governments. Isn't that what the Founding Fathers had in mind?
Pension reform, hiring freezes of government jobs, and we are starting to see signs that this is ready to spread throughout the States. And, it is happening with bi-partisan support.
It's called Federalism.
Is this a part of the Trump-Effect?
Bill Whittle: "They (public employees) are not going to go quietly into the night...but their standards cannot be met."
States are laboratories of liberty, and if this begins to work at the State level, how long before this kind of good governance spills into the federal government?
Trump is already looking at cutting federal jobs. . . therefore, federal spending. Reducing the size of the government, and government spending, is smart at any level of government, be it federal, the States, or in our cities.
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host
Localism used by local governments. Isn't that what the Founding Fathers had in mind?
Pension reform, hiring freezes of government jobs, and we are starting to see signs that this is ready to spread throughout the States. And, it is happening with bi-partisan support.
It's called Federalism.
Is this a part of the Trump-Effect?
Bill Whittle: "They (public employees) are not going to go quietly into the night...but their standards cannot be met."
States are laboratories of liberty, and if this begins to work at the State level, how long before this kind of good governance spills into the federal government?
Trump is already looking at cutting federal jobs. . . therefore, federal spending. Reducing the size of the government, and government spending, is smart at any level of government, be it federal, the States, or in our cities.
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
Trump New National Security Adviser Breaks from White House's View of Islam
Trump's newly appointed National Security Adviser, Lt. General H.R. McMaster needs to understand something about Islamic terrorism. . . the jihadists are following the teachings of the Koran.
The New York Times reported a few days ago that McMaster and his language regarding Muslims, and the language used by President Donald Trump regarding Muslims, are not in full agreement.
McMaster told his staff that Muslims who commit terrorist acts are perverting their religion, a talking point of the liberal left, and a false message Muslims use trying to point people away from Islam as a source for terrorism.
He said, the label “radical Islamic terrorism” was not helpful because terrorists are “un-Islamic,” according to people who were in the meeting who heard his speech.
This is a view dead opposite of what his predecessor, Michael T. Flynn, who resigned last week under pressure regarding a phone call with a Russian diplomat, held. Which is why the Democrats did what they could to get rid of Flynn.
General McMaster, several officials said, has been vocal about his views on dealing with Islamic militancy, including with Mr. Trump, who described him as “a man of tremendous talent, tremendous experience.” General McMaster got the job after Mr. Trump’s first choice to replace Flynn, Robert S. Harward, a retired Navy vice admiral, turned it down.
General McMaster seems like he is closer to the positions of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, than that of conservatives, and President Trump. But, what did we expect? In the overall scheme of things, he is, after all, the third choice for the position.
This could be problematic, and serve to embolden Islamic terror groups.
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
Oscar's Wrong Winner Announced by Faye Dunaway
By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host
I am not a fan of Hollywood. I don't think those people are particularly any better than anyone else simply because they can pretend in front of a camera real well. I spent time in the acting industry for a little while in the mid-nineties, and I wasn't impressed. The snack table impressed me, but the tiny people of tinsel-town did not.
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host
I am not a fan of Hollywood. I don't think those people are particularly any better than anyone else simply because they can pretend in front of a camera real well. I spent time in the acting industry for a little while in the mid-nineties, and I wasn't impressed. The snack table impressed me, but the tiny people of tinsel-town did not.
That said, while Hollywood has been spending all of their time trying to verbally sabotage the presidency of Donald Trump, they can't even get their own awards shows correct. At last night's Academy Awards (Oscars) Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway, stars of 1967's Bonnie and Clyde, couldn't even get their announcement for best picture winner correct. They got the wrong envelope in their hands, and said that La La Land had won best picture. In reality, Moonlight was the correct winner.
Note: I have had no intention of seeing La La Land, and I have never even heard of Moonlight.
Beatty noticed the mistake, but Dunaway had read the winner before Beatty could stop her.
"I opened the envelope and it said Emma Stone, La La Land. That's why I looked at Faye, and at you. I wasn't trying to be funny." Beatty assured everyone, after admitting to the mistake and explaining that they had the wrong envelope.
The cast and crew of La La Land had already taken to the stage to give their acceptance speeches when the presenters told them of the mixup.
Beatty noticed the mistake, but Dunaway had read the winner before Beatty could stop her.
"I opened the envelope and it said Emma Stone, La La Land. That's why I looked at Faye, and at you. I wasn't trying to be funny." Beatty assured everyone, after admitting to the mistake and explaining that they had the wrong envelope.
The cast and crew of La La Land had already taken to the stage to give their acceptance speeches when the presenters told them of the mixup.
That's gotta be a punch in the gut.
"Warren, what did you do?!" joked Kimmel, coming on stage to help work things out, before joking that he also blamed Steve Harvey, who famously mixed up the winner of Miss Universe.
It's a wonder these people are even able to perform basic human functions.
"Warren, what did you do?!" joked Kimmel, coming on stage to help work things out, before joking that he also blamed Steve Harvey, who famously mixed up the winner of Miss Universe.
It's a wonder these people are even able to perform basic human functions.
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
'For all the immigrants!': First win for a Muslim...
Rousing Ovation for Boycotting Iranian Filmmaker...
'For all the immigrants!': First win for a Muslim...
Rousing Ovation for Boycotting Iranian Filmmaker...
Ashley Judd: Trump Election Worse Than Being Raped
By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host
Ashley Judd called herself a nasty girl at the same women's event that Madonna threatened to blow up the White House. Now, Judd has insulted millions of rape survivors by comparing Trump’s election to a “Rape.”
Does Judd realize how much of an idiot she sounds like? Does she not realize that her stupidity is actually pushing people away from her beloved Democrat Party?
Does Judd realize how much of an idiot she sounds like? Does she not realize that her stupidity is actually pushing people away from her beloved Democrat Party?
Judd wants you to believe that Trump is worse than a “rapist.” Why? Because he talked about women in a personal conversation in a manner that she didn't approve of?
What about Hillary Clinton's husband, Bill? The man is a sexual predator, and Hillary has covered up for his rapist lifestyle that has been a problem during his entire lifetime. And, Hillary laughed about getting a rapist out of trouble during a rape case when she was a lawyer, bragging about it.
And that's not taking into account Bill's thing about cigars and teenage vaginas.
And Ashley Judd has the audacity to compare Trump's win in November to a rape?
She disgusts me.
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
Sunday, February 26, 2017
Case of the Nonsensical Peanut
By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host
On Sunday Night my wife, after her shift was over at her place of employment, wanted to go out and eat at one of the local establishments. Three of our seven grandkids live in our house with us, and while we love the fact that the children (4, 6, and 9) live with us, every once in a while it is nice to just get away. So, we headed to a steakhouse in neighboring Menifee, Texas Roadhouse, and waited for about a half hour, or so, for a booth. The place is always packed, especially at about 6:00 pm, which is when we walked in.
The meat and potatoes restaurant is among the better ones in the area, especially for Menifee, and is one of those places that serves peanuts while you wait for your meal. Personally, I love peanuts, and munched on quite a few. My wife spent more time eating the complimentary bread, and our Cactus Blossum (onion petals).
Peanut shells, by the evening, form a layer on the floor at the Texas Roadhouse restaurant. Everyone knows that the place is full of peanuts. It's common knowledge.
As we were completing our meal, and waiting for our check, a couple came in and sat near us. Immediately, the woman shouted at the hostess who had led them to their table, "He's allergic to peanuts, get them away, get them away!"
My first thought was, "If you are allergic to peanuts, why would you come here to eat?"
If I was allergic to something, the last place I would go to dine would be a place covered with whatever I am allergic to.
Why? Why, if he is allergic to peanuts, did they choose to eat at the Texas Roadhouse? RJ's Sizzlin' Steer is about ten minutes down the road in Murrieta, and they don't serve peanuts, and in my opinion, are slightly better when it comes to the quality of the steaks.
Either, the person is not a clear thinker, they didn't know that peanuts were being served, or the couple decided to visit Texas Roadhouse because they were hoping for an excuse for a lawsuit.
To me, the nonsensical peanut case sounded a lot like the gay couple who asked a Christian baker to bake a homosexual wedding cake. They knew that there was a baker up the street that would bake their cake, but they chose the Christians, cried when they wouldn't bake the cake, sued them, forced them to lose their business, and the Christian couple who owned the bakery wound up declaring bankruptcy.
Why didn't they just go to the baker up the street?
Either, they were not clear thinkers, they didn't know the Christians would not bake the cake, or they were hoping for a lawsuit.
In the latter case I think it was the latter reason.
And they call conservatives the fascists?
As for the peanuts...I am not sure I was more alarmed by the fact that a guy with peanut allergies would enter such an establishment, or how snotty his girlfriend was when she saw the bucket of peanuts on the table.
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host
On Sunday Night my wife, after her shift was over at her place of employment, wanted to go out and eat at one of the local establishments. Three of our seven grandkids live in our house with us, and while we love the fact that the children (4, 6, and 9) live with us, every once in a while it is nice to just get away. So, we headed to a steakhouse in neighboring Menifee, Texas Roadhouse, and waited for about a half hour, or so, for a booth. The place is always packed, especially at about 6:00 pm, which is when we walked in.
The meat and potatoes restaurant is among the better ones in the area, especially for Menifee, and is one of those places that serves peanuts while you wait for your meal. Personally, I love peanuts, and munched on quite a few. My wife spent more time eating the complimentary bread, and our Cactus Blossum (onion petals).
Peanut shells, by the evening, form a layer on the floor at the Texas Roadhouse restaurant. Everyone knows that the place is full of peanuts. It's common knowledge.
As we were completing our meal, and waiting for our check, a couple came in and sat near us. Immediately, the woman shouted at the hostess who had led them to their table, "He's allergic to peanuts, get them away, get them away!"
My first thought was, "If you are allergic to peanuts, why would you come here to eat?"
If I was allergic to something, the last place I would go to dine would be a place covered with whatever I am allergic to.
Why? Why, if he is allergic to peanuts, did they choose to eat at the Texas Roadhouse? RJ's Sizzlin' Steer is about ten minutes down the road in Murrieta, and they don't serve peanuts, and in my opinion, are slightly better when it comes to the quality of the steaks.
Either, the person is not a clear thinker, they didn't know that peanuts were being served, or the couple decided to visit Texas Roadhouse because they were hoping for an excuse for a lawsuit.
To me, the nonsensical peanut case sounded a lot like the gay couple who asked a Christian baker to bake a homosexual wedding cake. They knew that there was a baker up the street that would bake their cake, but they chose the Christians, cried when they wouldn't bake the cake, sued them, forced them to lose their business, and the Christian couple who owned the bakery wound up declaring bankruptcy.
Why didn't they just go to the baker up the street?
Either, they were not clear thinkers, they didn't know the Christians would not bake the cake, or they were hoping for a lawsuit.
In the latter case I think it was the latter reason.
And they call conservatives the fascists?
As for the peanuts...I am not sure I was more alarmed by the fact that a guy with peanut allergies would enter such an establishment, or how snotty his girlfriend was when she saw the bucket of peanuts on the table.
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
Trump Reveals Foolishness of Conservative NeverTrump Movement
By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host
There are two kinds of "Never Trump" camps, out there. The hard left nutcakes who are destroying America through violent riots and fiery protests because they believe Trump wishes to destroy America, and the conservative Never Trump folks who said during the election that Trump was nothing more than a New York Liberal posing as a Republican (to help Hillary Clinton win the election).
Trump's victory and ascension to the presidency of the United States of America stunned both groups, and his first month in the White House has proven both groups to be nothing less than fools.
Before he even stepped into the shoes of President of the United States on January 20, Trump's business acumen and pull-no-punches style had businesses clamoring to return to the United States for the production of their products. Trump has already reduced the national debt by $12 million, and has spurned a worldwide movement willing to stand against the ruling class leftist establishment. He has been working to build the border wall, as promised; is continuing to work with conservatives as he slams the liberal media; his work has been returning jobs to the U.S., and despite the accusations of racism, is taking care to work to help improve the opportunities of black communities; and it has been shown that it was not Trump getting assistance from Russia, but Hillary Clinton.
Have we not learned, by now, that the Democrats lie and project?
The reality is, Trump is turning out, so far, to be a good President of the United States, and a conservative one, at that. He was right about Sweden (and the problem of Islamic refugee programs throughout Europe - and here - while working to resolve the problem domestically with his travel ban). He has the furious liberal left media back-pedaling, and the hard-left, anti-American crazies exposing who they really are. . . traitors who stand against the American System.
Yet, there are still Republicans who can't stand Trump, and continue to doubt he is not some liberal Trojan Horse?
While the leftists reveal that they are truly the ones who are racists, and that they truly do not understand the Constitution, much less, support it, Trump just keeps doing his thing. He isn't cowering in the corner, nor is he giving the leftists a single inch... and I am loving it. As they say, Trump is simply being Trump.
The thing is, the liberal left Democrats, and the conservative Never Trump crowd, do not understand Trump. He's unconventional, and they can't seem to pull their noses out of the textbook of how things should be done, even though Trump has proven conventional political wisdom is a farce.
Trump, unlike the rest of the political establishment, is in tune with the people, and understands the basic tenets of liberty and a successful economy. The establishment is hating it because Trump is outside their little club, and it places their power and money at risk. While the Republicans have helped grow the size of government while promising to run the massive bureaucracy in a conservative manner (as if that's not an oxymoron), Trump is challenging their control of 37% of the economy and handouts of $6 trillion per year, and is saying, "This has got to change." He is disabling the liberal press which has been driving the narrative that fuels the expansion of government, and he has placed sticks of dynamite in the Washington D.C. bubble so as to expose all of them for who they are, what they know, and what they have been doing.
Trump has Americans engaged again. We are paying attention, and it turns out that like Trump, we don't like what we see. So, the Democrats are rioting, and crying, and throwing temper-tantrums, and the statist members of the GOP are lashing out and panicking. And, as voters watch what is going on, the number of Tea Party Republicans is destined to increase in Washington. . . because now the environment is more constitution-friendly and will be welcoming to their rise.
Trump isn't arguing for his policies in a manner that the politicians of the past have. He's doing it by holding public events and using press conferences and social media to speak directly to the American People. He is calling out the obstructionists, and he is using a conservative bully pulpit to slam the establishment with a big stick not much unlike the one Teddy Roosevelt proverbially swung around.
The Donald has taken a lesson from George Washington, who didn't sit in his chair at the capital trying to administratively keep the country moving forward and unified, but got out there with long tours to talk to the people. When the Whiskey Rebellion erupted, he got on his horse and visited Kentucky to quell the divide. Washington understood that speaking directly to the people would unify the country behind him, and Trump is doing the same. President James Monroe did the same, and his connection to the people vastly influenced his popularity. He ran unopposed for reelection.
The American People do not want the President to be some distant professional politician in the District of Columbia. They want their leaders to be among them, to understand them, and to stand unified with them.
Trump is unconventional, and rejects conventional wisdom because the "the way it's always been" does not work. He appeals to most of the American population because he talks to the American People. His press conferences, while the media is present, is pointed at the American People.
Our complaint has been against the establishment, all along. And when we finally find our piece of filet mignon to send to Capitol Hill, we are devastated when, after our favorite candidate goes through the meat grinder, it turns out he or she becomes just another glob of ground beef like the rest of them.
Trump is a hard piece of leather, one that only slightly bends, and refuses to yield. He cannot be made into ground beef by the meat grinder, and in truth, the politicians are panicking because Trump is screwing the meat grinder up and is compromising their sharp blades of power.
Conservatives were wondering, under Obama, if we were headed for a revolution. Could the Tea Party survive the onslaught of leftism? Trump is the candidate the Tea Party was calling for. He's the President that embodies our revolution, and the demand by the American People that the establishment be taken down. Trump is a disruptor. He's unorthodoxed, loud, and sticks to his guns. The more I get to know him, the more I respect him. He's exactly what America needed. Now, it's just a matter of getting through the processes of getting this country turned around.
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host
There are two kinds of "Never Trump" camps, out there. The hard left nutcakes who are destroying America through violent riots and fiery protests because they believe Trump wishes to destroy America, and the conservative Never Trump folks who said during the election that Trump was nothing more than a New York Liberal posing as a Republican (to help Hillary Clinton win the election).
Trump's victory and ascension to the presidency of the United States of America stunned both groups, and his first month in the White House has proven both groups to be nothing less than fools.
Before he even stepped into the shoes of President of the United States on January 20, Trump's business acumen and pull-no-punches style had businesses clamoring to return to the United States for the production of their products. Trump has already reduced the national debt by $12 million, and has spurned a worldwide movement willing to stand against the ruling class leftist establishment. He has been working to build the border wall, as promised; is continuing to work with conservatives as he slams the liberal media; his work has been returning jobs to the U.S., and despite the accusations of racism, is taking care to work to help improve the opportunities of black communities; and it has been shown that it was not Trump getting assistance from Russia, but Hillary Clinton.
Have we not learned, by now, that the Democrats lie and project?
The reality is, Trump is turning out, so far, to be a good President of the United States, and a conservative one, at that. He was right about Sweden (and the problem of Islamic refugee programs throughout Europe - and here - while working to resolve the problem domestically with his travel ban). He has the furious liberal left media back-pedaling, and the hard-left, anti-American crazies exposing who they really are. . . traitors who stand against the American System.
Yet, there are still Republicans who can't stand Trump, and continue to doubt he is not some liberal Trojan Horse?
While the leftists reveal that they are truly the ones who are racists, and that they truly do not understand the Constitution, much less, support it, Trump just keeps doing his thing. He isn't cowering in the corner, nor is he giving the leftists a single inch... and I am loving it. As they say, Trump is simply being Trump.
The thing is, the liberal left Democrats, and the conservative Never Trump crowd, do not understand Trump. He's unconventional, and they can't seem to pull their noses out of the textbook of how things should be done, even though Trump has proven conventional political wisdom is a farce.
Trump, unlike the rest of the political establishment, is in tune with the people, and understands the basic tenets of liberty and a successful economy. The establishment is hating it because Trump is outside their little club, and it places their power and money at risk. While the Republicans have helped grow the size of government while promising to run the massive bureaucracy in a conservative manner (as if that's not an oxymoron), Trump is challenging their control of 37% of the economy and handouts of $6 trillion per year, and is saying, "This has got to change." He is disabling the liberal press which has been driving the narrative that fuels the expansion of government, and he has placed sticks of dynamite in the Washington D.C. bubble so as to expose all of them for who they are, what they know, and what they have been doing.
Trump has Americans engaged again. We are paying attention, and it turns out that like Trump, we don't like what we see. So, the Democrats are rioting, and crying, and throwing temper-tantrums, and the statist members of the GOP are lashing out and panicking. And, as voters watch what is going on, the number of Tea Party Republicans is destined to increase in Washington. . . because now the environment is more constitution-friendly and will be welcoming to their rise.
Trump isn't arguing for his policies in a manner that the politicians of the past have. He's doing it by holding public events and using press conferences and social media to speak directly to the American People. He is calling out the obstructionists, and he is using a conservative bully pulpit to slam the establishment with a big stick not much unlike the one Teddy Roosevelt proverbially swung around.
The Donald has taken a lesson from George Washington, who didn't sit in his chair at the capital trying to administratively keep the country moving forward and unified, but got out there with long tours to talk to the people. When the Whiskey Rebellion erupted, he got on his horse and visited Kentucky to quell the divide. Washington understood that speaking directly to the people would unify the country behind him, and Trump is doing the same. President James Monroe did the same, and his connection to the people vastly influenced his popularity. He ran unopposed for reelection.
The American People do not want the President to be some distant professional politician in the District of Columbia. They want their leaders to be among them, to understand them, and to stand unified with them.
Trump is unconventional, and rejects conventional wisdom because the "the way it's always been" does not work. He appeals to most of the American population because he talks to the American People. His press conferences, while the media is present, is pointed at the American People.
Our complaint has been against the establishment, all along. And when we finally find our piece of filet mignon to send to Capitol Hill, we are devastated when, after our favorite candidate goes through the meat grinder, it turns out he or she becomes just another glob of ground beef like the rest of them.
Trump is a hard piece of leather, one that only slightly bends, and refuses to yield. He cannot be made into ground beef by the meat grinder, and in truth, the politicians are panicking because Trump is screwing the meat grinder up and is compromising their sharp blades of power.
Conservatives were wondering, under Obama, if we were headed for a revolution. Could the Tea Party survive the onslaught of leftism? Trump is the candidate the Tea Party was calling for. He's the President that embodies our revolution, and the demand by the American People that the establishment be taken down. Trump is a disruptor. He's unorthodoxed, loud, and sticks to his guns. The more I get to know him, the more I respect him. He's exactly what America needed. Now, it's just a matter of getting through the processes of getting this country turned around.
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
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