Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Islamic Coalition, with Russian Support, is Ready to Launch an Assault Against Israel

History shows that when dictators make outrageous threats, often they are planning to act upon such threats.

Adolf Hitler thought himself to be some kind of secular messiah. Hitler explicitly rejected the idea that there may be a God in the heavens, rejected biblical principles and authority. In short, he hated Christianity, and even hated more so the Jewish people. In addition to this hate for anyone that claimed allegiance to God, he also garnered an unappeasable appetite for controlling humanity. During the 1930's his constant rhetoric was warnings of his intentions, and he was explicit about his intentions, as is Ahmadinejad of Iran. Neville Chamberlain was sent to visit Hitler during the 1930's, and even made a deal with him (dripping with appeasement), and Hitler broke the deal, and then proceeded to lead the world (with the help of Japan and Italy) into the worse war in history. Churchill wrote later, "There never was a war in all history easier to prevent by timely action." Notice the word "action", not negotiations. Ronald Reagan chose to learn from history when he confronted the Soviet Union and brought the Cold War to an end.

Some wonder if the Cold War actually ended, with Russia's sudden determination to build an empire once again, complete with alliances with Iran and a number of other Islamic States.

One of Joesph Stalin's most famous quotes was, "A person, a problem; no person - no problem." So, essentially, millions of people became non-persons. And like Hitler, he had a hatred toward Christianity, and an even stronger hatred for Soviet Jews. During Stalin's reign of terror, tens of millions of Russians died from purges, wars, and famines. Many of these were Jews, at least a million of whom were deported from Moscow in 1953 and sent to slave-labor camps in Siberia, never to be heard from again.

A murderous, anti-Semitic and anti-Christian dictator has risen in Iran, and his rhetoric is even more explicit than his historical counterparts. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has called for the complete destruction of the Jewish state of Israel, saying that "Israel must be wiped off the map." He is feverishly seeking nuclear weapons, has indicated that he doesn't fear using such weapons against Israel and the United States for complete annihilation of those nations, and he believes that he has been placed into the position of President of Iran in order to bring about chaos, war, bloodshed, and pestilence so that he may usher in the return of the 12th Imam. Oh, and did I mention? He wishes to launch a global jihad against the Jews and Christians, believing this is one of the important steps of bringing about judgment day and the return of the Islamic Mahdi to launch his final revolution.

Now, about now the Left (as they have before) will begin laughing and say, "Do you really think that Islamic Terrorists can actually just do everything that Ahmadinejad is threatening? Hardly the real world."

Well, to answer your question: Perhaps. However, what if they had a little help?

First of all, we were essentially blindsided by 9/11. Yes, there was intelligence that suggested that what happened on September 11, 2001 was possible, but the notion was never taken serious, nor was the exact style of attack (flying airliners into the World Trade Center) fully expected. Essentially, we were attacked because of many factors, including our complete lack of taking action and dealing with the terrorists during Clinton's administration while they were attacking our embassies and other targets (including the WTC at on point) which drove Islam to move up to the next level of an attack, and also because of the failure of imagination at the highest levels of government that such an attack could happen in such a manner, or that the enemy would even be willing to do such a thing. In fact, the attack surprised most Defense Department officials, just as Iraq's attack on Kuwait did (because they were unwilling to look at the signs).

During all of this our focus has departed from Russia. The Cold War ended. Right?

Extraordinary changes have been underway in Russia since the fall of the Soviet Union. The evil system in place could not survive. Communism is really in direct opposition of human nature and behavior. Freedom is a right that was endowed by our Creator, as the U.S. Constitution states. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness cannot be contained.

The evil empire did in fact collapse. The Soviet flag was lowered over the Kremlin for the last time on Christmas Day, 1991. Atheism died with it in that country, for a large part, and Bibles and Christian books flooded into Russia. Vladimir Putin was not too thrilled about that.

Vladimir Putin was trained by the KGB, and at one time was Russia's top spy. Now, as Russia's current president, he is not secretive regarding his long-term goals for Russia. One of his goals is clear. He plans to rebuild Russia's military, and he endeavors to reach this goal through alliances with Islamic States in the Middle East and Africa.

Putin's mission, as relayed in First Person by himself and three Russian journalists, is to stop the collapse of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, be harsh and brutal to his enemies, return Russia to a truly supercentralized state, and to send all of his critics to Hell (if there was such a place). In a speech in 2005 he indicated that the fall of the Soviet Union was the "greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the century." I suppose the 20 million deaths by the hand of Stalin's reign of terror, or the 6 million Jews who died in the Holocaust under Adolf Hitler, or the 3 million deaths in the killing fields of Cambodia under Pol Pot, or the millions to die by the hand of Communist China, aren't nearly as tragic, according to Vladimir Putin.

His fondness for murder and cruelty is even more chilling when you consider he is the leader of Russia, a nation which possesses 10,000 warheads, and currently has expansionist ambitions which includes alliances with Islamic nations that have shown a history of aiding and sponsoring terrorism. And now, as I write this, Russia's Vladimir Putin is seeking out an alliance with Iran.

Iran declared war on the United States in 1979 during the Islamic revolution in that country which resulted in the overthrow and expulsion of the Shah as well as taking American Embassy personnel hostage for 444 days. Ironically, it was Saddam Hussein that first forced Iran to begin forming ties with the Communists in the Soviet Union. After years of war with Iraq, Iran was suffering economically and militarily, and Russia seemed to be their preference and most receptive neighbor. And even though Clinton pressured the Russians to sign an agreement in 1995 to stop selling arms to Iran, according to Epicenter by Joel Rosenberg, by 2000 the Russian arms sales to Iran reached over $4 billion.

Iran's nuclear ambitions began long ago, but Russia has been assisting along the way. Then, Ahmadinejad became president of Iran in 2005, and immediately he began proclaiming that his goal was a world without America and Israel, and he was willing to enlist Russia's help to make it so.

Russia has assisted Iran in building their nuclear facilities, and are negotiating with Iran to build twenty more nuclear power plants. Ahmadinejad claims the plants are for non-military reasons, but only a fool would believe that. Iran is sitting on an ocean of oil and natural gas, and I have difficulty believing they are suffering from a lack of energy supplies.

Russian diplomats have repeatedly stalled U.S. and European sanctions on Iran for its activities, and Putin is knee-deep in Russian assistance to Iran, despite (and maybe because of) Ahmadinejad's promise to annihilate Israel.

Back to that question I asked earlier from a liberal point of view.

"Do you really think that Islamic Terrorists can actually just do everything that Ahmadinejad is threatening?"
Absolutely, unless we do something to stop it.


I also wrote a post about another crazy dictator, Hugo Chavez, over at MyPointRadio.net.

Tonight, before my interview of Kit Lange from EuphoricReality (and a representative of The Gathering of Eagles) at 7pm Pacific/10pm Eastern time on Political Pistachio Radio, the Halls of Valhalla have my guest from last Wednesday, Walid Shoebat (Muslim who converted to Christianity), with a twist added. He will have a second guest on at the same time, but this guest is a Christian that converted to Muslim!

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