Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Idiots and Morons and Libtards, Oh My!

My Google Alert tells me whenever someone on the world wide web mentions me, or links me. More often than not I ignore the alerts that tell me that particular lefty bloggers have written about me, but a sick curiosity encouraged me to check out the latest post by Neurotic Tom the Idiot Leftard Blogger. The same day I received yet another idiotic e-mail (actually two idiotic e-mails) from Mudkitty the leftard fur-ball, and moronic comments by Caday5 over at my Townhall site (not to mention that now somebody has hacked into my MySpace site and sent out messages to all my friends with a sex site link attached). So, I guess it is safe to say it has been a banner day for Douglas V. Gibbs, Political Blogger.

When it comes to Neurotic Tom, I tend to ignore the idiot. He's about as bright as Mr. "I Got My Reasons" over at BlogTalkRadio, and usually by ignoring him he places a noose around his neck and tugs the rope without any outside help. The interesting part of it is, however, that more often than not while Tom is hanging himself, he doesn't even notice that the chair beneath his feet has fallen over.

Well, I have copied his post in its entirety below with my comments to show you, the loyal Political Pistachio reader, how idiotic Tom truly can be. And for those of you that wish to tell me that I am simply feeding the troll, perhaps that is true, but every once in a while I become so fed up with the idiot that I feel like standing the chair up under his feet so that he can adjust his noose.

Anyway, here is that latest post he has written regarding me (I have replaced a few letters in the profanity with asterisks), my comments are in red.


Doug last week;

"Are we heading into a recession like all of the newpapers and news channels are saying?" I answered with a quick, "No."

Doug this week;.. because of government's tendency to want to save everyone with federal intervention, they will send us into a recession.

I swear, you can't make this sh** up.. what a f***ing idiot.

Okay, here is where Tom proves that he can't see beyond the nose on his face, nor does he understand more than what lies on the surface. And yes, Tom, I know you are reading this, so I will address this directly to you. You, my friend, are the idiot, not I. The first statement, if you will read it carefully, stated that I believe we are not heading towards a recession. But, if you read the post further I explain that our economy will remain strong as long as the government entitlement people keep their paws out of it. Specifically, I said, "The idiot Democrats truly believe our economy is headed for big trouble, and are proposing huge economic stumulus packages that will result in higher taxes, which will take money out of the pockets of the consumers, hence taking away their ability to buy as many products, which will slow down the movement of goods, which in turn will slow the economy and send us into that recession they think they are trying to avoid." In other words, I did not flip-flop, you idiot, I said there will be no recession if there is no government intervention because the economy will adjust itself, but with government doing what it can to save us, it will actually create an atmosphere that will head us straight into a recession. Does your simple mind understand that?

Doug has a weird complex that I don't think has been defined by science yet. Okay, now Tom has decided my ability to have my own opinion which differs from his is some kind of mental fault . . . For example, the people at the Fed that control monetary policy are professional economists that have dedicated their lives to economic issues. These are the cream of the intellectual crop, and while other economists may disagree with the fine print, they generally are exceptionally qualified to make judgements about the economy. Doug is a heavy equipment operator with no formal education. Despite this, he feels eminently qualified to opine on any topic, no matter how complex or arcane, as the economy is. It's really bizarre, this sense of expertise he feels he has on any subject.

The people at the Fed, those professional economists, are so indoctrinated by the socialist agenda that they believe that Government can cure all of our ills, and have lost sight of the truth. . .as for your nice little comment about me being a heavy equipment operator with no formal education, once again, Tom, you show how much of an idiot you truly are. First of all, regarding my education, my transcripts would probably disagree with you. I was helping idiots like you with their homework while I was at it, too. Secondly, regarding my qualifications to understand the economy and economic conditions, do you know what I did for a living before I began working in the construction industry? Take a guess. Buzzzzzz, wrong again. I was a loan counselor at a major financial institution, a licensed securities agent, and financial advisor for six years - all of that just before I worked closely with revenues for a city for four years. Sound like someone that doesn't understand the complexities of economics? But why then would Doug enter the construction industry? Well, that is a long story, but in the end, I made a lot more money operating that 24,000 pound piece of machinery than I did in the office, that is for sure. Or, were you stereotyping me, Tom? Are construction guys just too stupid to understand such things? I thought you libtards had a problem with people who stereotype?

And bonus idiocy..

When the president addressed climate change, I shook my head. The idea of man-made global warming is not only idiotic, but has been proven to be false. In fact, a Russian Scientist has determined that the natural warming cycle has come to an end, and we are heading into a cooling cycle which will peak in 2041.

Because one Russian scientist says it, it must be true.. uh huh.

That one story was the one I decided to reference. Thousands of scientists have come out against the man-made global warming lie. Actually, all you have to do is take some basic classes to understand that the warming of the planet is caused by the sun, and the cycles are dependent upon solar flare activity/sunspot activity to be specific. It is much more complex than that, but Tom, I don't think your simplistic mind could handle it, so I will give you only two materials to read regarding this. Holly Fretwell's "The Sky's Not Falling!" and Chris Horner's "The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming and Environmentalism."

The best bit though...

I am now once again actively pursuing representation by literary agencies. Now, in this free country of fairness, the rejection letters I am receiving read: "Real page turner, well written, but I cannot represent anything that glorifies Bush's 'illegal' wars." I know a few writers that have gone through the same problem (two of those writers are my guests on Thursday's radio show).

The list of conservative books in the last 8 years are endless. Doug doesn't seem to understand that it's possible the literary agents are just being kind.. because, in reality, he's a sh***y writer. I'm not referring to the content, or the opinion, I'm referring to the mechanics of writing. He puts out a sizable volume, but the skill is borderline child-like.

Idiot, of course the list of conservative books in the last 8 years are endless - but notice they are all by folks that have face and/or name recognition by publishers that DO NOT accept first time writers - second of all, you are referring to non-fiction. The Fiction industry is even more inundated by liberal agents and publishers that place their opinions above the quality of the work. As for you sh**ty writer comment, after reading your site and your necessity for profanity to get your point across, I may be a crappy writer in your opinion, but compared to you, I am a freaking pulitzer prize winner. And if my skill is so borderline child-like, you moron, then why in college did I not only excel at research papers, but helped others write theirs as well, with A's as the results? And if I am such a sh**y writer, then why are my blogs so popular? You believe I am not a good writer because what I write does not agree with your idiotic view of the world. How about you set aside allowing your emotions to dominate your politics, and look at things from a rational point of view for once. Heck, Tom, you may actually notice the truth for once.

Okay, on to the next moron. Mudkitty is a name I am sure you longtime readers will recognize. Well, guess what, she still e-mails me. First e-mail she sends says "your guy is considered liberal," with a link to this VIDEO. No kidding, you idiot. I've been telling people McCain is liberal for a long time. Thanks for the video, it proves my point. Obviously, he is not my guy, but honestly, as liberal as McCain is, he is still not the Marxist that Hillary is, nor the racist socialist that Obama is.

The other e-mail from Mudkitty really cracks me up. The subject line says "Doug's adult site." This is the second time she has tried to pull this. Apparently, over at my Yahoo 360 site, if you find where I have on my site my interests and you click on the one that says "Time With My Wife," one of the ads that Yahoo uses in relation to that is a less than moral site. That's her claim of my adult site? Mudkitty, you are an idiot. That is an outside advertiser used by Yahoo 360 in relation to what I put.

Now I am not even going to go into the details of the idiocy my troll at my townhall site puts, but if you are curious, he's the commenter that goes by Caday5. Read it and laugh.

Oh, one more thing, some moron, speaking of which, at MySpace has hacked into my MySpace page and sent out sex-site links to all of my friends in my name - so for those of you that are my MySpace readers, I apologize, and if this continues, I will close the site and open a new one.

Okay, I think I am finished ranting about the idiots and morons and libtards (oh, my). Tomorrow I will be back to my regular conservative commentary.

God Bless, and please pray for the troops.

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