Obama's glorifying return to Europe has been anything but. His European tour began with Barack Hussein Obama paying disrespect to The Crown with his I-Pod gift, and Michelle's non-protocol bodily contact with the Queen of England. This idiocy has been more proof of his (and her) inexperience, and inability to understand the importance of properly preparing for various international functions. One wonders if he is so narcissistic that he doesn't even feel that he has to do any research regarding protocol, procedures, or customs.
Obama's latest act of stupidity, one that rises to a level of moronic proportions, involves a French kiss. Specifically, his latest blunder is regarding the custom in France to kiss cheeks. President Obama first shared a cheek kiss with French President Sarkozy as Michelle Obama did the same with Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, the wife of the President of France. When the couples changed places and Michelle Obama followed the same technique with President Sarkozy as she did with Bruni-Sarkozy, Barack Obama became hesitant as he approached the French version of the First Lady, pulling back, and instead he shook hands with Carla Bruni-Sarkozy as she began to move in for her kiss. Obama appeared to be moving forward to deliver the kiss as well, even puckering up, but then he suddenly hit the brakes, and rejected the French custom.
This brings to memory a speech during the campaign in which Obama proclaimed how embarrassed he was of Americans that we only speak English, and urged us to begin teaching our children Spanish (and other languages) - yet this European display by him and his wife doesn't embarrass him?
This case of Obama being out of lip-sync follows another incident that goes beyond embarrassing. In a sickening display of submission, President Obama practically dropped to his knees when he bowed deeply to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. Note: He did not even consider bowing to the Queen of England.
Obama's bow to King Abdullah is being viewed by many as the American leader (and America through him) submitting to Islam. What's worse is that many of those that view it this way are Muslim, and such an action by our president is an ignorant show of weakness in the face of a ruthless enemy desiring to see the complete submission of The West to the horrors of Shariah Law and the Islamic ideology.
President Obama's antics are beyond being horrifyingly embarrassing for our country. His actions are extremely dangerous, and is drastically weakening our rapidly weakening position on the world stage. Then again, perhaps that is exactly his goal, considering the liberal abhorrence of American exceptionalism.
During Obama's NATO Meetings Press Conference this morning he actually stated he believes in American Exceptionalism just as Britain would believe they are exceptional, in response to a question addressing such. But the actions, and past words, of the liberal Democrats are evidence that they not only abhor American Exceptionalism, but realize that such pride endangers their plans, and must be lessened if America is going to join their Globalistic Dreams of co-dependency on an international level.
In that same speech, this morning, Obama became apologetic over our prosperity. Like most Democrats that populate the liberal left, he feels guilty for America - guilty that we have it so good. And the only way to ease this guilt is to destroy the engines that drive our exceptional prosperity: Liberty and Capitalism.
The plans to destroy Liberty and Capitalism are underway. Obama's assault on America is full steam ahead.
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
A SICKENING SPECTACLE - Andrea Shea King, Radio Patriot
SUBMISSION: Obama Bows and Kisses the ....... of Saudi King - Pamela Geller, Atlas Shrugs
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