Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Obama's Dropping Approval Rating

In Ohio President Barack Obama's approval rating has dipped below 50%. Ohio is historically a trendsetter in presidential elections, and is often a preview of national approval ratings. With that in mind, it is not unreasonable to assume the entire national approval rating for Obama is not far behind the Ohio number in its plummet to skid into the gutter.

Not one to put too much importance on polls because I am firmly convinced that they tend to be manipulated, and usually in favor of the Left, I find it fascinating that when George W. Bush was President every single little dip in the polls were captured on the news networks as another valuable piece of evidence of how horrible of a President Bush was. Yet, any movement in the polls regarding Obama are ignored (unless they go up, of course), or are downplayed as a temporary dip on the rollercoaster ride of opinion polls. Sometimes, just for good measure, the Liberal Left will discount the poll daring to show a loss in adoration for Obama completely, accusing the writer of such a blasphemous article of "cherry-picking" the opinion polls.

I believe there is more at work here than meets the eye. The Democrat's economic decisions are not sitting well with most Americans, even those that voted for "The One." Poor economic news was not supposed to be the news of the day at this point of the Obama Presidency. He had proclaimed that by the summer things would be improving, but now we are looking at double-digit unemployment, and a spending spree by the Obama Adminsitration that makes Bush's hated spending habits look like a drop in the bucket.

The Democrats ran on "anything is better than Bush," and the public is realizing that the mantra was not necessarily true. There are worse things in the world, and they are far left, liberal crazies. Now that Washington D.C. is teeming with the Leftists, unless the economy miraculously rebounds, 2010 will be a gold rush for the Republicans.

As Ohio goes, so goes the nation - when it comes to opinions on the White House.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

By Douglas V. Gibbs

Ohio: Obama Under 50% Approval - Real Clear Politics, Tom Bevan

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