Monday, August 17, 2009

Death of the Public Option a Mere Postponement

In desperation to save his precious nationalized health care bill, Barack Obama called out to his emotions over the death of his grandmother, and the notion that he would have been willing to pull the plug on grandma under a health care bill like H.R. 3200. He stated that the argument regarding death panels and euthanasia was nothing more than a scare tactic. Obama said, "When you start making arguments like that, that's simply dishonest - especially when I hear the arguments coming from members of Congress in the other party who, turns out, sponsored similar provisions."

Obama spoke of his grandmother's death, striking back against the Conservative claim that "end-of-life counseling" in government health care programs is a step toward euthanasia.

As Obama was trying to explain away the "death panels" provision in the Health Care bill, telling the American People that the provision does not exist, key senators were working on excluding the provision on end-of-life care from the health care legislation.

Senator Chuck Grassley, a Republican out of Iowa, said of the move that the death panels provision had been dropped from consideration because it could be misinterpreted or implemented incorrectly. The provision reimbursed doctors for voluntary counseling sessions about end-of-life decisions, a provision that has been considered by critics of the bill to be a doorway of opportunity for H.R. 3200 to lead to death panels and euthanasia for seniors.

If the provision never existed, as Obama was assuring us, then how is it they were able to remove it from the bill?

Led by Sarah Palin's claim that the bill is "evil," the protests at the Town Hall meetings, and the accusation that the legislators would never allow themselves to live under the rules that Americans would be forced to live under, the onslaught of dissent regarding the bill has apparently made headway. Now, the Democrats are making claim that they will be withdrawing the public option, and are moving in the direction of instead pushing a system of nonprofit insurance cooperatives.

Their claim to move in the direction of nonprofit insurance cooperatives is a slick deception. Such a move would not remove the public option, it only redirects its intrusion. Whether it be a public option, or a co-op, increased government involvement in the health care system will not solve the problems that infest the system. The problem is government intrusion in the first place, so how can more government involvement be a cure? The regulations on the insurance industry that requires a narrow band of lateral movement of the insurers, and restrictions that keep the industry from allowing the providers to be more competitive through a variety of products more suitable to the needs of the individuals, strangles the industry, and squashes the free market.

Obama has specifically denounced Tort Reform, which would have more effect correcting the out of control costs of health care, while continuing to proclaim he wishes to bring down the costs with government intrusion, and the eventual elimination of the private system. Tort Reform would limit frivolous lawsuits, and in turn ease the burden of malpractice insurance which is crippling the industry while encouraging the medical industry to over-order procedures in an attempt to cover all bases in the hopes of staving off the blood-sucking ambulance chasing lawyers that the Democrats seem to have gotten in bed with.

The Democrats, instead, would have us spend more money on a government intrusion that would destroy our private system, and give bureaucrats the power over our choices regarding health care. They would have us further bankrupt America in an attempt to destroy the free market aspects of the health care industry, and ultimately give more power to the government over our lives.

I am not suggesting that the current health care system is without its failings. I am suggesting that the primary cause of those failings is government intrusion, and the solution to the problem is not an increase of government control over the system. Rather, control over the legal system's exploitation of the medical industry, and the increasing control over the industry by government forces must be addressed, and resolved. Until then, the health care industry in America runs the risk of losing its title as the best in the world, and risks becoming so expensive that only the most elite will be able to afford proper care for themselves, and their families.

Without the retreat of government from the system, it is doomed to become a system broken and tattered, and yet another victim of big government's unquenchable thirst for totalitarian power.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Obama invokes grandmother's death in health debate -

Senators exclude end-of-life provision from bill - Associated Press/Yahoo News

Spending Your Own Money – Complaining Lefties? - GM's Place, G.M. Roper

Public Option Losing Steam? White House Open to Health Care Reform Without Government Plan - Fox News

White House appears ready to drop 'public option' - Associated Press, Yahoo News, Philip Elliot

Rasmussen Poll: Support for Democrat healthcare reform down to 42% - Health Care Horserace

Obama's healthcare horror -, Camille Paglia

Democrat Camille Paglia laments "the drift of my party toward a soulless collectivism" - America's Independent Party National Committee, Steve Schulin

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