The Left will do anything to prove their lies to be the truth, even if it means lying to do so.
Leftists are convinced that Conservatism runs in line with Nazism, even though Nazism is National Socialism - a platform that was very close to what the liberal Democrats have now as their agenda (minus the genocidal atrocities).
Leftists are also convinced that members of the Right are violent racists. To try to drive this one home, MSNBC deceptively edited video from a Phoenix rally near where Obama had addressed the Veterans of Foreign Wars. The video shows a man with a semi-automatic assault rifle slung over his shoulder and resting across his back. Contessa Brewer, the female commentator, says after showing the man with the rifle on his back (close-up shot of rifle, and white shirt background), and another person with a sidearm, that "about a dozen at the event in all were visible carrying firearms, and the reason we are talking about this, a lot of talk here, because people feel like - yes, there are 2nd Amendment Rights, for sure - but also there are a lot of questions about whether this has racial overtones. Here you have a man of color in the presidency and white people showing up with guns strapped to their waists or their legs."
Then the black anchorman comes into the conversation to validate the conversation with his own token speech about racism in America, saying, "It is real that there is tremendous anger in this country. . . anger about a black person becoming president. . . we see this black man becoming president, and we see these hate groups rising up. . . I am not going to be surprised if we see someone get a chance and take a chance to really try to hurt him, and it is up to the Secret Service to make sure it doesn't actually become history, but I think we are going to see somebody . . . some sort of Hinkley figure, because there is so much anger in the country about government."
The other anchor then adds, "and you add racism, put those two together. . . "
The entire conversation was about "them racist rightwingers." Thing is, we could care less about Obama's skin color. The anger by Conservatives, and Independents, and non-liberal Democrats, has nothing to do with race, and MSNBC knows it. We are all angry about his attempt to change the American Form of Government into a socialistic system modeled after the failing European systems. But, the Left is losing badly on the debate regarding the socialist programs Obama is trying to initiate, and they are getting slaughtered in the argument about Health Care. Their attempt to paint the Right as a bunch of gun-toting, Bible thumping crazies has failed too. The Democrats figured, if untrue demonization worked on Bush, surely it would work on the members of the American public that dared to disagree with them. They are now reaching desperately for anything they can get their hands on. A bunch of gun carrying white people outside an Obama function was the evidence they needed that all of their unwarranted suspicions about conservatives was true. All they needed to do was show that those white people mean harm to the President, and are a bunch of racists. Convince the people of that, and everything else would be a hate-induced cake walk.
Problem is, they failed to show you the skin color of that racist white man carrying the semi-automatic weapon on his back, and the pistol on his hip. The reason for that is because the racist, angry, gun-toting extremist was not a white man, but rather a black conservative.
MSNBC has been caught red-handed in a detestable attempt to manipulate public sentiment. It comes as no surprise, honestly, because this is their normal tactic - it's just this time they were caught in a big way, and with a blatant example of "hate-mongering" (funny how the Left accuses the Right of it, yet it is they that are guilty of it).
Let's go back, now that we know the white racist is a black man, and go back over what they said.
Contessa began with commenting on the fact that "about a dozen at the event in all were visible carrying firearms." In Arizona it is perfectly legal to carry a firearm. Whether or not it was wise for these folks to do so near an event where Obama was speaking is a different matter to discuss. But what is telling about the comment, and the comments we normally hear from the Left, is that there is an assumption that if a law abiding citizen has a firearm on him, they are liable to use them, and probably want to. Oh, them dangerous, gun-toting crazy, white, conservatives!
Of course, to protect themselves so that they don't sound like they hate the U.S. Constitution, or anything, Contessa makes sure she says that "there are 2nd Amendment Rights," but then goes on to say "People feel like. . . this has racial overtones." People? What people? Does she mean the 18% (14%?) of the population that are far left loonies? Nobody is mentioning "racial overtones" except the Left, and a handful of whacko groups that have been using "racial overtones" as their platform since time began. If there is a race issue, it is because the Left is creating one.
"Here you have a man of color in the presidency and white people showing up with guns strapped to their waists or their legs," was her final statement. The Left talks about diversity and unity and bringing the races together in harmony, and then race-bait like this? Are you kidding me? If you were one of the fence-post dense MSNBC viewers (personally, I didn't think there was anyone dumb enough left in the U.S. that watches MSNBC) who believes everything the Left dishes out, then I suppose you would believe that all "right-wingers" are racist - but anyone with a brain who has been paying attention to the political atmosphere will be able to say that they can't recall any racial slurs against Obama. In fact, these same people with brains would have to say the only time "race" is brought into the argument, it is by the Left, as it has been right here by MSNBC.
Remember, too, it is the Left that always talks about "groups." They see America in groups. Conservatives view the populace as individual Americans. Now, you tell me who the racists are: The people that see America in groups? Or the people that see America as a bunch of individuals?
Then the black anchorman said, "It is real that there is tremendous anger in this country. . . anger about a black person becoming president." Once again, an attempt to get the viewer to believe that white people, specifically conservative white people (surprised they didn't throw "Bible-thumping" into the sentence, to be honest), are stereotypical white racists and must believe that white's are "losing America" because a black man is in the office of President of the United States.
I must ask, also, "What anger about a black man becoming president" is this guy talking about? Does this idiot really believe that all of the anger about the government is because Obama has some skin color that is of a darker shade? Is the MSNBC anchor truly that stupid? It is all about the policies! America does not want National Socialism, and that is what Obama is pushing with his policies! You can call it Stalinistic, Hitleric, Leninistic - it is all the same - Socialism.
Once again, I have heard no such drivel about race, or anger that a black man won the presidency, from my conservative colleagues - but I have heard the baseless accusation often from the Left.
The black anchor continued, "We see this black man becoming president, and we see these hate groups rising up." Is he trying to connect the upset people at the Town Hall Meetings with "hate groups?" Are the Tea Parties suddenly "Hate Group rallies?" If not, then what "Hate Groups" is he talking about? There is no rise of hate groups. In fact, "hate groups" from an anti-black standpoint, are fewer now than ever. And, once again, it is MSNBC bringing up race, not the Right.
Then the black anchor makes a shocking prediction over the possible future of Obama's life: "I am not going to be surprised if we see someone get a chance and take a chance to really try to hurt him, and it is up to the Secret Service to make sure it doesn't actually become history, but I think we are going to see somebody . . . some sort of Hinkley figure, because there is so much anger in the country about government."
By invoking Hinkley's name, it is obvious that he is saying these gun-toting conservatives are capable of assassination.
Are you kidding me? What kind of psychedelic kool-aid are these people drinking?
The third anchor than added at the end, "and you add racism, put those two together. . . "
Who's adding racism? Who is trying to provoke a reaction from the populace? Who is trying to manipulate public opinion with this trash?
And remember, the gun-toting racist with the semi-automatic rifle is - - - a black conservative.
Videos follow:
MSNBC's Shameless Report:
Now let's see who that well-armed black man really is, thanks to ABC (surprised they didn't pull an MSNBC):
And with this article criticizing the Left so strongly, I wouldn't be surprised if the site was suddenly censored, shut down, and killed by the intolerant* Left.
* Intolerant of anyone daring to disagree with them.
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
Twisting the news for a racial narrative - Healthcare Horse Race
MSNBC Commits Despicable Actions - Net Right Nation, Adam Bitely
MSNBC Lie to Perpetuate Racial Tensions - Stop the ACLU
Cone of Shame Award: MSNB-see-only-what-we-want-you-to-see - Michelle Malkin
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