Sunday, August 09, 2009

Sotomayor Confirmed and Sworn In to the United States Supreme Court

Some would say the confirmation process for Sonia Sotomayor was nothing more than a formality. Regardless of her questionable views on the powers of the judiciary, and her racist comments at the University of California at Berkeley not very long ago, there was no doubt in anybody's mind that Obama's nomination would become the first Hispanic, and the third woman, to serve on the Supreme Court.

Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. administered the oaths at the Supreme Court building, welcoming the "wise Latina" as the nation’s 111th justice.

Sotomayor's story is truly an inspiring one, beginning her life in a Bronx housing project, where she was raised by her widowed mother. The incredible tale of the less fortunate Sonia Sotomayor seizing the opportunities of America cannot be denied. I am sure her struggle to rise against adversity gives Justice Sotomayor a unique interpretation of life in America. Hopefully, however, she remembers that as a Supreme Court Justice she is supposed to apply the law in an impartial manner, leaving behind all of those things that somehow has made her come to believe she is somehow more wise than "old white men."

Perhaps we will get lucky and she will pull a reversal of what Supreme Court Justice David Souter did. Souter went from Right to Left. Maybe Sotomayor will think things through, and move from Left to "applying the law."

One can only hope.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

By Douglas V. Gibbs

Sotomayor Sworn In as Supreme Court Justice - The New York Times, Charlie Savage

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