Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Why The Left Calls The Right Racist

By Douglas V. Gibbs

The Left is all about motives. Their good intentions. You know, they have the good intentions to make everything fair and equitable.

The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.

As the debate over Leftist programs like Universal Health Care, Cap and Trade, and the systematic takeover of the private sector by government regulation and federal control, heightens during the presidential term of Barack Obama, the fact of the matter is that Democrats are losing the debate. They are unable to supply specifics, and their policies have no legs when the U.S. Constitution is applied.

No where in the United States Constitution does it provide for the federal government to provide health insurance to citizens through socialized medicine. No where in the United States Constitution does it allow the federal government to own part of a private business, as the Democrats have done in regards to General Motors. No where does the United States Constitution enable the federal government to do the majority of the things the Democrats have it doing - and they know it.

The liberal left has done everything it can to deny the charges that what they are putting into place is straight out socialism, a political ideology that is in direct opposition to the political concept of being a republic like our founding fathers set this nation up to be. They tell you their motives are pure, and they are worried about the little man, but in reality, the ultimate purpose of this altering of the American form of government is power, and they are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve it.

Those who seek power for the sake of power, and not to represent the people as intended by the founders, will be corrupted by it. They will be willing to intentionally destroy the American economy to further their desire for more power. The destruction of the U.S. economy through out of control spending, the introduction of more money into the system, and ultimately the rise of inflation, is designed. These people in control of the American Government are willing to destroy us, so that they can remake America into what they desire it to be.

As another power seeker, Russian anarchist Bakunin, once wrote, "the possession of power transformed into a tyrant even the most devoted friend of liberty."

The Democrats are not just concerned with perpetuating themselves, but desire to institutionalize a system of government that provides a hierarchical structure that remains unchanging, and in power. They desire a governmental force that holds the maximum power over the economy and the individual. They wish to redistribute wealth because doing so will enable them to concentrate and control wealth, which will ultimately allow them to concentrate and control the people. Then, as being members of that structure, ultimately they will hold power more valuable to them than any amount of monetary wealth.

Through Tea Parties, attending the town hall meetings, and huge rallies like the couple of a million people that attended the 9/12 event in Washington DC, the American People has conveyed the message that they do not agree with what the Democrats are doing. Liberty is defined as rights with responsibilities, and the government is taking that away. The Democrats wish to turn society into a prison yard, where the citizens of this nation become nothing more than prisoners who receive services, and the government becomes the warden, populated by people that think they are the great giver. They wish to provide to the people their food, their housing, their education, their clothing, their medical care, their livelihood, and their recreation. The persons providing the services will be free to come and go as they choose, while the citizens will become limited. They wish to segregate America into two groups: The haves, and the have nots.

A government of this nature, that wishes to exist to protect man from himself, to re-distribute wealth from one group of individuals to another, to grant privileges to one group over another, does not exist to protect individual rights. Its sole function is to protect itself, and to expand when able.

Americans would never accept this kind of tyranny willingly, so the strategy has been to introduce such a system through creeping incrementalism. They must never allow the citizenry to recognize them as socialists, even thought the platforms they support are socialist in nature. They have always been careful not to deliver too much socialism in one shot because the American People would discover the exact nature of their aims, and remove them from office.

This is what has happened. The Democrats overshot, and the American People recognized the liberalism/socialism for what it is. As Communist dictator of the now historical footnote nation of Yugoslavia once said, "Communism is simply state capitalism in which the state has absolute ownership of everything including the efforts of the people."

Isn't that what the Democrats are doing? They have demonized, and demoralized, capitalism so that they have free rein to replace it with a socialistic system.

They sound like a bunch of Soviets, proclaiming the capitalism is the enemy!

All Barack Obama is doing is carrying on the efforts of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Lyndon B. Johnson, and Jimmy Carter. Johnson, in fact, once wrote: "We are going to try to take all of the money that we think is unnecessarily being spent and take it from the haves and give it to the have nots that need it so much."

Sounds like something a Marxist would say, doesn't it?

But people are careful to compare the president's government philosophies to the writings and teachings of Karl Marx. The Left has convinced you that it is unfashionable to do such things.

As the Obama policies have exposed themselves for what they are, however, the American People has risen up to call them what they are: Marxism.

Like children in the recess yard, when unable to win the argument with the facts, the Democrats have resorted to baseless name-calling. First, they called the opposition right-wing radicals, fringe nuts, extremists, and anything else they could muster in the hopes of calling into question the credibility of the opposition. Problem is, many of those opposed to Obama's policies are registered Democrats, too. The folks opposed to the liberal platform of the Democratic Party is a growing group, and does not only include "conservatives."

Interestingly enough, Obama calls himself the bi-partisan president, but the only thing bi-partisan about his presidency is the opposition!

In addition to the name calling being inaccurate because of the diverse nature of the group of people standing up against the Democrat's endeavors, the people actually began to embrace the names they were being called, greeting each other as fellow extremists and domestic terrorists - in other words, using absurdity to expose the absurdity being perpetuated by the Left.

If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.

Since the original barrage of name calling didn't work, the Left would have to come up with something more horrible, so terrible that the recipients would cringe at the very thought of being accused as such.

The Democrats looked around, and noticed that one particular accusation was making headway in other movements as well. Illegals were gaining sympathy for amnesty by calling those that oppose it a bunch of racists. The gays call those that disagree with their behavior bigots. It doesn't matter if the accusation doesn't apply to a disagreement in someone's behavior. The very thought of being a "bigot" causes people to recoil.

Racism is a tool the Left could not use before. Opposition to President Johnson's policies, or Carter's idiocy, could never be seen as racist. They were white guys. Opposition to Obama's policies, however, could be seen as racist. After all, Obama's father is a black African.

The fact that Obama's policies are nothing new, and the opposition to such policies could never be thought of as racist in the past, is not the point. The fact that Obama's platform is in goose-step with white, totalitarian beliefs by historical lunatics plays no role in the decision to call the opposition a bunch of racists. All the Democrats care about is defusing the opposition now, today, with a sucker punch that will put the opposition to rest.

Racism is perfect.

How can anyone argue against racism? The moment they say they are not racist, they can be simply called a liar. After all, who would willingly admit to such a thing?

Then, if through careful searches, the past reveals actions by people that could be considered racist by a warped mind, regardless of whether or not the motive was racism, anyone and everyone associated with that person is automatically a racist too.

Hence, since Joe Wilson showed his disapproval of Obama's plans by saying "You Lie!" during Obama's speech to Congress, he must automatically be a racist. Since he supported keeping the Confederate Battle Flag flying over the State Capitol in South Carolina (the fact he was joined by 80% of Republicans, Democrats, and citizens of the state is not an important enough fact to repeat, in this case, I suppose), that makes him a racist. Since he is a member of the GOP, and the GOP also disagrees with Obama's policies, that in turn makes anyone who disagrees with Obama, and defends Wilson, a racist.

See how easy that is?

Racism is used often, too.

Are you against a strong border between the U.S. and Mexico? Ahh, that makes you a racist against Mexicans. Got a problem with ACORN? Well, since most of the employees are black, then you must be racist against blacks. Don't like Sotomayor being placed on the United States Supreme Court? Racist! You think Van Jones is a communist? Racist! Against government changing the definition of marriage, whether you like it or not? Bigot! Disagree with Obama's policies? Oh, yes, that must be racially motivated too!

And of course if you are a racist, you are a hater.

How are you going to prove otherwise?

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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