Monday, November 02, 2009

The Church of Liberalism

By Douglas V. Gibbs

Liberalism is a religion.

A religion is a belief system. In the American Century Dictionary religion is defined as a belief in a personal God or gods entitled to obedience and worship, a thing that one is devoted to.

Big government is a system of governance that limits one's choices, and demands the citizen to be obedient, and devoted, to the ruling class.

Liberalism cannot have competition, therefore there is a natural opposition to the Christian God. After all, how can one devote all allegiance to big government when one is willing to worship a God other than the men that run government?

Belief in God means that the individual believes man's rights are God-given. If your rights are God-given, then only God can take them away. Socialists believe that man's rights come from man himself, and therefore can be limited or removed by man, or by other men through laws created by men.

Our Founding Fathers realized this. They recognized our unalienable rights were given to us by God, and that government should never rise above the Creator. Liberalism desires exactly that, and that is why this battle for our country is so important.

America is being changed at its foundation by leftists into something that our Founding Fathers never intended it to be, and our victory over the leftists is imperative if we are going to save this nation.

The resistance starts here. The resistance starts now. The spread of socialism must be stopped, and it will be stopped. I believe in America, and I believe in you.

Virginia, New Jersey, and New York 23 is only the start. Conservatism is on the rise. Be a part of the removal of tyranny. Be involved. Be a part of the resistance.

God Bless America.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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