There are two kinds of liberals: The deceived, and the deceivers. Leftists dominate the Democrat Party, and have taken over the leadership of the Republican Party. For progressives the increase of government intrusion into the lives of the populace is their primary goal. They don't care if the growth of the federal government takes away choices, ultimately meaning the elimination of liberty. Individual rights mean nothing to these people, and freedom to them is but a privilege that they should be able to take away from you at their whim. We are as free as the rope they are trying to lasso us with. Once they have us, we will have no more freedom than the slack in the rope they allow. Once the statists gain complete control, the nation founded on freedom will be a nation controlled by fascism.
The resistance is conservatism. Not the Republican Party, but the ideology of conservatism that finds its foundation rooted firmly in liberty, individualism, and the values and rights granted upon us by our Creator. The leftists tell you that conservatism is dead, and that without moderates and liberalism in the Republican Party, the GOP will never win an election again. But what good is the Republican Party if it is no different than the Democrat Party?
Scozzafava is one of those Republicans who should follow Arlen Specter to the party of the jackass. She is a symptom of the disease that has infiltrated the Republican Party, and has poisoned the hope of returning this nation to the foundation laid out by the founding fathers of this nation. DeDe Scozzafava is a pro-abortion, pro-gay, pro-tax, pro-big government liberal that only held on to the "R" after her name because she opposes Cap and Trade legislation. By endorsing her Newt Gingrich lost the respect of conservatives, and by endorsing her opponent, the Conservative Party opposition, Doug Hoffman, Sarah Palin's popularity rose even more.
Doug Hoffman, the conservative in the New York District 23 special election, is feared by the GOP because the leadership of the Republican Party fears the rise of conservatism - for conservatism can expose the leftists in the GOP for what they are. The liberals love Doug Hoffman because they believe he is an example of division in the Republican Party. Doug Hoffman is more than that. He is hope. He is how conservatism will save this nation. With, or without, the GOP, conservatism will take this nation back district by district, if we must.
The gubernatorial races in New Jersey and Virginia are also signs of the rise of conservatism, and the realization by Americans that liberalism is the last thing this nation needs.
Faced with defeat, and exposed as the liberal she is, Dierdre Scozzafava has dropped out of the race in New York District 23. Some are saying it is because she was concerned about splitting the right-wing vote, but there is nothing right-wing about Scozzafava, so I hardly believe that argument. I believe she did what most leftists do: when faced with true conservatism she ran away before she was truly exposed for what she is.
Scozzafava realizes that Obama has stepped out of the strategic path for instituting socialism, and exposure made her fearful. The strategy of leftism is to promise one thing, and deliver another. The appearance of socialism was not supposed to rear its ugly head, even though the policies are indeed socialist in nature. Too much socialism ought not be delivered in too much quantities or else the people discover the exact nature of the game - and if the people realize the reality of the bloodless coup, the people will remove the leftists from office, and they will have to start all over again.
That is indeed what is happening. The Democrats have overstepped, and conservatism is on the rise.
Listen tonight live at 7pm Pacific, or listen to the archive later, to the Political Pistachio Radio Revolution to hear specifics about the resistance against the rising tyranny of leftism in America, and how we can fight back, and return our nation to the land of liberty our founding fathers intended it to be. Go to BlogTalkRadio.com/PoliticalPistachio to listen.
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