Saturday, December 05, 2009

Obama Slams Private Sector Small Businesses

By Douglas V. Gibbs

President Barack Obama: "Despite the progress we've made, many businesses are still skittish about hiring. Some are still digging themselves out of the losses they incurred over the past year. Many have figured out how to squeeze more productivity out of fewer workers. And that cost-cutting has become embedded in their operations and in their culture. That may result in good profits, but it's not translating into hiring and so that's the question that we have to ask ourselves today: How do we get businesses to start hiring again?"

Barack Obama, with his usual, smug, arrogant nose in the air attitude, addressed a bunch of members of the choir (nobody that would dare challenge him was invited) at the "Job Summit" the other day. Obama detailed the problems, what he thinks has happened to fix the problems, and slammed the private sector (including small business) as much as he could.

This president does not understand how economies and businesses function. He was a community organizer that never held a position of executive leadership in his life. He never owned a business, never served as manager of a lending institution, never served as mayor of a city or governor of a state, and he probably never even ran a lemonade stand as a child. He is a follower that gathers together with a bunch of folks in a community organizer setting and throws darts at a wall until an idea sticks. Problem is, the ideas being thrown at the wall are in line with collectivism. The individual doesn't matter, and these elitists can hardly see how individual people and businesses could possibly help the whole. It has to be a community effort, according to these people, with everyone marching in the same goose-step march. They don't understand that puzzles have very unique, individual pieces who each contribute in their own way. That kind of individualism scares them, and as far as they are concerned, it must be stopped.

The Free Market is what made this nation prosper, and Barack Obama looks upon such opportunities for individuals with disdain. Some people work harder, some people get the good breaks, and some people become very profitable, and socialists like Barack Obama sees that part of America as unfair and immoral. These leftists don't believe that Capitalism provides equity. We may all have equal opportunity, but the Democrats also want equal results. The fact that some succeed and some fail is unfair and unjust to liberals, and as far as Obama is concerned, it must be stopped at any governmental cost. Anyone doing well must make up for those that aren't, as far as he believes. That is called redistribution of wealth, and it is achieved by progressive taxation, entitlement programs, ponzi schemes like social security of which is used as a slush fund by the politicians (hence why it is broke), and proposals like the ones the Democrats are now trying to put into place now like Cap and Trade and the Health Care legislation.

Now, in his job summit speech, Obama admitted that businesses aren't hiring. There is no job creation though these crooks and liars of the Democrat Party have been making up numbers to say there has been. The manipulation of data seems to come easy to these people. They have done it with unemployment numbers, poll numbers, global warming numbers, and economic indicators. They lie, they fudge numbers, and the American people that vote for people like Obama fall for it every time. Now Obama is acting like he knows why small businesses are not hiring, and he is lying. He doesn't have the slightest idea why because he has never run a business, and he has never understood economic models.

Or, maybe he is full aware, but he doesn't want you to know the truth. Maybe, like usual, he is lying in order to shape your perception.

Businesses don't hire employees because of political promises, government manipulation, or to make the Democrats look good. They hire employees to help make more profit, and they want to make more profit so that they can continue to do business. But if their personal taxes are sky-high if they make too much, and they are penalized with regulations and fees for growing their business, and if the government manipulation of the system makes it too costly to hire new employees, they are simply not going to hire new people, and in turn their businesses will not grow. Besides, why would a business try to grow when the future of the economy is not only unknown, but likely to head southward with all of the government spending, approaching inflation, and socialist programs being proposed? Businesses aren't even sure what is going to happen with health care, and if what the Democrats wish to happen comes into play it will be cheaper for them to pay the fine for not offering health care than to try to follow the idiotic rules that the new health care legislation is proposing.

In other words, with all of the unknown variables associated with the Democrat's wish list, deciding on whether or not to expand a business is a crap-shoot.

And that's not even considering the costly environmental rules that are supposed to be going into effect over the next few years that will likely put out of business a large number of smaller manufacturing, transportation, and construction companies.

By the way, small business owners shutting their doors can't get unemployment benefits, so the Democrats will not recognize them as the unemployed and will then continue to dance around saying the unemployment numbers aren't so bad after all, as they are doing now, when in reality the unemployment numbers on a national scale are well over twenty percent, and are rising.

Notice the disdain Obama holds for small businesses in his own words: "Many have figured out how to squeeze more productivity out of fewer workers. And that cost-cutting has become embedded in their operations and in their culture. That may result in good profits, but it's not translating into hiring. . . "

Of course they are cost-cutting! They are trying to survive! And it is not resulting in good profits, or at least not of the greedy kind Obama is making reference to. If there was more good profits as he is suggesting, because of the cost cutting, they'd be hiring more employees. And businesses are of course trying to squeeze more productivity out of fewer workers - they have to in order to survive. Does Obama want them to hire more people to do the same work that fewer can do? How is that to a business' advantage?

Why would Obama even slam the small businesses saying something like that?

Barack Obama says such things because he does not understand the art of running a small business. He only understands how to community organize, and how he thinks government should work in a community organization setting. In his feeble mind, if hiring ten people to do the job of one can happen, he would do it. Who cares how much it will cost. Who cares if it will result in more money going out than coming in. After all, what is he worried about when it comes to bankrupting the country? He can always print more money, right?

To stay in business one must make a profit, and to make a profit one must keep the overhead as low as possible while increasing the incoming monies. Sometimes to profit you need to spend money, and if there is not enough profit, then you must borrow - but then again, right now that isn't wise either. So, in the mind of today's business owner, the thought isn't, "Well, I guess I'll just hire a bunch of people because Obama says to."

Of course business owners are skittish about hiring. If they hire additional personnel they may not be able to keep the doors open. But in his speech Obama makes these business owners out to be greedy, employee squeezing monsters. How dare they make a profit, he tells us. How dare they succeed!

The real goal is more class envy. Uncle Barry wants the people to say, "Yeah, those business people aren't hiring more people so that they can put more cash in their pocket!" Obama is dang near suggesting the people rise up against capitalism with torches and pitchforks, because all of those business owners are greedy, and the enemy of the poor working class.

History is repeating itself, or at least the Democrats are trying to get it to repeat. Many times in history after economic growth when an economy or governmental system has hit speed bumps there are those that try to move the government in to take greater control, with the promise of greener grass and equity for the people. That is what led to the Bolshevik Revolution, the Communist Revolution in China, and the rise of Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini.

The need for change when faced with an economic crisis happened in America a few times before as well. We experienced such a situation after Jimmy Carter's idiotic presidency, in which Ronald Reagan turned things around, and we experienced a similar episode regarding an approaching recession in 1920. The growing economic difficulties approaching the 1920s are, in fact, eerily similar with today's circumstances, with one major difference: those in charge were not big government socialists.

As with today, the United States was faced with an impending recession, rising unemployment that was in the double digits, an unpopular war overseas that aggravated the financial stability of the nation, and a national debt skyrocketing partly because of the war, and partly because of an increase in federally funded programs under the presidency of Woodrow Wilson. After failed promises, and the looming recession, the nation was looking for a fresh face from a different party, so they voted in Warren Harding, and his Vice President Calvin Coolidge.

To diffuse grumbling regarding an oil scandal, Warren Harding was on a speech making tour to set things right, during which time he died suddenly of a stroke. Therefore, Harding only got the opportunity to begin the strategy for turning America's economy around. His Vice President, after being sworn in to become president, as did Harding, believed America deserved a little hope, and a change from the globalist "League of Nations" enthusiast that had been president before.

The Republican Party was promising a return to normalcy, and Harding and Coolidge gained the support of all Americans, including a formidable coalition of blacks, whites, and immigrants. The Republicans swept both houses of Congress, and had the ability to pass whatever they felt was necessary to move America beyond the growing recession, and struggling job market.

What emerged during Harding's and Coolidge's presidencies was a strong plan that included cutting spending, eliminating many federal programs, cutting taxes, and ensuring the federal government backed off in regards to regulations and restrictions when it came to owning a business. What followed was an era of prosperity - the Roaring Twenties.

Unemployment dropped rapidly as the prosperity moved across America. It was a sensational plan that turned around America, and is the complete antithesis of what the Obama Administration, and Congressional Democrats, are offering today.

The following president, though a Republican, was a big spending, tax-raising progressive. Under Hoover's watch the nation plunged into the Great Depression. Hoover tried to counter-act the rising unemployment with government paid public works jobs, while increasing the tax burden on businesses. The result was a worsening of the Depression. Hoover, after his presidency, returned to an occupation he was more accustomed to - a community organizer who helped feed hungry victims of war. Later he served on a number of community groups. Eventually, he returned to government as a government committee member, using his community organizer skills to try to help America organize during an approaching Second World War.

As the 2008 election approached, the national mood and economic conditions were eerily similar to when the 1920 election was being held. But rather than cut spending and cut taxes, along with taking action to make it easier for businesses to operate without governmental interference, the Obama Administration in 2009 plan to allow Bush's tax cuts to expire, increase the national debt to an astronomical amount by increasing government spending, and by intruding on the private sector by literally taking control of portions of some of the corporations in the private system. As a result the unemployment rate has sky-rocketed to double digits, consumer spending has dropped like a rock, and the Democrat's approval rating is dropping faster than a greased pig on a snowy slope.

The Left, however, is claiming the recession is coming to an end as times get harder, and now during his Job Summit Obama slammed the small business owner as being a greedy money-changer with deep pockets, "squeezing" productivity, and squeezing workers.

President Obama said that the recovery will only come with improvement in the private sector, and then he went on to slam the private sector by accusing them of "squeezing" the workers - as if he is trying to create enmity between the workers and those greedy business owners (sort of like the communists did during the communist revolutions).

If Barack Obama wants an economic turn around, and prosperity like that after Harding and Coolidge took office, or after Reagan took office, then he needs to follow their models. Cut taxes and cut spending (unfortunately Reagan did not veto the Democrat-led proposals from Congress, and spending actually increased in the 1980s, and even though the increase in spending was by the Democrats, his lack of using his veto pen made the Democrats later blame Reagan for the increase in the national debt). But Obama and the Democrats will not decrease taxes and cut spending. They don't want that kind of prosperity. They don't want individuals prospering because somewhere someone will get left behind - and also all of those individuals succeeding become increasingly difficult to control by the government.

Obama and gang want the economy to continue to collapse, and they will continue to blame Bush, and they won't stop until the federal government has complete control of the private sector, and complete control over you.

Then, the progressives won't stop there. They have already set their eyes on the world, and they believe they can control the worldwide populace, and redistribute wealth from the wealthy nations to the poorer nations, with environmental proposals (despite the fact that Climate Change is constantly being proven to be a lie, and that documented evidence from the Climate Research Unit and NASA show they have been lying to us, and manipulating the data on purpose for political reasons).

The problem is, most of America now realize that the Democrat Agenda is the problem, and that things are worsening specifically because of Obama's Marxist policies.

As for his statement about being willing to listen to ideas, and that the recovery will start in the private sector, as I have said numerous times, it is all a lie. Obama believes that only the government can save us, and that only the elitists in charge knows what's best for you. His numbers are tanking, and he doesn't care because a big government agenda is his baby. He hates America, he hates what it stands for. Obama believes America is led by a bunch of greedy profiteers, and that the only way to make it fair for everyone is to take success away from everyone and allow the government to dish it out in even, and "fair", helpings.

And if you disagree? If you dare call him wrong? Well, then, you are automatically a racist, and you have the potential of being a domestic terrorist. After all, don't you know he's trying real hard? as a leftist recently asked me.

"Yeah," I responded. "He's trying real hard to destroy the American Form of Government, and turn this nation into just another failed socialist state."

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Obama & Biden Open Jobs Summit (Transcript) - Real Clear Politics

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