Friday, February 12, 2010

The Incredible, Amazing, Flexible Man-Made Global Warming Theory

By Douglas V. Gibbs

We are being told that the record breaking cold, incredible snow levels, and icy conditions are further proof that man-made global warming exists.

What an amazing theory!

Let me get this straight. . . When it is warm, it is Global Warming's fault. When it is cold, it is Global Warming's fault. When we have lots of hurricanes, it is Global Warming's fault. When we have few hurricanes - you guessed it! - it is Global Warming's fault. Earthquakes anyone? Blame Global Warming. Dwindling Arctic Ice, or expanding Antarctic Ice - either way, Global Warming's at fault. Oh, and those poor Polar Bears with dwindling populations, even though their populations are increasing, struggling on a block of ice even though they can swim for miles? You got it! Global Warming's fault.

Pretty soon Obama is going to start blaming the deficit and unemployment rate on Global Warming - that is once he realizes that blaming Bush doesn't work anymore.

Ah, and then there's the Olympics.

It seems that the 2010 Winter Olympics from Vancouver, Canada is suffering from a lack of snow. Olympic Committee President Jacques Rogge, of course, was quick to place the blame where he believes it lies - on Global Warming: "Global warming of course is a worry, it is a worry for the entire world."

Maybe they ought to relocate the Olympics to Copenhagen, or Washington DC - those areas have been getting record amounts of snow (and it's not just the usual snow jobs you see from politicians, either!)

Just don't forget that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. wrote nearly two years ago that global warming was causing "anemic winters" in the Washington region, and snow in DC is a thing of the past.

No snow, too much snow. Either way, it is the fault of man-made Global Warming.

Hence the reason the leftist environmentalists are trying to change the name of the mythical science to Climate Change - that way they can tax you for your energy usage no matter where the temperature gauge goes, and still blame it on you, and your gas guzzling car.

Didn't an extreme case of global warming end the ice age?

Must've been those environment killing cavemen with all of their carbon producing fires they were starting in an effort to keep warm.

And the leftists, while pushing their lies, would like all of you to forget all about the evidence of Global Warming "scientists" manipulating the data. . . In just the past year, the IPCC’s 2007 report has been exposed for overstating the science on glacier loss in the Himalayas, crop loss in Africa, Amazon rain forest depletion and damage from weather catastrophes.

Oh, and if you are wondering how the wonderful Cap and Trade insanity is working in Europe?

Hang on, I am trying to stop laughing.

Few more. . . I am laughing so hard I am crying.

Okay, in Europe the Cap and Trade system of idiocy is a complete failure, and is hardly reducing the levels of carbon emissions as promised. And if they are able to put in place that insanity here in the United States, as with Europe, it would do nothing to affect global temperatures. It would, however, do trillions of dollars of damage to the U.S. economy.

Wow, It's getting cold in here, time to put on a jacket.

Is there really still people out there that believes in this man-made Global Warming bologna?

The laughter never ceases.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Global Warming – Is There Anything It Can’t Do? - The Heritage Foundation

Palin's Big Oil Infatuation by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

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