Friday, February 05, 2010

NASA: Obama's Problem With The Space Program

Get Liberty

By Douglas V. Gibbs

NASA's mission is no longer space exploration and aeronautics. The 2020 return to the moon using the Aries Rocket is canceled. Any plans for visiting Mars has been thrown on the scrap heap. The Shuttle Program is on its way out without funding for a replacement program behind it. Barack Obama has decided that the new NASA mission is to monitor global warming.

Well, one may argue, we've got to cut spending somewhere - problem is, Obama did not decide to kill the space exploration aspect of NASA's mission to save a few dollars, for NASA's budget is actually increasing.

Of course the deal isn't done yet. Obama has this pesky thing called Congress to get through first.


One must ask why Obama wants to end John F. Kennedy's legacy of exploring space so that NASA can spend all of their time on satellites monitoring a make-believe science like man-made global warming? Is it because Obama believes that saving the planet from a hysterical myth is more important than returning to the moon, or sending a manned mission to Mars? Is it because he doesn't see the benefit of pouring government money into a space program that employs a large number of people? Is it because he doesn't see space exploration as being very important to national interests?

I submit that Obama is trying to kill the space program because it is a sign of America's exceptionalism. We lead the world in space technology, and as Obama said in a speech during his Apology Tour to Europe, America has been "arrogant," and he just can't have such. Therefore, anything that makes America look like it is better than the rest of the world must be dismantled, or knocked down a few notches.

Obama has great disdain for America's greatness, and piece by piece he desires to destroy what it took 234 years to build. He is destroying the economy so that we can be just as miserable as the rest of the world, he is trying to punish us for our energy usage because we should not dare use more energy than any other nation (grass huts coming soon to a home builder near you!), he is destroying the auto industry, and now he wishes to destroy our space program.

Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door! But don't get excited, because pretty soon Obama plans to make America no different than the place you came from.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Obama Is No Kennedy: Redefines NASA’s Mission As Global Warming - The Heritage Foundation

Barack Obama's Top 10 Apologies: How the President Has Humiliated a Superpower - The Heritage Foundation

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