Monday, April 12, 2010

Immoral Monsters Propped Up

By Douglas V. Gibbs

Sandra Bullock’s husband Jesse James, former ESPN broadcaster Steve Williams, Charlie Sheen, Tiger Woods and John Edwards all blame their personal problems on being “Addicted to sex”. In other words, even when they screw up, and the consequences slap them in the face, they blame it on something else. I thought most of us got over blaming the dog for not doing our homework when we were kids.

They don't have sex addiction, they simply lack self-control - and are monsters to those that love them, and trusted them. And yet, now, when they claim they are battling their addiction, and have kicked the habit, they want us to prop them up for their bravery of keeping their tool in their pants.

Makes me sick.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Nike ad featuring Tiger Woods and his father's voice produces mixed reactions - Washington Post

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