Sunday, May 23, 2010

Leftist View of Constitution Leads to Tyranny - Tonight on the Political Pistachio Radio Revolution

Leftist View of Constitution Leads to Tyranny - Political Pistachio Radio Revolution

Ted Shoebat joins us to discuss Elena Kagan, and what the choice by Obama of her to the United States Supreme Court reveals about leftism. When Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall passed away in 1993, his one time law clerk Elena Kagan eulogized him, not only revealing some shocking things about Marshall's view of the U.S. Constitution but by doing so glowingly, revealed some things about herself she will have to deny at her confirmation hearings if she is to be the next Supreme Court Justice.

When people hear the Constitution referred to as a “living and breathing document”, it is the judicial activism practiced by the likes of Thurgood Marshall – referred to with reverence by Kagan – that lends itself to that view. Theodore (Ted) Shoebat has done extensive research on things that lead to tyranny, while maintaining a great admiration for the U.S. Constitution. Based on what he's learned about Elena Kagan's views regarding that document, he thinks her confirmation will lean America, a bit more towards tyranny.

To be an "originalist" is to hold an interpretation of the Constitution in line with what the founding fathers meant. Constitutional intent refers to the meaning behind the words written in the document. They were meant to be a guide for Judges to use when rendering their decisions. When judges deviate from it, there should be great cause for concern. When a judge who allegedly had a degree of disrespect for the document he swore an oath to uphold is revered for that disrespect by a woman seeking the same position, how will she rule? Does she have the same level of disrespect for that document? The founders of this nation formed a Constitution because they wanted it to be respected and followed. They did so in order to prevent men – and/or women – from inching future generations toward tyranny. Judicial activism inevitably leads to tyranny. The confirmation of Elena Kagan will almost certainly guarantee the former in the highest court in the land.

Theodore (Ted) Shoebat is the son of Walid Shoebat, a former PLO terrorist who turned his back on the Muslim teachings he followed when confronted by the truth of the Holy Bible. Ted, at age 16, released his first book, "In Satan’s Footsteps," which is now soon to have a follow up, "For God or For Tyranny," to be released toward the end of this month.

Ted grew up in the U.S., in Northern California, attending the public school system. Because of his conservative and religious upbringing, he often struggled with his teachers and fellow students. He personally witnessed Holocaust denial, anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism in the schools and his defense of Israel and the Jewish people made him a victim of ridicule and mockery.

At such a young age, Ted was inspired due to challenges and frustrations he faced from public schools he attended. Not only was he bombarded with criticism for his conservative and religious beliefs, but they also attempted to squelch his expression by labeling him with a psychological condition known as Asberger’s syndrome. Though the educational community thought it a stigma, Ted took it with pride, since it is said that Bill Gates and Albert Einstein were also diagnosed with Asberger’s, a personality that includes such positive human behaviors as loyalty, honesty and bluntness.

Ted is the primary contributor for his amazing work of research and polemic—For God or For Tyranny. It is a timely work, based on the current state of our nation and the pivot point in the direction that America might take. What is even more amazing is Ted Shoebat is only 18 years old as this book goes to publication.

ABOUT SHOEBAT’S BOOK, FOR GOD OR FOR TYRANNY: WHEN NATIONS DENY GOD’S NATURAL LAW…This book picks up where the best selling book Liberty and Tyranny left off, a Judeo Christian polemic on why God is vital in the equation of freedom for America and humanity. Best-selling author Walid Shoebat and his son Ted Shoebat (only 18 years old at the time of publication) have written an extraordinary book on anti-God ideologies, comparing them to countries that base their laws on Judeo Christian principals. As America and many Western nations seem to desire to move away from their Judeo Christian foundations and embrace multi-culturalism, this book gives all the answers to dispel all the anti-God myths and equip people to stand for their Judeo Christian heritage.

Tonight's program will begin live at 7:00 PM Pacific. You may listen live, or catch the archive later, at

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