Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Obama Dearest and the Welfare State

By Douglas V. Gibbs

A well written story always contains conflict, and to establish that conflict the mechanism often used is a devious, evil villain. A good villain contains various elements that clearly opposes the forces of good, exhibiting attributes not unlike those provided by biblical descriptions of Lucifer.

Satan is described in Scripture as a counterfeiter, a deceptive entity that poses as a being of light while spreading lies that the people willingly accept as the truth. Drawing from that model, it is widely accepted to be one of the primary descriptions of evil. Historically, such evil has run in line with the above description. Controlling dictators have repeatedly performed their dastardly deeds through deception, lies, and half-truths.

From Nero to Hitler, Muhammed to Stalin, the great and terrible leaders of history promised prosperity to the people, but brought pain and suffering instead. The people were promised that the governmental, or religious, system would take care of them and launch their society into the lists of successful civilizations in the annals of history. To achieve such greatness, assured the leaders, all they needed to do was expand, conquer, and control - and all wealth and happiness would be theirs.

History has shown that the concept of growth by the sword is both devastating, and unsustainable.

The promises, along the way, become lost in the carnage. The perpetrators of the French Revolution, for example, promised freedom from the iron rule of the monarchy, only to replace the monarchy with a tyrannical oligarchy. Hitler promised Germany she would rise from the ashes of the first world war like a phoenix. The German Government would be hailed as the greatest on the Earth as the socialist part of the system provided free education, peace, prosperity, and free health care for all citizens that fit the German mold of a master race. What the German people wound up getting, however, was death, destruction, and genocide.

Every other totalitarian tyranny can be described in the same way. In the pursuit of Utopia, Hell on Earth was created instead.

Heaven on Earth is the great lie. Each time Utopia is attempted, human nature ultimately stands in the way. Sadly, it is the drive for an unattainable Utopia that fuels liberalism and socialism, and despite all of the Left's arguments, socialist policies are doomed to fail every time. This time, however, the push for liberal socialism has infected America and the rest of the world simultaneously, and it could mean the destruction of civilization should we not turn it all around soon.

Compassion is the word that accompanies the great lie the most. I am compassionate through my own voluntary, private actions, and how much I should give, be it by money or time, should be my decision to make. Knowing that the action of charity is voluntary, and is limited, the recipients are encouraged to fend for themselves once they are on their feet. Government compassion, however, is not compassion at all, and rather than giving a hand-up, government compassion creates a class of dependents that lose their human desire to achieve, and instead wait with their hand out for the next government entitlement.

In addition to being economically unsustainable, entitlement programs also kill the human spirit. In Greece, as their government fights to keep from going financially under, the people are actually in the streets rioting for their entitlements. The people don't care if there is no money, or that their economy is collapsing. They have been so trained to receive entitlements from the government that they are willing to demand what they think they are entitled to, even if it tears down their entire political structure.

Stepping back to analyze the message socialism sends the people, it makes the policies of the leftist ideology even more sickening. Think about it. Their idea of compassion is for government to take from the earnings of those who achieve so that it may be handed out freely to those who have failed to reach a level of success determined by the government. The federal government then labels those folks as poverty stricken, as if it is some kind of disease, and then commences to take care of the people indefinitely. The message to the people is, "You are too much of a failure to succeed, you are incapable of taking care of yourselves, and we believe you are unable to ever achieve any kind of success, so we will take care of you from cradle to grave."

How screwed up is that? Liberals think the poor are such failures that they give them no hope of pulling themselves up by their boot straps and making it in this world. They give the poor no encouragement, and while handing out entitlements the left also creates a regulatory system so crippling that businesses find it also more difficult to succeed. This makes it even harder for the poor to have opportunities for jobs, or to become entrepreneurs themselves. In other words, welfare keeps the poor in poverty, and kills any hope of ever pulling out of it.

How sickeningly destructive.

The abuse that Mommy Dearest dished out is nothing compared to the opportunity killing, human desire crushing welfare state created, and controlled, by hard left socialists like Barack Obama, and the current cast of Congressional Democrats.

Now that is what I call a deceptive, devious, evil villain - minus the sword.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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