Tuesday, June 01, 2010

The Myth of the Moderate Muslim

By Douglas V. Gibbs

A ten dollar bill is in the center of the crossroads. To the north, there's Santa Claus. To the west, the Tooth Fairy. To the east, a radical Muslim. To the south, a moderate Muslim. Who reaches the ten dollar bill first? Answer: The radical Muslim. All the others are mythical creatures.(1)

We have been taught that the majority of Muslims oppose extremism, and do not consider themselves to be in the same league with "radical" Muslims. These peaceful Muslims that supposedly abhor the violent tendencies displayed by the jihadists that are running around blowing themselves up are considered "moderate" Muslims, and we are told we need to be sensitive to their non-violent nature by not including the words "Islam" and "Muslim" when we discuss the terrorism that is apparently abusively invoking the poor, innocent Religion of Peace.

I am sure there were plenty of moderate Germans before hostilities broke out in Europe just prior to World War II - The Japanese, perhaps a few too. But those "moderates" sure didn't do much good when the Japanese began marching through the Pacific and flying planes into our aircraft carriers, nor did they do much good as the Nazi War Machine began to spread across Europe like the Black Death.

Ask any Muslim should Israel have the right to exist, and even those peaceful ones would like to see those "Zionists" ultimately destroyed.

And after 9/11, while the members of Islam around the world were dancing in the streets, where were the moderate Muslims? Why weren't they in the streets protesting the violence that was being cheered and encouraged by the "radical" Muslims? If a vast majority of Muslims do not support terrorism, where are they? Where are their voices? And if they abhor the violence of the Jihad so much, why aren't they pulling their kids away from the propaganda taught on the television and in the schools in Muslim countries that teaches the supposed virtues of Jihadism?

Well, since the so-called moderate Muslims hide in the shadows, obviously too fearful to speak up because of the difficult world they live in that is under the iron-fisted control of the radical minority, the do-good liberals of the civilized world has decided they will speak up for those poor, down-trodden moderate Muslims.

To help those moderate Muslims along, President Obama has changed the word terrorism to "man-made disaster," Islamic Radicals are now Freedom Fighters, and blood-thirsty suicide bombers are now boom-boom artists.

Okay, I made the last one up.

The Great Oz, The Great Unifier, The Great Obama - uh, that would be the man of shallowness, narcissism and the possessor of unfortunate ears - has determined that his words of peaceful co-existence that float on a Kool-Aid scented breeze ought to be embraced by the rest of us so that those poor moderate Muslims, the hidden majority, can come out of hiding and lead the Muslim world to a beautiful day graced with rainbows and flowers and unicorns and the final bloom of true understanding.

Just don't trip over the sword and the blood of infidels as you come out of hiding.

Oh, and while we are at it, let's let these poor peaceful people build a mosque a couple blocks from the site of the fallen twin towers, just to be fair, complete with a minaret, which to Islam is a symbol of power and conquest. After all, according to New York Mayor Bloomberg, "I think it's fair to say if somebody was going to try, on that piece of property, to build a church or a synagogue, nobody would be yelling and screaming."

Are we insane?

Hey, Bloomberg, the last time I checked the people trying to kill thousands of Americans, and wipe the entire Nation of Israel off the map through the butcher-inspired technique of global jihad wasn't your run-of-the-mill Bible-toting Christians. Of course, you idiot, nobody would be crying if a church was planned to be built there.

How stupid have we become?

Could you imagine the Japanese wishing to open a training camp at Pearl Harbor a few years after the attack on Hawaii in 1941? How about schools of Nazism throughout the U.S. in the 1940s?

Sure, those facilities would have been welcomed with open arms, right?

The next question, I suppose, would be "What proportion of mosques is "extreme"? And for that matter, what proportion of the worshipers that visit these mosques are jihadists?

How many Germans weren't cool with the Nazi Regime prior to 1939?

It is safe to say that not all Muslims are terrorists, and most Western Muslims are not at the local store of terror fitting themselves with the latest style of suicide belts, and other bomb accessories.

But when a jihadist launches yet another attack against American troops, or attempts a terrorist attack against a Western location, or when Hamas and Hezbollah are lobbing missiles over the border into Israel to kill innocent people, where are these so-called moderate Muslims? Why aren't they rushing into the streets to condemn the actions of the jihadists? Could it be because they are in the back room nodding their heads and saying, "Yeah, another step towards worldwide Sharia."

If the Jihad were to succeed, and a worldwide caliphate was put into place, there would be no moderate Muslims at all - guaranteed.

All of the imams and schools of Islamic jurisprudence commend sharia and jihad. Moderate Muslims, if they are out there, would need to stand up to the leaders of their community. It is no secret that if these moderates exist, and if they were to take on the most powerful men of Islam, it would be the same as signing one's own death warrant.

This is the reason Christianity is the fastest growing religion in Iran. To be a moderate Muslim is to be a contradiction, and the only way to truly denounce the violence and the insanity of jihad is to denounce Islam itself. The problem is not the people, the problem is the ideology. The Koran is the poison, Allah is the deceiver and a vicious counterfeiter, and Muhammad is the great liar.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

(1) America Alone by Mark Steyn, 2006, pages 85-86

Terrorism = Man Made Disaster? Let’s try some others: - Big Hollywood

Obama-Speak: Homeland Security Secretary Replaces 'Terrorism' With the Term 'Man-Caused Disaster' - NewsBusters

‘Islamic Radicalism’ Phrase to Be Removed from Obama’s National Security Documents - CNS News

Bloomberg defends Ground Zero mosque as freedom-of-faith issue - New York Post

Switzerland takes caution on Muslim minarets - One News Now

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