Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Democrat Party Hardliners: Policies That Steal Freedom

By Douglas V. Gibbs

The hard left in the United States has spent its entire existence praising systems founded upon collectivism, socialism, and yes, even communism. When Barack Obama was elected president, NewsWeek Magazine proudly proclaimed, "We Are All Socialists Now!" The Communist Party USA is one of the biggest supporters of Democrat candidates, and especially a great supporter of Mr. Obama, and his gang of hard left Congressional Democrats.

Before the fall of the Soviet Union the American liberal left argued that the Soviets, in terms of production and distribution of economic resources, was not inferior to ours. They cringed when Ronald Reagan called the Soviet Union "The Evil Empire." The American Left believed that any opinion not viewing communism as a successful economic system was propaganda perpetrated by those crazy right wingers. Then, the communist regime in Moscow collapsed. The empirical evidence was that collectivism, in any form, does not work. The Soviet Union's collapse was a victory for the people of those republics, for their freedom and independence, for political conservatism, and for the man that engineered the collapse of the evil empire with his resolve and policies, Ronald Reagan.

One fact we hear little about is that the Soviet people rejected communism, despite their leaders, despite the control the hardliners had over the media, education, and academia, and despite the claims by the government that communism was good for the people. The liberals tend to leave those little factoids out, rather than admit that the system was a failure not only as a totalitarian system, but as a system based on the same principles of collectivism as their own. Liberals can't afford to have history accurately recorded and interpreted, because it would serve as a complete repudiation of everything they stand for. Liberalism fails everywhere it has been tried, and the American Left must distort the facts of history to hide that reality.

Liberalism is totalitarian in nature, or must become so in the long run to force its policies on the people. Ultimately, American Liberalism possesses little difference to any other system of collectivism. Their philosophies, be it communism, socialism, or those of the American Liberal, are much the same, and in the end the policies always wind up stealing freedom.

To illustrate the point of how American Liberalism, like its collectivist counterparts, is designed to steal freedom, all one must do is look as some of the issues that the Democrat Party is supporting.

One of the latest big liberal issues is high-speed trains. In California, as well as other locations across the United States, the liberal left pushes public transportation. Be it a high speed rail system between Los Angeles and San Francisco, Buffalo and New York City, or Minneapolis and Chicago, all of them have one goal: To get you out of your car.

The liberal explanation is that these expensive rail systems would cut down the commute, cut down on traffic, and best of all, cut down on the horrible planet-killing poisons those terrible automobiles spew into our fragile atmosphere, which of course causes the mythical scourge of man-made global warming. Never mind the fact that nobody plans to ride these trains (except the true believers, anyway), or that the expense of building these systems uses an incredible amount of money we just don't have, nor will recoup. However, all of their arguments as to why we need these train systems, are not the true reasons the liberals push for them. In the end, it all comes down to the fact that liberals are collectivists.

Driving a car is way too independent, and individual, for a citizen, as far as the left is concerned. Driving a car affords the citizen way too much freedom. Heck, with a car, people are not acting like a community packed like sardines in a bus or train, and we just can't have that! Way too much freedom to go wherever you want in a car. In fact, in a car, they do more than just drive to and from work for the good of society. The drivers do horrible things like waste their time enjoying scenic drives, or vacationing!

But, since the American Left can't get you out of your car just yet, they will at least try to take away your freedoms of individualism while you are behind the wheel. From cell phones, to eating while you drive, they are determined to make your driving experience as freedom-less as possible. Control? It couldn't possible be control, could it? As far as they are concerned, you are losing your freedoms behind the wheel no less than with other liberal policies, like taking people's children away if you don't parent the way the government dictates to you (Child Protective Services), to dictating to you whether or not you can eat food with trans-fats in it or drink refreshments with too much sugar in it, to bicycle helmets, to lemonade stands needing business licenses, to the woman being disallowed from bringing a cake to a church function because her kitchen has not been approved by the government and is not at a commercial location, government is doing whatever it can to dictate to you what you can and can't do.

Yes, I understand, dangerous distractions can cause car accidents, and certain foods and drinks can make you fat (isn't Michelle Obama, then, guilty of obese-a-phobia?), and who knows what horrible conditions exists in that kitchen that little grandma used to bake that cake! Walking down the sidewalk can cause someone to trip and bust open their head, too, if they aren't watching where they are placing their feet. Are the liberals going to make going for a walk illegal unless you are wearing a helmet the law too?

Ultimately, all of the compassionate reasons for liberal policies are added later. The goal of liberalism is to rule over the people with a centralized governmental system that does everything to care and protect the citizen from cradle to grave. But to do such a thing, to have that kind of control over the people, your freedom must be taken away.

So the question must be, how free can America be with a centralized government dictating to people their every move under the guiding hand of liberalism?

The answer is apparent. Every time we get a taste of what the liberal Democrats have to offer, it is rejected despite their rhetoric. After Carter we had the Reagan Revolution, during Clinton we had the Republican Revolution, and now with Comrade Obama we are gearing up for a Tea Party Revolution in November.

Fact is, Conservatism and the limiting principles of the U.S. Constitution are what has made this nation prosperous, and we are reminded of that every time the liberal Democrats weasel their way into the White House, and into the corridors of Congress, and spread their destruction. The evidence is clear; we must reject liberalism, despite the deceptive rhetoric of the entertainment industry, Academia, the biased media, the Democrat Party, and despite the claims that the unsustainable ideology of progressive liberalism is the compassionate thing to do, or that we are destined to evolve into a bunch of mindless collectivists with flowers in our hair residing in some unicorn infected Utopia.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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