By Douglas V. Gibbs
The recent arguments over a pastor in Florida that desired to burn Korans on the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks became a huge news story. Few sided with the idea of burning Korans, but the reasons for folks opposing such an action were varied. The argument became a blurred battle of ideologies, and religion. Everyone had an opinion, but nobody recognized the message that was emerging.
My decision to stand against the burning of the Koran was simply based on the fact that I didn't think it would be beneficial for the opposition to the Islamization of the world to sink down to the level of the radicals of the Muslim ideology. If we become them, our argument becomes a moot point.
I agree with the Florida pastor that the Koran is an evil book, the teachings of Muhammad are destructive, and that Islam is a political ideology, rather than a religion, because it seeks to impose its own law in the place of the law of the land. To Islam the church is the state, and the state is the church, making it completely incompatible with a free society that does not allow the establishment of a state religion.
The desecration of religious icons tends to make Americans recoil, so despite the violent nature of Islam, the idea of a pastor burning the Koran was not acceptable to most Americans. But when it all comes down to the nitty-gritty, it is amazing how during that episode, the true feelings about Christianity by the Left were revealed to more than just those that are politically in tune.
Christian prayer is not allowed in schools, even if performed as an individual choice. Meanwhile, many schools have added Muslim prayer rooms to their campuses. A Bible in a classroom is not allowed, and in fact my nephew was recently told he could not bring his Bible to class in a school in Southern California. However, a Koran in the classroom is seen as courageous and a sign of enlightenment and tolerance. While Christianity hates the act of homosexuality, and teaches that homosexuality is a sin, Christianity also believes that if gays were to turn their lives over to Jesus they would seek to repent from their ungodly lifestyle. So the strategy is to share the Gospel with gays, and hope they turn to God voluntarily. Islam hates gays and kill them for the choice of their sexual behavior. Yet, the Left repeatedly exclaims how intolerant Christians are, but the Muslims are somehow a bastion of tolerance.
The glaring contradictions go on and on and on. Christianity is seen as the enemy, while Islam is embraced with open arms.
Imagine if the terrorists on 9/11 had claimed to be Christians. Do you think there would be a church still standing in this country? Would everyone be embracing the erection of a super-church a couple blocks away from Ground Zero as a bridge of understanding and tolerance?
I wonder why there are no churches in Saudi Arabia? Why is it that in Muslim countries the Bible is not allowed inside the nation's borders? How can anyone justify how in 2007, in Gaza, Muslims destroyed churches, attacked Christians, broke crosses, damaged statues of Jesus, and burned Bibles and prayer books - yet Muslims riot by the sheer threat of a pastor in Florida burning a Koran. During the episode in Gaza, Muslim gunmen used rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs) to blow through the doors of a Christian church and school, before burning Bibles and destroying every cross they could get their hands on. Would the world have been as forgiving to Christianity if some nutcases claiming to be Christian did the same to a mosque?
What about when in Nigeria over 500 Christians were being slain in mass killings of Christians in Nigeria? Muslims chopped down their victims (men, women and children) during a three hour episode of violence in three Christian villages. The gangs of killers were screaming out Allah Akhbar (Allah is Great) before breaking into homes and setting them afire. Oh, and Christian Churches were among the buildings that were burned down. The example the Left about violent Christians is The Crusades, but they leave out the part that The Crusades was a response to the Muslim invasion of Europe and Jerusalem.
How about in 2005 when 15 Muslim youths from a village on the West Bank, Dair Jarir, rampaged against Taybeh, a neighboring all-Christian village of 1,500 people? The reason for the assault? A Muslim woman from Dair Jarir, fell in love with her Christian boss from Taybeh. The couple's two-year affair resulted in her pregnancy, and when her family members learned of her condition, they murdered her. Unsatisfied with this "honor killing" (Islamic law strictly forbids non-Muslim males to have sexual relations with Muslim females) the Ajaj men sought vengeance against Khouriyye and his family.
When the violence erupted in Gaza, Nigeria, or on the West Bank, did Christians around the world erupt into violent rioting? Did people die as a result of the Christian anger against what happened?
Yet, a single pastor threatened to burn a Koran, and people did die during the rioting by Muslims in response.
Why the difference?
Because Christianity is a faith based on the love of God. Islam is an ideology based on hate, violence, and death.
Afghan-born Ahmadullah Sais Niazi planned to blow up buildings in America, and refers to Osama fin Laden as “an angel.” Last year he was charged with lying about his ties to terrorists in a bid to fraudulently obtain a United States passport. The FBI had been watching Niazi for years and a federal grand jury returned a five-count indictment last February. Niazi hid associations with “Specially Designated Global Terrorists,” groups including Al Qaeda, Hizb-i-Islami and the Taliban when he completed nationalization papers, according to the indictment. During one visit to Pakistan Niazi visited Dr. Amin al-Haq, the security coordinator for Osama bin Laden.
The charges against Niazi included perjury, naturalization fraud, misuse of a passport obtained by fraud and making a false statement to a federal agency. He faced a maximum sentence of 35 years in federal prison and a $1.25-million fine. His trial never happened. The Justice Department dropped the charges.
Was there an outcry against the federal government letting a known Islamic terrorist walk? Of course not. Yet, the case against a school principal and an athletic director who dared to utter a Christian prayer to bless a meal at an event received much more coverage, and outrage by those that claim to be defending civil rights.
The Left proclaims that Christianity is intolerant towards women's rights, yet the nations where women have the most rights are in country's that are dominated by Christians. Yet, while claiming that Christians want their women barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen, these same liberals turn their faces away from the atrocities toward women in the Muslim World. Where was the outrage over the planned lashes and stoning of Sakineh Mohammadi-Ashtiani for posing in a photograph without her hijab, and an accusation of adultery? How about the anger when a Muslim husband raped his wife, but the New Jersey judge saw no sexual assault because Islam forbids wives to refuse sex to their husbands? How about when two Muslim women were punished with lashes for selling cooked rice during Ramadan? Where was the outrage by women's rights groups over the mistreatment of women in those cases? Are the rights of Muslim women not worth fighting for in the minds of the feminists?
Muslims seek to impose their Sharia on every society, and we laugh it off. But Christians wind up in court for daring to try to preach the Word of Christ to Muslims in Michigan. By the way, the Christians were cleared after it went to court. Apparently, Christians aren't lowly dhimmis, yet, in America.
We've gotten so ridiculous, that even advertisers are being turned away from some businesses for being too Christian! Yet, those very same people welcome a mosque near Ground Zero - a mosque that is essentially the planting of a flag of victory and conquest, as far as the minds of the Muslims are concerned.
The Leftists fail to recognize that the overall Islamic goal of Islam is to rule the world, which means that Islamists believe they are also destined to rule America. They tell us every time we turn around. Yet, by the Left, whenever Islamists proclaim Islam's ultimate goal, the Left relegates the statements as being the nonsensical rantings of a minority of radical Muslims. The left was stunned when on ABC's "This Week," British radical Muslim activist Anjem Choudary made clear that the Muslim plan is to conquer the East and the West so that one day all lands are governed by the Shariah. In fact, he said, "Indeed, we believe that one day, the flag of Islam will fly over the White House. The final hour will not come until Muslims conquer the White House."
This conquest is well underway. To say so, however, is characterized as Islamophobia. In fact, the United Nations is currently campaigning to have so-called "Islamophobia" recognized by the international community as a form of racism prosecutable under international law. This would include any expression the Islamists find offensive, which in practice would amount to a global gag order on any critical discussion of Islam. Last year, the Obama administration co-sponsored with Egypt a U.N. Human Rights Council resolution against "racial and religious stereotyping," which offered cover to the Islamists in their drive to put any criticism of their religion off limits.
Of course, it is okay to criticize and vilify Christians and Jews. In fact, as the Left fights to allow Muslims to gain footing in the Western World, the Muslim countries are the least religiously tolerant in the world. In Islamic nations Christians, Jews, Hindus and others may not freely practice their faith, and under Koranic law, converts from Islam face the death penalty.
The Left has declared Muslims to be among the protected class of religions, and Judaism and Christianity to be the most dangerous. And frankly, the Left has it backwards.
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
Christians in Gaza Fear for Their Lives as Muslims Burn Bibles and Destroy Crosses - Associated Content
Islam, The Religion of Peace, Slaughters Christians in Nigeria - Political Pistachio
Christianity Dying in its Birthplace (West Bank Violence) - Daniel Pipes
First Death in Koran Furor as Thousands Protest in Afghanistan - NewsMax
Thousands of Afghans in anti-Quran-burning protest - Townhall
DOJ Drops Charges Against Indicted Islamic Terrorist - Judicial Watch, Corruption Chronicles
Luncheon Prayer Brings Criminal Charges - Political Pistachio
Iran Stoning Stopped, For Now - Political Pistachio
Sharia Law Has Arrived In The United States: New Jersey Court Follows Sharia Law in Sexual Abuse Case - Political Pistachio
Three Lashes for Selling Cooked Rice During Ramadan in Aceh - The Jakarta Globe
Jury Clears Christians Who Dared to Preach to Muslims - World Net Daily
You can't advertise with us – you're 'Christian': Mere mention of bookstore's name flagged as too 'offensive, sensitive' - World Net Daily
Muslim Religious Tolerance - Don Surber
The Stoning of Soraya M. - Political Pistachio
Islamic Flag over the White House - Washington Times
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