By Douglas V. Gibbs
As yesterday's liberal progressive "One Nation" rally unfolded in Washington DC it became clear that all of the expectations by conservatives were going to be met without any difficulties. The number of rally participants would be small, the communists would be in force, and the rhetoric would be anything but supportive of our nation's past, present, and future.
When I first became aware of the "Hey, let's promote the Democrat Party without revealing we wish we were as good as the Tea Party" rally, one of the first things I noticed about it is the long list of communist sponsors. The website promoting the event has a long list of endorsing organizations and sponsors, and it turns out that many of them have direct communist ties, or communist connections through the people who run the organizations. One of the groups on the list is Communist Party USA.
Over 400 organizations sponsored the event. The event was put on primarily by civil rights groups like the NAACP, and labor unions like SEIU, who were even busing people in. Talk about "astroturf". They have been bruised by the Tea Party, and feel the need to put out a response. The response, however, as with everything the liberal left does, exposes them for the communists they are.
During Barack Obama's campaign there was a recoil whenever anybody made mention that Obama's platform was one of socialist ideas. McCain was admonished for daring to even utter the word "socialism" in the same sentence with Barack's name. Yet, when Barry was elected, Newsweek's celebratory cover that read "We are all socialists now" was welcomed and applauded.
Socialism is the step towards communism, and though true communism will never be reached, language has given us a certain definition that is truly inescapable. Socialism is seen as those big government types in Europe that wants government to take care of everything while not progressing (regressing?) to the point of communism. They claim they are not communists because they aren't totalitarian, gun wielding Marxists throwing people into internment camps for daring to oppose The State.
Communism, we are told, is what the Soviet Union was, and socialism is Europe. Both systems have failed, but the Democrats are heading us in that direction anyway. It's like the Italian youths arguing how terrible the socialists in power are, so they will just vote in better socialists - never realizing it is the socialism that is the problem. The reality, however, is that these students of Marx and Alinsky here in America are not mere socialists. They are raging communists, or at least the list of endorsing organizations for the "One Nation" rally indicates that raging communists support the current Democrats in power.
Of course this is of no surprise to Conservatives. The actions of the Congressional Democrats, and the past actions and words of Obama, have revealed exactly who they are. They desire government to be the all-controlling entity, and they wish to accomplish their goal regardless of what We The People say, regardless of American traditions, regardless of our Constitutional governing principles, or the laws we have in place.
Simply put, the Democrats in control of the American government today are a bunch of radicals. They are members of a fringe left that is applauded by communists, Muslims, socialists, and homosexuals. In other words, about 12% of the population. But, because they have infiltrated, and have gained control, of much of the education industry, academia, the entertainment industry, and the press, they think they are in the majority. They think they have turned the United States into a leftist nation.
Last night on my radio program a liberal I call Mr. Colorado called into my show, and began to spew the talking points of the left. However, after asking him a bunch of questions, it turns out he believes in limited government (except where the government can give him something, of course). The seeds of conservative principles are in people like Mr. Colorado. However, they have been so deceived by promises of gifts from the federal treasury, that they cling to the Democrat Party. Greedy for these gifts from the federal government, these deceived Americans are willing to hand over their freedoms to a centralized government that really doesn't care about them at all in the end. They are willing to support a bunch of communists because the communists told them that they are not not a bunch of communists, after all. Then, the leftists tell these voters that any opposition against the Democrats wish to take away from the poor, down-trodden people their entitlements. The sheep believe the lies, they believe government will take care of them, and they believe the rhetoric that inserts words that ends with "-monger" or "-phobe" or "-hater," or anything else these leftist radicals can muster up.
I believe there are two kinds of liberals: The true believers who fully understand the Marxist nature of their ideology, and desire a communist system to be in place; and the deceived who have fallen for the rhetoric, and don't realize the liberty killing policies these hard-left liberals truly have in store for them.
The insanity of this all is that by merely pointing out who these people are, conservatives receive a response that says something along the lines that we are just being crazy. All of the evidence exists, progressives are socialists, the Democrat Party has stopped being a party, and has become a vessel for the communist agenda. But to point that out makes you anything but serious. You lose your credibility for stating what these people are, regardless of the truth.
The liberal agenda of big government is the number one goal of these statists. Everything else to these folks is secondary. They don't even care enough to clean up after themselves at their rallies. The Democrat Convention where Obama won the nomination for president was left with trash all over the ground, and American Flags trampled underfoot. Obama's inauguration resulted with the same trash covered grounds. So did One Nation yesterday. Tea Parties are left clean, and trash-free. If these radicals don't even care enough about others to pick up after themselves, how can we trust these socialists to care about anything other than control of the people when they govern?
The liberal approach is the same as the communist approach. The Soviet Union believed what the liberals believe. They believe in equalizing outcomes or wealth by redistribution. The expansion of government has made problems worse, not better. From Wilson to Roosevelt to Johnson to Obama, we have pumped trillions of dollars into the expansion of government, and the problems have not only not been eliminated, they have worsened.
Socialism, masking itself as liberalism, has created, and exploited, a community of dependent people. The American People that have been conned by the statists are unaware that the true route to prosperity and happiness is through self-reliance and self-investment. People are told by the leftists that America is unfair, unjust, and full of disadvantages. They have come to believe that government is their hope, that only government regulation and control can lead them to happiness. Generations of people have bought into these lies, and the result is a bunch of deceived people waiting for the hope the government promised them, while mired in poverty and despair. They were promised something that cannot happen through a leftist agenda. Then, when the socialist liberal agenda fails, rather than recognize the failed nature of the ideology, they blame their opposition, and the sheep fall for it every time. They have been conditioned to do so. They have been led to believe that their hope and happiness comes from government. Their self-image, and how they feel about themselves, has somehow become intertwined with how much government cares about them. And government does not care about them. The promises are empty. The people looking to government are simply stones on the river that government is willing to step all over to get to a position of incredible power and control.
Wealth redistribution does not level the playing field, or create equity in the population. Socialism destroys wealth, and its collectivist model ultimately enslaves the citizens. The only way to turn things around is through individualism. As parents we teach our kids to stand on their own to feet, to become responsible individuals, and to work hard in their journey. The same goes for all of society.
America did not become the greatest nation on this Earth by growing government into a centralized monstrosity. We became the shining beacon on the hill through values, confidence, a limited federal government, and a free market system. Freedom comes with opportunity. Liberty comes with us investing in ourselves.
Jobs are not created by unions that force unsustainable benefit packages on employers. Prosperity is not created by taking extra taxes from the producers and handing it out to those at the bottom. Freedom is not protected by handing our liberty over to a bunch of politicians. The key is limiting the size and scope of the federal government, allowing them to only have the authorities afforded them by the U.S. Constitution. And if they want more authorities, then they can do as the Founding Fathers intended, and propose an amendment, and then let the States decide on whether or not to allow the federal government that authority through ratification of the amendment.
The federal government would rather cut the states, and the people, out of the picture. But in the end, fools always expose themselves. The question is, how much destruction will they cause before we finally stop them?
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
Endorsing Organizations - One Nation Working Together
America's Past Supports Principles of Conservatism - Political Pistachio Radio Revolution
Astroturf? Thousands Given Free Bus Rides by Unions & NAACP to One Nation Rally - Big Government
The YCL (Young Communist League) Organizing for the One Nation Working Together Rally in DC! - Young Communist League USA
Why We March and Vote - Communist Party USA
Aftermath of One Nation Rally (image of trashed grounds) - Flixi
GP: CLEAN Conservatives vs FILTHY Liberals— A Photographic Essay - The Blog Prof
Aftermath of the One Nation Rally (Video) - You Tube
Small Crowd for 10-2-10 - Flickr
Liberal Groups Rally, Challenging Tea Party - New York Times
Proud Socialists March at Left-Wing Protest in DC - You Tube
Hate Rally: One Socialist Nation - Breitbart TV
Letting Leftists Limit Language - American Thinker
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
Endorsing Organizations - One Nation Working Together
America's Past Supports Principles of Conservatism - Political Pistachio Radio Revolution
Astroturf? Thousands Given Free Bus Rides by Unions & NAACP to One Nation Rally - Big Government
The YCL (Young Communist League) Organizing for the One Nation Working Together Rally in DC! - Young Communist League USA
Why We March and Vote - Communist Party USA
Aftermath of One Nation Rally (image of trashed grounds) - Flixi
GP: CLEAN Conservatives vs FILTHY Liberals— A Photographic Essay - The Blog Prof
Aftermath of the One Nation Rally (Video) - You Tube
Small Crowd for 10-2-10 - Flickr
Liberal Groups Rally, Challenging Tea Party - New York Times
Proud Socialists March at Left-Wing Protest in DC - You Tube
Hate Rally: One Socialist Nation - Breitbart TV
Letting Leftists Limit Language - American Thinker
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