Friday, October 22, 2010

Pro-choice is about Choice, right?

By Douglas V. Gibbs

I've decided I am pro-choice. That's right! I am in the support of choice. Realize, that does not mean I believe in abortion.

If you think about the abortion issue, and the terms "pro-life," and "pro-choice," you actually realize that the labels are not really accurate. The pro-life label is accurate, for the most part, but pro-choice ought to be pro-life too, right? Think about it. The pro-choice people get all upset if a woman does not make the choice to end the life of her unborn baby. But the baby loses its choice to live, and if you make the choice to save the life of an unborn child, the "pro-choice" folks get all bent out of shape. I mean, isn't that what happened with the Tebow Super Bowl commercial?

Tim Tebow's mother made the choice of not aborting him, and the pro-choice people got all upset at Tim and his mom for advertising that fact during the biggest television event of the year. Liberals being upset that someone makes a choice other than having an abortion doesn't make these people pro-choice. In reality, the pro-life people are pro-choice because among the choices to them is the ability to "choose" not to participate in the murder of the unborn.

To make the labels more accurate they should be pro-choice, and pro-death.

That makes me pro-choice.

I am also pro-choice in other things. For example, if you become dependent upon the government for everything through the entitlement system, then the government believes it can dictate to you how you spend your money, how you live your life, and so forth because by giving you money, or food stamps, or whatever, they have a vested interest in your life. Therefore, I believe the best thing to do, rather than lose the choices of life to government mandates, is to make the choice to be self-reliant. It is better to choose to take advantage of opportunities, be personally responsible, and take care of oneself, then to lose freedom to government dependency. The great thing about America is regardless of who you are, or where you are on the economic ladder, all of the choices of opportunity are open to you. The outcomes may vary, but the choice of opportunities to pursue achievement is available to all.

I am also pro-choice on how we can save our money, spend our money, or what loans we can pursue. I don't believe there is such thing as predatory lending. The fine print is there. If we are foolish enough not to read the terms of the contract, or to borrow money when we do not have the ability to pay the money back, it is our fault. We aren't forced into such agreements. We have the ability to say, "No."

I am also pro-choice when it comes to value systems. I choose to support family values. I choose to support the idea that parents should remain together, and that those parents should be of the opposite sex. I choose to believe that marriage is between a man and a woman. I choose to support education in the sense that we should teach children to remain abstinent from sex until the bond of marriage is entered into. Interestingly, abstaining from sex is the only proven method of birth control that works 100% of the time. Such restraint also protects the individual 100% of the time from sexually transmitted diseases.

I choose all of these things.

You see, if you choose the opposite, in the long run you lose choices. To not choose what I have listed leads your life to be dictated by the consequences of the bad choices. Life, then, becomes limited. Choices are not as readily available.

Being pro-family is being pro-choice. The ability to choose widens when one makes moral decisions, and the increase of choice can also be called an increase in freedom. Those choices support individuality, personal responsibility, and self-reliance. If you hand any of those choices over to the government, or to a lifestyle that leads you to a life-threatening disease, you lose choices. And by losing choices, you lose freedom. Therefore, I am pro-choice.

I am pro-choice for the sanctity of life, I am pro-choice for a limited government, I am pro-choice in morality.

So don't be worried when you hear me say I am pro-choice. It just means that I choose what is right.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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