Monday, December 27, 2010

American Liberalism: Big Government Tyranny

By Douglas V. Gibbs

The American revolutionaries fought against the greatest military of the day to free themselves from the authoritarian grip of the British Empire. The concept for the new American form of government was to be one as far from what they fought against as possible. Britain was a tyrannical oligarchy, a king surrounded by a powerful gang of nobles that believed the Colonies were nothing more than another revenue source. Therefore, it is easy to recognize that what the Founding Fathers desired to accomplish was a governmental system limited in its scope and powers, as opposed to the centralized system in Britain. Rather than create a federal government with unlimited powers, they designed a system limited in its authorities. In order to achieve that, those patriots developed a constitution that did not tell the federal government what it can't do, but enumerated to the federal government what it is allowed to do. Then, to make sure it worked, they studied past governments, and included only the best elements of history's republican governments. The Founding Fathers desired the American form of government to be one that did not allow too much power to reside in any one place, because the Founders understood human nature's tendency to lust for power, and only a system in which the powers were divided at every level with a system of checks and balances in place could stand the test of time.

Today's American Liberal asks what the federal government "should" do for the people.

Didn't their own Democrat President John F. Kennedy on January 20, 1961 say, ". . . my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country"?

The federal government was not created to be a tyranny. The federal government was simply designed for the purpose of protecting and preserving "a more perfect union." We fought against a tyranny in the Revolutionary War. The framers of the United States were not a ruling elite, nor did they wish to be such. They were statesmen that desired to serve their new nation for the purpose of protecting individual liberty, and to protect the new union that had, by the hand of Divine Providence, defeated the powerful British Empire in the American Revolution. They did not wish to create a government that should do anything for the people, but a government limited in its powers for the purpose of protecting, promoting, and preserving the union of the united states (lower case on purpose - plural: states that are united).

A government that believes it should "do" for the populace is a government that ultimately becomes tyrannical. A government that determines through a liberal advocacy that it is its collective moral duty to encourage dependency upon the government by the populace through a system of entitlements and socialized programs is the complete opposite of what the Founding Fathers intended, and is a dangerous proposition for an American system that, following constitutional limitations and a capitalistic free market model, has been the most prosperous nation on the face of the Earth.

To assume that the government can manage the nation's wealth better than the individuals that earned it in the first place through a system of wealth transference is to assume that the reality of human nature suspends itself when in the hands of government. A system of collectivism that funds unsustainable programs of entitlement by plundering its citizens' wealth is a tyranny that will continuously demand more money with each passing year. The achievers, in such a system, become a never-ending fountain of revenue that the government continuously draws from. Problem is, in the words of the Reagan Era British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, "Socialist governments traditionally do make a financial mess. They [socialists] always run out of other people's money. It's quite a characteristic of them."

The big government push for a more centralized governmental system by a political ideology like the one shared by American Liberals assumes that what is best for the populace is not necessarily expressed by the general public. The greater good is presumed to be only known by the ruling elite. Therefore, they believe it is their task to ensure that for the public good they must not allow any aspect of human life to be excluded from their version of what is best for the populace. However, in doing so, that means that anyone who refuses to obey their plans for the common good must be restrained by the body politic, therefore forcing the populace to let go of their individuality and fit into the collectivist scheme, or suffer the government imposed consequences.

The idea of any centralized system such as the one the American liberals are trying to impose is to dissolve the populace into a homogeneous mass, abolish the voice of the States and the people by decentralizing the system, and to ultimately remove the representative aspect of the American form of government. Once the liberal system is in place with all cylinders firing all voluntary associations will become subjected to government regulation and control in the name of the common good, as interpreted by the ruling elite. In the end, this is not a system of compassion, but a recipe for disaster. The ranks of the poor increases under the authoritarian fist of such systems, and the gap between the classes widen with no hope of the members of the lower classes rising out of poverty. Liberalism leads to economic serfdom, and the end of individual liberty.

The American People proved that they recognize the liberal tyranny for what it is when in the last mid-term election they overwhelmingly voted out the liberal authoritarians, and voted into office Tea Party candidates that champion the limitations on government that are in line with the U.S. Constitution. Conservative Republicans are set to turn this nation around away from the disease of liberalism, which has been fueling a growing encroachment in our individual lives by government. The new GOP representatives, unlike their liberal counterparts, do not view the populace as being members of an ignorant mass that must be hopelessly dependent upon the edicts of an all-wise and powerful government. Government, as far as these Tea Party candidates are concerned, is not divinely endowed with the authority to arbitrate who should and should not be granted the privilege of keeping a portion of their own hard-earned wages, or who must suffer the regulations imposed by the centralized government elite.

No authoritarian governmental system, be it European socialism, or the tripe that the American liberals are trying to sell (two philosophies that are fast becoming more and more alike with each passing moment), is beyond becoming a tyranny. The very fact that these ideologies believe that government is capable of retraining itself from becoming a totalitarian system as it expands its scope and powers is foolish folly. No government policy can be said to be in the public interest if it does not uniformly benefit every member of the society, or if it involves government regulations that compel citizens to follow a strict dictate that limits a person's freedom of choice. Fact is, the closer the government is to the people, the more likely it is to be the servant rather than the master of the people (Thomas Jefferson). In other words, a successful governmental system that protects liberty, and promotes freedom is one in which powers delegated by the Constitution to the Federal Government, are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State Governments are numerous and indefinite (James Madison). Local government best governs over local issues.

President Obama believes that the federal government must take from the wealthy, and spend money it doesn't have, for programs like government paid health care (that punishes citizens if they refuse to participate). The most liberal of the Democrats were upset over the tax cut compromise not because of the incredible spending inserted into the bill, subsidies for failed ethanol technologies, or enabling higher unemployment by extending rewards to people for not working. They were jazzed about those provisions in the bill. Their anger, which compelled them to chant "Just say no" in unified opposition to the bill, was because the tax compromise didn't stick it to the wealthy (a.k.a. the achievers, job creators, and economy builders).

The American Liberal believes it helps economic systems to splurge with money it doesn't have while treating wealthier citizens in a punitive manner for daring to succeed. The ruling class of liberal authoritarians have determined that well-off citizens deserve to be taxed more than others because in their infinite political wisdom they have determined that the wealthier segment of society produces and accumulates more profits than the ruling elite believes they should be allowed to, and because the rich haven't been willing to spend the amount of their riches that the political elite expects.

Do these rich liberals feel guilty for being successful? Do they hold a grudge against success, and resentment against achievement? Do these political hacks believe the wealthier Americans to be cruel and indifferent landlords accumulating wealth on the backs of poor laborers?

The beauty of America is that the system was not created, as the liberals believe it should be, on the idea of equity of outcome. The system is actually built on the premise of equity in opportunity. If government would just get out of the way, all Americans would have the capability to become a member of the group of achievers. This does not guarantee success, but it does promote for individuals the opportunity to pursue whatever they decide to pursue (life, liberty, and the "pursuit" of happiness). If one fails, they can try again. If they prefer to be just another worker bee, that is their opportunity as well. It is up to the individual. Freedom and responsibility runs hand in hand.

Liberalism seeks to condition the citizens into believing that government is the great equalizer. The liberal left endeavors to convince you that the poverty stricken are hopeless and have no opportunity to become more than they are. Therefore, it is somehow compassionate for the government to pay the poor to remain poor, and it justifies their cruel social strategy by telling the poor that they took the money from those greedy rich people. In reality, however, all that the redistribution of wealth does is widen the gap between the classes, ensuring that those lower class people will never be able to mingle with the liberal elite. Liberalism is designed to keep the poor in poverty, to keep themselves wealthy and powerful, and to send all that oppose them to the poor house.

In this, American Liberalism elevates government to the role of a cruel god. Government decides what you can and can't do through strict regulations, and expects a tithe in the form of progressive taxation from you. Liberalism forces their collectivism on the populace through regulatory control, and punitive taxation. To refuse to participate in their oppressive system of taxation is to steal from the almighty government, and the criminal offense of daring to oppose liberalism, as far as they are concerned, must be met with punishment from the powerful liberal government entity.

Thus, such is the story of all authoritarian systems of history. Centralized government systems raise leaders that believe they are some kind of messiah, and they impose on the populace what they believe to be their infinite wisdom. Like the American Liberals, totalitarian systems of the past do what they can to tell you what you can eat (nutrition bill), how much money you can make (wage controls and confiscatory taxation), what to buy (health bill, San Francisco ban of Happy Meals, New York tobacco tax, New York war against sugary drinks, Nutrition bill), what you are allowed to produce (Farm Bill), impose immorality on you whether you like it or not while destroying traditional institutions or military efficiency and implementing their policies through reeducation indoctrination programs (gay marriage, Don't Ask Don't Tell repeal), murder citizens that are not considered beneficial to the system (abortion, assisted suicide, eugenics), how to invest (financial bill), how much energy you are allowed to use (proposed environmental legislation), if you are allowed to own private property (conservation agency land seizures), and what you are allowed to say or think (net-neutrality, hate crime legislation, governmental criticisms against the Tea Party and Conservative Media for daring to voice dissent). Just to make sure they achieve all that they desire they have seized control of the courts through the unconstitutional concept of judicial review, as well as seizing control over the entertainment industry and education system (as a means of indoctrinating the youth in their authoritarian philosophy), while using unethical means of gaining more power by bribing members of their own party (method preferred during health care bill vote).

Even George Orwell himself could not have foreseen how corrupt, power hungry, and how much of an authoritarian ruling elite the American Liberals have truly become.

Liberal government systems around the world are collapsing, and are fleeing from their socialistic ways. Meanwhile the American Liberals wish to plunge this nation head-long into the debunked pipe dream that social engineering, wealth redistribution, and centralized government has wrought. They stoke the embers of class hatred, foment class warfare, and prepare to elevate themselves to the upper reaches of government power. They are the ones who they claim to be against. They are the greedy elite that lust for power. They are the ones that destroy for their own benefit. They are the ones that will instill on America big government tyranny with themselves sitting on the throne, if they are allowed to.

It is they that the Tea Party intends to stop, for it is common knowledge that liberalism fails wherever it is tried, and for the sake of American liberty, the destruction of liberalism must be stopped here and now.

Failure to stop American Liberalism will result in the failure of America, and the end of the great experiment of freedom and self-government initiated by our Founding Fathers, and lead to an America ruled by big government tyranny.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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