Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Parenting At Risk Under Liberal Education Systems

By Douglas V. Gibbs

Centralized governmental systems operate on the principles of collectivism. The political elite do what they can to squash individualism with the excuse that poor individual decisions are not beneficial to the common good of the collective community, therefore government must force the population to follow a program of policies put forth by the body politic. To ensure that the centralized system remains in power, it is important for the children to be trained in understanding, as perceived by the government, the importance of a governmental system that forces the liberal progressive agenda on the people - for their own good, of course.

As a government gains more power, and expands beyond the mere functions necessary for the exercise of basic governing operations, the encroachment upon individual liberties begins to take the form of eliminating personal choices. We have seen this with the liberal Democrats here in the United States where they aim to limit our allowance to smoke cigarettes, limit our activities we can engage in while we drive our cars, limit what foods we should be allowed to eat, and take control of the services we use from credit, to energy, to the Internet. However, when a progressive system advances to the point where it is on the cusp of becoming an authoritarian system, the children enter its cross hairs.

The Nazis, as well as Communist and Marxist movements, have been quick to get to the children. In fact, such a move is one of their stated goals and tactics: to indoctrinate children. If a statist system can get to the young minds, and completely indoctrinate those minds, the children will tend to grow up as sycophants for the leftist, centralized governmental system, philosophy.

The Hitler Youth of Nazi Germany, because of the control the state had over the children, turned out to be more solid followers of the Nazi ideology then were the hard core rank and file Nazi Party members. The children turned in their parents if they did not show a complete loyalty to the government, and as the war became a nightmare for Germany in 1944, Hitler Youth divisions were put in front line combat. And as the end came near, and the reality of devastation and defeat was upon them, the most ardent fighters for Hitler and the Nazis to the end were those children that had been indoctrinated by the state.

Their fanaticism was due to the education they received at the hands of the Nazi government during their tender years. When young, these children were indoctrinated with ease. They were sold hook, line and sinker to the Nazi mentality without ever questioning the evil behind the governmental system.

Communist nations have done the same. The totalitarian state is safer when the children believe the madness.

Saul Alinsky, in his "Rules for Radicals," taught the same. According to Alinsky, it is essential to address the children, and educate them, in how they can assist the movement in achieving the movement's ends.

That is how a political system entrenches itself. If the philosophies of the statist system are rooted deeply in the minds of the young people, upon maturity their ability to make rational decisions against the government are quelled.

Young people are not given adult responsibilities in our culture for a reason. Minors are not generally held to the same standards as adults for a reason.

A government seeking to remain in power for an extended period, however, knows that the best people to gain as supporters are those that do not possess the experience, maturity and sophistication to know any better. That is how the Democrats gain power once every 16 years - by appealing to the malleable youth.

With each cycle, since the liberal progressives have their claws dug deep into the educational system, the vote for the Democrats becomes stronger. Eventually, they hope, they will be able to keep the younger voters in their corner much longer, and the indoctrination of the children through the entertainment media, and the schools, is the left's primary weapon.

Europe, who is more advanced in their submersion into the liberal socialist ideology, have gotten to the point where they not only teach the children the leftist agenda in the schools, but the private schools are required to use approved material. In fact, in many European systems, it is illegal for parents to homeschool their own children.

In America, the indoctrination of our children, and the draconian attacks against parenting, is under the guise of protecting our young people. The policies in place punish all offenses by children severely, and usually do so without the consent of the parents.

Children are labeled as drug dealers and weapon wielders often for purely unintended, or purely innocent, circumstances. Zero tolerance policies villainize our children. Examples include a child that drew a picture of a gun, another that brought a lego gun to school, and another who simply forgot to remove her hunting rifle from her car.

The purpose is to teach our children how to live under an authoritarian liberal system that limits individual choices and freedoms.

These zero-tolerance rules in a number of states also include fighting, drug or alcohol use and gang activity, as well as relatively minor offenses such as possessing over-the-counter medications and disrespect of authority. Though these policies seem fine and good on the surface, like the TSA, common sense has taken a back seat because the rules are not really about the safety of the children, but control over them.

What has emerged is a national intolerance for childish behavior by children, not only so that the system can force the children to act in a manner that only the state approves of, but to also diminish parental influence. It has gotten to the point in some jurisdictions there have been punishments including children being expelled for kids carrying cough drops, wearing black lipstick or dying their hair blue. By definition "zero tolerance" disallows any distinctions, that has even led to 20 children in four states being suspended from school for possession of alka-seltzer because it was deemed to be a violation of zero tolerance drug policies.

In Virginia, a 9-year-old student was suspended for giving a friend a Certs breath mint under a policy that not only bans any drugs but also anything that looks like a drug.

The kids don't even get a warning. One strike and you are out. And for that matter, the opinion of the parents on the matter isn't even taken into consideration. These policies are ineffective, and in the long run leads to, according to the National Association of School Psychologists, "a number of negative consequences, including increased rates of school drop out and discriminatory application of school discipline practices."

Mind you, these policies come from a liberal ideology that also believes that a school must get a parent's permission for the nurse to give an aspirin to the child, but that sex education and abortion should be enabled without even the knowledge of the parent.

The indoctrination even includes teaching our children that Islam is a loving and peaceful religion (which is patently false), while also teaching our children that Jesus Christ was a 'Wine-Guzzling Vagrant and Socialist'.

In order to make sure the impact of the liberal education system operates with as little parental influence as possible, the teachers unions are pushing for an elimination of tutoring systems in districts where a child who attends a failing public school and lags behind in his or her studies at school may have access to such services. If successful, the result will be a loss of opportunity for students while condemning kids to failing schools. The change in policy would also eliminate a parent's a measure of control over key decisions affecting their child's education.

In California, among a slew of 725 new laws, is included a law that will fine a parent $2,000, or imprisonment for a year, for having their child K-8 out for more than 10% of the year.

A person a friend of mine knows had a relative whose child broke their tailbone, so the child was unable to sit in the classroom. The school called the parents in, where they had an officer and a Child Protective Services worker in the room to strong arm them into having her return to the classroom. After being treated like a criminal, they finally got them to agree to have a tutor sent to the child’s home. The child, by the way, was an honor student.

What the liberalized education system is proving is that the school system is not about teaching our children reading, writing, and arithmetic, nor is it about the child's welfare. The system is all about control, indoctrinating our children with liberal philosophies, and getting as much federal tax money for the school district for the number of butts being in those classroom seats.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Psych studies ordered for jailed homeschooling dad - World Net Daily

Student Suspended For Drawing Gun - KPHO CBS 5

Laura Timoney fumes after son Patrick, 9, is busted for bringing 2-inch-long toy gun to PS 52 - New York Daily News

Montana Honor Student Faces Expulsion for Leaving Hunting Rifle in Car While at School - Fox News

Lockdown High: Zero-Tolerance Policies and Authoritarian Learning - Jonathan Turley

Teaching School Children to Live in a Totalitarian Society - American Chronicle

Books: Should American Kids Be Reading Houghton Mifflin's Textbook on the History of Islam and the West? - History News Network

Parents Pull Son Out of New Hampshire School Over Assigned Book That Refers to Jesus as 'Wine-Guzzling Vagrant and Socialist' - Fox News

NANCE: Stripping power from parents: Obama, teachers unions want to kill tutoring - Washington Times

There Oughta Be a Law: Californians Getting 725 New Ones in 2011 - La Mesa Patch

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