Friday, February 18, 2011

Service is Love

Any farmer knows that if he sows lots of good seed, he can confidently anticipate an abundant harvest.

By Douglas V. Gibbs

We thank our troops for serving our country because we know that they do it out of love. We have a voluntary force, so serving in the military is purely the choice of an individual. And for that, the members of our military truly serve, and because they truly serve, we are truly thankful.

A friend of my mother spends her weekends with a church group feeding the homeless. A friend of mine every Christmas is heavily involved in putting together care packages for families. Another friend of mine spends her free time involved in ensuring care packages go out to our troops overseas. The Temecula Vet Center, a group I became involved with last year, serves our returning combat veterans. Each of these are examples of service.

Service is love.

A Father, a Mother, a Friend. Doing something you don't have to only because deep down you want to. That is service.

When it is done through taxation, and government handouts, it is not service, and it is not love. Entitlements are not service, they are a mechanism that teaches members of society to become freeloaders.

Entitlements kill personal drive, individual honor, and self-determination. Entitlements are the opposite of service.

Service is because you don't have to. Service is Love.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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