Thursday, February 03, 2011

Snow Blankets U.S., Anti-Capitalist Environmentalists Claim it to be the Fault of Man-Made Global Warming

By Douglas V. Gibbs

It never fails. The moment we experience an extraordinary winter weather event, the environmentalist wackos jump up and down and say, "See? See? Man-made global warming did this."

Then, as the greenies are jumping up and down and pointing accusatory fingers at SUVs, trucks and cow farts, the grand poobah of environmentalists, his highness the great Al Gore, says: "Increased heavy snowfalls are completely consistent with what they have been predicting as a consequence of man-made global warming - "In fact, scientists have been warning for at least two decades that global warming could make snowstorms more severe. Snow has two simple ingredients: cold and moisture. Warmer air collects moisture like a sponge until it hits a patch of cold air. When temperatures dip below freezing, a lot of moisture creates a lot of snow. A rise in global temperature can create all sorts of havoc, ranging from hotter dry spells to colder winters, along with increasingly violent storms, flooding, forest fires and loss of endangered species."

Al Gore, my friends, has once again attributed cold conditions to warming conditions, and once again helped us realize why nobody believes him anymore.

Chicago is all but shut down. They are expecting freezing conditions in Dallas, for the big football game that I will be eating a super bowl of salsa watching. It got so cold that the players held practice indoors.

And they are trying to convince people we are still in the middle of global warming.

It's a pure, unadulterated hoax. There are reasons they are pushing this hoax, but it is a hoax nonetheless, as it was in the early seventies when The Left was claiming we were heading for another ice age.

These anti-capitalists are willing to do anything they can to take away your energy freedoms, tell you what you can drive (if they let you drive at all), and they are willing to lie to do it. They are willing to tell you it is scorching out there as the snow falls.

Remember, Obama said in his State of the Union Speech that by 2035 he expects us to be completely on "clean energy." And he doesn't plan to let the free market determine if things should go that way, or allow the free market to make things happen should the market determine it is needed. Obama wants government to make it happen. Damn unleashing the private sector, as far as he is concerned. Damn capitalism.

Even Greenpeace Co-Founder Dr. Patrick Moore questions the validity of man-made global warming, calling it "Obviously a Natural Phenomenon".

The Earth warms and cools naturally, despite our efforts to make it do otherwise - and it has been doing just that for longer than we have records.

The whole environmental movement is solely oriented toward anti-capitalism. The militant environmental movement is the new red. These environmentalist wackos have filled the void left by the fallen communists after the Berlin Wall fell and the Soviet Union collapses. Anti-capitalist. Just like the rest of the liberal movement, just like the feminists, and just like that anti-capitalist, pro-socialist, pro-Marxist, pro-big government Democrat president we have in the White House.

And then there's Al Gore, who is not a scientist, claiming that all this cold weather was predicted twenty years ago - even though ten years ago the people he's quoting was saying that because of global warming kids would be growing up not knowing what snow is.

Gore's reference to confirm his sludge he spews? Columnist Clarence Page. Clarence Page wrote: "In fact, scientists have been warning for at least two decades that global warming could make snowstorms more severe. Snow has two simple ingredients: cold and moisture. Warmer air collects moisture like a sponge until it hits a patch of cold air. When temperatures dip below freezing, a lot of moisture creates a lot of snow." Clarence Page wrote that. Wow, Gore didn't even try to put into it a few of his own words. He quoted it almost word for word, and then claimed it was him saying it.

Anyway, Gore cited that to be his scientific community evidence. Clarence Page, a Chicago newspaper syndicated writer. But Clarence Page isn't a scientist. He's not even a pretend climate change scientist. He's just a liberal puke out there propagandizing as much as he can, just like Gore.

So, what were scientists saying 20 years ago? What did they say would be the result of global warming? Did they say because it's hot, brace for snow?

Did any of you predict snow?

Did any of the global warming scientists say that a rise in global temperature equals colder winters?


Now the environmentalists are trying to say they did, but people aren't buying it. But they don't really care what people think. They just want the excuse to throw out there more regulations, control your energy usage, dictate to you what you can drive, and shove you into buses, and high speed trains, kicking and screaming if they must.

About eleven years ago, at the Climate Research Unit, University of East Anglia, we were warned by the Climate Research Unit as recently as March of 2000 that snow would soon be a thing of the past. These knuckleheads were at the forefront of the idea that we were destroying the climate with man-made greenhouse gases, emissions, driving our gas guzzlers, and burning coal for fuel. On March 20th of 2000: "According to Dr. David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia, within a few years winter snowfall will become a very rare and exciting event. Children just aren't going to know what snow is."

Wait, didn't Gore say these people were saying we'd be having more snow?

Propaganda. They've been caught in a lie, but they act as if we're the crazy ones. They line their pockets with money as they spew their propaganda, and you are supposed to just accept their tripe, and shut up about it.

Gore is telling us that scientists were warning us 20 years ago that the snows were gonna get even worse than we have ever seen before, but instead ten years ago the experts at Hadley were telling us snow would become so rare that it would be something children will not even recognize.

Joe Bastardi was on AccuWeather on the Fox & Friends show yesterday morning, and he was asked about Al Gore's remarks. Steve Doocy said, "Al Gore came out within the last 48 hours on his website and he said that scientists have said that all these storms are indicative of the earth getting warmer. You got evaporation out there and more precipitation and hence, what's going on here. You say that's not right."

Bastardi replied, "You know what this is like with these folks? I don't mean to demean you, it's like the more your opponent scores, the more points you get. The fact of the matter is these guys are sitting here -- is there any answer they don't own? Four, five years ago, we're hearing no winters, lots of hurricanes, everything else. When the opposite happens, they say well, we're right about that. There are people who think by 2030, we're back where we were in the early 1800's, which is a mini ice age. By the way, folks, cooling is worse than warming. It takes a lot more energy -- that's why your energy bills go up in the winter -- to heat houses than it does to cool you down."

There are no answers these people don't own, apparently. Whatever happens, they say they saw it coming and predicted it. No matter what happens, they were right. There's no science in this, it is pure propaganda.

Did anyone seriously predict that global warming would produce more snowfall?


So here comes Patrick Moore, the guy who co-founded Greenpeace, and he says: "Greenpeace was hijacked by political and social activists at the time who began adopting extremist positions on a number of issues. I saw the writing on the wall, especially when they decided to ban chlorine worldwide which happens to be the most important element for human health and medicine. I had to leave because they were adopting positions I could not justify in science. And since then they have adopted many positions which I believe in some cases are the opposite to what they should be for truly being environmentally correct. . . It's more about globalization and anti-capitalism than it is about science or ecology. Half a million kids go blind every year in the rice eating countries because of vitamin A deficiency. Golden rice invented 12 years ago could cure that overnight and yet the activists have prevented it from being planted in Asia and Africa. . . Global warming has been happening since about 1800 when the little ice age came to an end and the Thames River in England stopped freezing over on a regular basis. This is obviously a natural phenomenon. The climate has been changing throughout the millennia and has generally been warmer than it is today for the last half billion years. I personally believe a little bit of warming would be good for the planet by and large. Certainly, we should be very concerned if it cools because in a warmer world, we can produce more food. In a cooler world, we will only be able to produce less food. I just do not believe that we have the proof of this and the alarmism is driving us through scare tactics to adopt energy policies that are going to create a huge amount of energy poverty among the poorer people in our society."

Anti-capitalism destroying the world, making the poor more poor, and disallowing countries to develop because of their hoax of man-made global warming. Hell, these people are even murdering off millions of people with their lies (remember the millions that died from malaria when DDT was stupidly banned?)

Is there a position they don't own? Is there anything they haven't predicted? Not according to Al Gore.

Yet, when you compare the amount of greenhouse gases we spew into the air, it is less than one percent of the total when compared to oceans, volcanoes, and other natural phenomenon. We couldn't affect the weather if we tried. Man-made global warming doesn't exist, but the anti-capitalists desperately need it to in order to put more money in their pockets.

These people are destructive liars, and they are willing to say anything to you to convince you that they have a right to regulate your energy more than Karl Marx would have ever dreamed - even if it means saying something as preposterous as warming causes snow.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Blizzard spreads snowy shroud over nearly half US - Associate Press/Yahoo News

Gore Now Claims 'Increased Heavy Snowfalls are Completely Consistent with... Man-Made Global Warming' - Climate Depot

An Answer for Bill - Al Gore's Blog

Snowfalls Are Now Just a Thing of the Past - U.K. Independent

Greenpeace Co-Founder Dr. Patrick Moore Questions Man-Made Global Warming, Calls it 'Obviously a Natural Phenomenon' - Climate Depot

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