Sunday, April 17, 2011

Liberalism Fails. . . Case in Point: Detroit

"The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened." - Norman Thomas, 1948.

Note: Norman Thomas (1884-1968) was a six-time U.S. Presidential candidate for the Socialist Party of America. Norman Thomas and Gus Hall, the U.S. Communist Party Candidate, both quit American politics, agreeing that the Republican and Democratic parties had adopted every plank on the Communist/Socialist and they no longer had an alternate party platform on which to run.]

By Douglas V. Gibbs

Liberalism fails wherever it is tried. Progressive political activism has led to disaster every time it has been applied. The Progressive Era was nothing more than Marxism being applied incrementally, and the deceived populace accepting every tenet of Communism without even realizing that is what they were doing.

Detroit was once a bustling city. The free market drove the city like none other. The automotive industry was in its hey-day, and as a result of the onslaught of capitalism, Detroit was one of the fastest growing cities of its day.

Then Detroit bought the liberal deception. The bustling city, after adopting the leftist agenda, has lost 237,493 residents over the last decade according to the 2010 Census, bringing it to 713,777. That, my friends, is a drop in population of 25%, and for Detroit, it is the city's lowest population since 1910.

Detroit's fall from grace began shortly after its peak in the 1950s of two million. We have seen a 60% drop in population since then.

Those that have fled the liberal city are the fortunate ones, and the people that were simply able to afford to leave.

The “Big Three” automakers are no longer the biggest. Overseas rivals with less regulations against them, as well as little, or no, union nightmare to bankrupt them, have overtaken American automakers. In the process, the Michigan economy has lost 450,000 manufacturing jobs over the past 10 years. The result? People go where the jobs are, and without a thriving free market in liberal-infested Detroit, the people have fled Detroit, and Detroit has lost population.

Liberalism has decimated the automotive industry in Detroit, as well as creating high crime, high taxes, poor city services, plummeting home values, and a public education system in shambles with a $327 million budget deficit and a 19 percent dropout rate.

The death of Detroit has created an exchange in Michigan, however, that liberalism could not have foreseen. As Detroit drowns in its liberal bureaucracy, its suburban neighbors have lower crime, better schools and an improving economic outlook. Therefore, as Detroit's population plummets, those surrounding havens of capitalism are experiencing a dramatic population increase.

Detroit has been under liberal leadership for decades, and the city’s problems are a direct result of that leadership, and every attempt to climb out of its downward spiral is still, to this day, being blocked by the very liberalism that has destroyed it.

Case in point according to the Heritage Foundation: The state’s powerful teachers unions. In 2003, a philanthropist pledged $200 million for the creation of 15 charter schools in the city. Despite the city’s tragic public school system, the plan failed and the offer was withdrawn following protests by the Detroit Federation of Teachers. Little has changed, eight years later. A state-appointed emergency financial manager has proposed sweeping changes to the city’s public school system, including a plan to convert 41 of the city’s schools to charter schools. Guess who’s opposed to the reforms? That very same union.

The newly elected governor of Michigan, Rick Snyder (R), is finding opposition to his efforts at reform, as well. Following eight years of Democrat Gov. Jennifer Granholm’s rule, Gov. Snyder has embarked on efforts to change the way the state does business, including tax reform, spending cuts and empowering emergency financial managers to tackle problems in cities and schools. Who’s opposed to his reforms? Unions, once again, in Wisconsin-style protests.

Liberal policies paint the war in Detroit as being one of class warfare between the rich and the poor, when really the war is being waged by a liberal system of government against the achievers and producers. The producers do not remain when the government punishes success, and enables poverty. Therefore, in line with Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged," those that make the wheels of society turn go silent. The producers leave. The achievers flee. What remains are free-loaders, and a government that is willing to pay the free-loaders for their votes.

Good intentions are nothing more than intentions, and aren't we told that the road to Hell is paved with good intentions? Liberalism is a failed ideology, and all of the cries that what those progressives are doing is for the common good, or to provide social justice, doesn't change the fact that liberalism destroys societies. The promise of utopia under liberal policies quickly turn to a reality of Hell on Earth. Detroit can attest to that. Detroit is all you need to know to realize that liberalism fails wherever it is tried.

Detroit's death was imminent the moment the city turned to liberalism.

And now we have a Democrat President, and liberal leftist's in our Congress, that mean to make America no different than Detroit; and internationalists that aim to make the world no different than Detroit.

Liberalism Fails. Progressivism Destroys.

Therefore, the Tea Party Riseth.

The liberal left hates the Tea Party because they can't control it, they can't co-opt it, and the movement is populated by self-sufficient individuals that liberalism sees as a threat to their liberal agenda of collectivism.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Detroit’s Liberal Nightmare - Heritage Foundation

Unreported Soros Event Aims to Remake Entire Global Economy: Left-wing billionaire's own experts dominate quiet push for 'a grand bargain that rearranges the entire financial order.' - Business and Media Institute

No alternative to a new world architecture - By George Soros, Japan Times

Glenn Beck Connects the Dots in Obama's Foreign Policy & Puppet Show Presidency - Examiner

Ten Planks of the Communist Manifesto and How Liberalism Applies Them To America - Liberty Zone

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