Monday, April 04, 2011

Obama Conspiracy, and Cockroaches in the Dark

By Douglas V. Gibbs

Rose Martin, in her book "Fabian Freeway," wrote: "Until such time as international control of atomic energy has been achieved, the threat of nuclear destruction could always be raised to generate that atmosphere of perpetual crisis to justify Keynesian spending policies."

Barack Obama is spending America into oblivion. The Democrats once cried about the national deficit, and now say that we must spend horrifically to keep from going bankrupt. Problem is, we are already bankrupt, and the Keynesian policies of the Left is enslaving our grandchildren.

Rahm Emanuel once proclaimed that "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before."

The Obama presidency has been marked by crisis after crisis. Barry has been labeled as incompetent, inept, and a bumbling fool. Problem is, he knows exactly what he is doing.

Conspiracy Theories are an interesting thing. The very word “conspiracy” attracts a certain kind of person. Yesterday I titled my radio show “The Obama Conspiracy” with the specific intent to see what kind of people I would attract to the program. A few conspiracy folk appeared in the chat room, and one called into the program. After speaking with him a while, it turned out that he was not only a conspiracy theorist, but it turned out he was a “truther” as well.

The title was not completely designed to deceive the conspiracy folk out there, for there is a conspiracy of sort that exists. I don’t believe that there is an organized “New World Order,” conspiracy, but I do believe things are headed in that direction - not because of some conspiracy, but because global governance is the natural conclusion of leftism should the progression of the ideology be carried out to its fullest extent. Big government on the local level evolves into big government on the national level, and big government on the national level eventually will result in other big governments aligning together, ultimately until there is a single, worldwide, global system of governance.

It’s not conspiracy, per se, but logic.

Barack Obama promised to fundamentally change America. He has done so profoundly, while subtle enough that only the most politically in tune Americans have noticed. If you look at all of the policies of this administration, one thing becomes glaringly clear: they are all designed to bring about change, changes to America that are all designed to make people more dependent upon the government, especially the federal government. What the Democrats, and some Republicans for that matter, are doing is all about a centralization of power at the federal level. They are expanding the umbrella of national power over more and more people, and over more and more aspects of their lives.

The plan is to nationalize as many things as possible, be it health care, energy via their green energy plan, the auto industry, the banks, credit companies, and anything else they can get their hands on, while also creating a culture of dependency upon the government. The Democrat’s argument is that it is good for the common good. It’s good for the sick, good for the poor, good for the needy, and good for the weak. “Just give us a little more power,” they say, “and we’ll go out and help those people. Oh, and as we take more money from you to pay for this noble cause, we’ll also teach those people to convince everyone around them to become more dependent upon the government as well.”

With each election, as the government reaches further into more and more lives in ways that would have horrified the Founding Fathers, nobody notices because they have been doing this incrementally through the guise of helping out. They pass little laws, they twist the Constitution with case law and the courts, they slowly take more and more power from the states as they silence those that oppose them through a simple personal attack here and a personal attack there. But not only do we not recognize the strategy as censorship through ridicule, we begin to believe it. How many people believe that Sarah Palin said she could see Russia from her house? How many? Fact is, she never said that. Tina Fey said it impersonating Palin, but the Democrats have so conditioned the populace that the voters are willing to believe just about anything, including the boldest of lies.

The Left has convinced the public that their children should be dependent upon them via health insurance until the age of 26, and nobody questioned it. The public failed to recognize the insanity of it. In fact, the people have been convinced that all of these policies are goodies, that it is somehow free, or to use the words of a woman in Michigan, “from Obama’s stash.” The consequences are ignored, the reality that it is all unsustainable doesn’t even cross these people’s minds.

If you try to warn people of the consequences, the leftist propaganda machine with their campaign of ridicule through personal attacks somehow turn the warnings into some kind of corporate paid for “Astroturf,” or the rantings of unfounded conspiracy theories. The real question that remains is if we will be able to push back any of this.

What we don’t realize, sometimes, is this is nothing new. This seeming conspiracy is the workings of a plan of action that has been in place since before any of us were born. In fact, much of it even dates back to before the American Revolution. Jean Jacques Rousseau contributed to it, Alexander Hamilton did too. John Marshall, the fourth chief justice of the United States, contributed to this plan as well. The plan? To centralize the American system into a strong governmental entity that resembled something like the monarchies of Europe. Of course, as the time has passed, more strategies have been added, more insidious plans have been hatched, and the hopes of a global form of a centralized system have emerged.

I am not talking about black helicopters and black suits with black briefcases meeting at some hotel in Bilderberg, Germany. I am talking about a very serious socialist-communist, "whatever you want to call it," push for global governance that includes a control over the people by a political elite that even today’s typical democrat voter could not even imagine. And it doesn’t matter to these people that it can’t be paid for. The planners figure they will control the money too. America, and the new world they are striving for, couldn’t possibly become Greece or Ireland, right?

We are being told we can have whatever we want, and we won’t even have to pay for it, because the government will provide it. We don’t need to grow up, be responsible, or even be self-reliant. “Don’t worry,” says the big government elitists, “we’ll pay for it later. There is plenty of time, and plenty of rich people, to milk in the future.”

That’s part of the reason they are telling us with Obamacare that 26 year olds are still children, and can still be on your insurance. They want you to shirk responsibility, big government desires a nation of children who are dependent upon them, and unable to make decisions for ourselves. If we are dependent upon the government, then they will ultimately be able to rule our lives. That is what it is all about.

The government is faced with the question of promoting individualism, or the power of the state. Problem is, the Constitution gets in the way, because the Constitution is about limiting the power of the government, and the powers that be are collectivists. We fought a revolution to free ourselves from the oppressive taxes and regulations of the British Government, not to become the very empire we fought against. The King was trying to tell the colonies how to do their business, and with whom they could do business with. The Constitution was written with safeguards to ensure that we did not become who we declared independence from. The states’ citizens were afraid of a federal government, and were only willing to ratify the Constitution after being assured that the federal government would not be allowed to become tyrannical. Therefore, the Constitution was written in such a way that the federal government would be limited to only the powers necessary to protect, preserve and promote the union. All other authorities would remain with the individual states.

The whole point of the Constitution was to limit the federal government to the necessary powers of taking care of the union, and in the process respecting our individual liberties, and respecting state sovereignty. That means that the federal government must remain within the confines of the U.S. Constitution. Rather than acting like the politicians and judges of the British Empire, our leaders were supposed to be statesmen that served the people, and acted within the authorities of the Constitution.

Throughout our history the members of the federal government have worked to circumvent the Constitution. From Hamilton to Marshall to Lincoln. They claimed they could violate parts of it to preserve other parts of it. We can throw Wilson and Roosevelt and Johnson into that mix, and just about every other political figure in American history, too - save for a precious few.

Whether or not Barack Obama is in tune with groups that are working, or have worked, to bring down the American system is not known, but whether or not he is in touch with these groups that fuel conspiracy theories, one thing is for sure, he is using their methods.

In addition to the fact that Obama’s policies are in lock-step with Saul Alinsky’s "Rules For Radicals," and Marx’s "Communist Manifesto," he is also in line with the foundations for revolution in the 1946 issue of the New World News which were published as the "Dusseldorf Rules for Revolution." The rules laid down that were believed would lead to a revolution were as follows:

A. Corrupt the young; get them away from religion. Get them interested in sex. Make them superficial; destroy their ruggedness.

B. Get control of all means of publicity, thereby:

1. Getting people’s minds off their government by focusing their attention on athletics, sexy books and plays and other trivialities.

2. Divide the people into hostile groups by constantly harping on controversial matters of no importance.

3. Destroy the people’s faith in their natural leaders by holding the latter up to contempt, ridicule and disgrace.

4. Always preach true democracy, but seize power as fast and ruthlessly as possible.

5. By encouraging government extravagance, destroy its credit, produce fear of inflation with rising prices and general discontent.

6. Incite unnecessary strikes in vital industries, encourage civil disorders and foster a lenient and soft attitude on the part of the government toward such disorders.

C. Cause the registration of all firearms on some pretext, with a view to confiscating them and leaving the population helpless.

Barack Obama probably doesn’t know anything about the above list, yet Barry and the Democrats seem to be following its instruction closely. This is because no conspiracy needs to exist. I don’t necessarily believe in all the conspiracy theories out there, but I do believe that all of the new world order conspiracies, and all of the Illuminati conspiracies, and any other that you can think of, has a lot in common not because of the possible truths of those conspiracies, but because the very nature of leftism leads to the same conclusion as the conspiracies do.

Of the many similarities among the conspiracies, one of them is that in order to succeed, the generation of young people must not only be turned off by the establishment, but desire to rebel against the system. The real war is not being fought on the battlefields of the world, but in the cities and towns of America. Time and time again the youth have been conditioned to be enraged with the establishment, but the revolution is somehow stopped before it goes over the edge each time. The advance of leftism reaches a little farther each time, and the leftists know that they are getting close. This is why Obama and the Democrats are overreaching this time. They think they’ve jumped the shark. They believe they have finally reached that moment when they can take their conspiracy to the next level. . . A global level.

However, the next step is not possible until the American form of government exists no more.

Johann von Goethe wrote, “The man in the street does not notice the devil even when the devil is holding him by the throat.”

The American people fail to realize what is happening, and in the future historians may be as surprised how easily the American system fell, as we are that the Roman system crumbled within and failed as well.

Leftism has weaknesses. Liberalism has its vulnerabilities. Despite the control the socialists have over the media, the entertainment industry, academia, and a large part of the American political scene, the entire American system has not rotted away. Though the danger is great, we have not gone beyond the point of no return.

It is our responsibility to educate, and participate. It is up to us to turn this around.

To be born a free man is an accident;
To live a free man is a responsibility;
To die a free man is an obligation. -- Unknown

The room is full of cockroaches. All we must do is turn on the light of truth, and the cockroaches will scatter into the dark corners, and hide. -- Keith Broaders

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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