Thursday, May 12, 2011

Washington Post Welcomes Jihadists

By Douglas V. Gibbs

We know that the mainstream media are a bunch of America hating leftists liberal progressive socialist Marxist commie pukes - but at least they usually try to hide the "hating America" part a wee bit.

The Washington Post has decided to do the unthinkable - giving a space in their outlook section to a GITMO released jihadist so that he may complain that America is making war against his radical Muslim brethren. . . who by the way have the desire to destroy America.

Moazzem Begg put on the front page of his website a photoshopped image of a murdered Barack Obama, with the headline "Breaking News: Barack Obama is Dead." He considers the image "satire," and along with it has a "satirical" article on his site that discusses how “the American war criminal Barack Obama has been killed by Pakistani security forces in the UK.”

Whether you like Obama, or not, this is unacceptable. Not only does Begg have a history of calling for Islamic Jihad to come to America, but for him to publish these kinds of threats to the President shouldn't be overlooked - but on top of that an American publication has now become an accomplice of those kinds of threats.

The Post did add an obligatory, "We don’t agree with all that is printed in our publication" blurb, but please, this is indeed over the top for even a hard left rag like the Post.

Begg's piece praises Osama bin Laden as being the man who made America tremble, and praises al-Qaeda and the jihadists for the terror they put forth.

This is not a matter of being open-minded, as the liberals like to consider themselves. We are at war with the Islamic Jihad, and giving free space like this to the enemy amounts to giving aid and comfort to the enemy. . . in other words, TREASON.

They can scream First Amendment all they want, but with freedom comes responsibility, and publishing threats against America and the President by a person that is a member of the enemy's organization is beyond unacceptable.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

WaPo op-ed contributor and former Gitmo detainee posts photoshopped dead Obama pic on his website - The Daily Caller

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