Monday, June 13, 2011

Plenty of Spending that can be Cut

By Douglas V. Gibbs

Liberals think we have a revenue problem. Conservatives believe we have a spending problem.

Washington is spending $2.6 million training Chinese prostitutes to drink more responsibly on the job.

Because of overstaffing, the U.S. Postal Service selects an average of 1,125 employees daily to sit in empty “standby rooms.” They are not allowed to work, read, play cards, watch television, or do anything. The annual cost is $50 million!

The 2009 federal “stimulus” plan, which cost $787 billion and failed to stimulate the economy, spends taxpayer money on the following:

Mascot costumes, electric golf carts, a university study of how much alcohol college freshmen women require before agreeing to sex, popcorn machines, DVD players. . .

and they are calling for still more taxes.

This is the kind of wasteful spending that President Obama and Congress have stubbornly refused to cut. Instead, they plan to raise taxes on families and entrepreneurs by trillions of dollars!

It's a spending problem.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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