Monday, September 02, 2013

Evil vs. Evil

Operation "Don't Mock Me" is a crisis Barack Obama is trying to exploit in order to topple another Middle Eastern domino into the Muslim Brotherhood's lap. His problem is that he has no *Western* ally behind which to hide as he did in Libya, and he just can't stomach the idea of unilateral, decisive American military action, even to aid his jihadist friends. That's why he's now goading congressional Republicans into being his human propaganda shields.

It's a smart move on O's part in terms of domestic propaganda. If Congress gives the go-ahead, he has the same carte blanche with a big, fat fig leaf, meaning when he f's it all up, he can blame the GOP for it; and if Congress says no, he can attack the GOP as being "pro-mass-murder" and then kinda-sorta hit Syria anyway. Either way, the 51% will slurp it right down like a doggie treat. A win-win-win scenario.

Remember who he considers to be the REAL enemy - and it ain't Bashir Al-Assad.

[More on today's power-packed edition of Hard Starboard Radio]

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