Tuesday, October 22, 2013

For Baghdad Jay, No Day Is A Good Day

by JASmius

Yeah, I know, this sniveling little weasel has a job and I don't; but, as with John Boehner's, is Jay Carney's job one that any of us would really want - aside from the benefits he's got access to and we don't?:

Scooter, you're not a communications expert.  Which neatly explains why you're O's designated propaganda flack.

Although....did you notice the consternation and frustration on the faces of those ordinarily enraptured press acolytes?  Like the rest of the left, they're trying to keep on a brave, defiant face, but in their private trio of functioning brain cells nobody can reach - including themselves, more often then not - they're thinking something along the lines of, "C'mon, dude, you guys can't possibly have FUBAR'd this thing this badly; you're supposed to be gods; gods don't make mistakes.  Please, throw us some bone, some scrap, anything."

The media is indelibly, undeniably liberal, but they also view themselves as permanent residents of the halls of power.  And they don't take well to being embarrassed by their own Frankensteinian creations.  They've loved Obama, they've worshipped Obama, but they're not going to go down with O's ship.  And it's just hit heep big iceberg.

Exit thought: If a certain friend of mine gets elected to Congress next year, and I wind up as his press spokesman, my job will be SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better than Jay Carney's - if he still has one.

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