Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Jon Stewart Turns HHS Oberfuehrer Kathleen Sebelius Over His Knee

by JASmius

Somebody explain to me why KS let herself be booked on the frakking Daily Show - well, any time, really, and I can't recall that she's ever appeared on it before, but a week into the hyped-to-the-heliopause ObamaCare rollout that has become the biggest single embarrassment yet of the Obamidency.  Which, come to think of it, is B.O.'s lone "historic" achievement.

I mean, yeah, Stewart is liberal, but he's also a comedian.  And sometimes his comedic reflexes overpower his lefty orthodoxy.  And how could they not under these circumstances?  In short, did nobody in the Spite House give any thought to the possibility that Sebelius might wind up with her pants around her ankles?  Why didn't they affix a clown nose to her face while they were at it?

And while you can just barely, possibly, conceivably believe that Jack Lew, her Treasury counterpart, might not have the latest OCare enrollment figures handy....

....he's not Operations, after all, but <ahem> Enforcment - isn't it part of Sebelius's job to know precisely this sort of information?

And, of course, Lew does know, and so does she - and the number is so pathetically low that it is less embarrassing to go on national television and look dumber than a box of hair than to have to publicly admit that few Americans want their lousy "product" even if they could get through their defective, broken down web portals, and that the lion's share of the hits healthcare.gov has gathered is the equivalent of looky-loo drivers passing a multi-car pileup, slowing down to ask the officers to bring the bodies over because, "My wife has never seen a man shaped in quite that manner".

I seem to remember somebody arguing in these parts that the only true way to turn the American people against ObamaCare was to get out of its way and let it collapse.  Sure looks like sound advice to me, and a rapidly growing number of others.

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