Thursday, October 10, 2013

ObamaCare Website Cost $634 Million, Faces Months Of Glitches

by JASmius

Crash, burn, repeat.

This is what they wanted, this is what they got.  Imagine the abject lesson that would have been foregone if this had been defunded, my friends.

The Speaker had almost as grand time saying "I told you so" today as I did.

"How can we tax people for not buying a product from a website that doesn't work?", indeed.  And now the public has experienced this first hand, which is typically the only way anybody learns anything in life.  The Russian version is, "When it happens to you, you'll know it's true."

However, Mr. Rose was a smidge pessimistic about the Obamedia blackout of this latest outrageous revelation, as guess who is echoing the delay argument?:

CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer said the White House should take Republicans' suggestion and delay Obamacare because of the miserable performance of the website.

"If they weren't fully ready, they should accept the advice that a lot of Republicans are giving them — delay it another year, get it ready, and make sure it works," he said Wednesday.

An option that would not exist had King Hussein not illegally delayed large portions of his namesake himself.  And given that it won't be in much better shape a year from now, it could be delayed again, and so on and so on and so on.  When will ObamaCare finally go on line?  The same time your friend who borrows twenty bucks from you will pay it back - "later".

That's why they call it "the fine art of delay".  Best part is, you wind up in the same effective place as you would with defunding, except that you actually get there, and with a lot less fuss.  Not as fist-pumpingly cathartic, but it seems to me to be a lot better than envisioning end zone celebrations you'll never get to experience.

Exit quote from Andrew Couts of digitaltrends: "We, the taxpayers, seem to have forked up more than $634 million of the federal purse to build the digital equivalent of a rock."

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