Monday, November 18, 2013

Fatalism On Both Sides

By Douglas V. Gibbs

As the presidency of Barack Obama has proceeded along its course I have increasingly experienced conservative republicans practicing the "Woe Is We" mantra.  In my Constitution Class in Temecula one gentleman came to me and said, "I appreciate what you are doing, and your optimism is nice to see, but don't you think what you are doing is an effort in futility?"

I half expect these folks to run out to the corner with a cardboard sign that reads, "The End Is Near!"

These folks are planning for a collapse.  They are storing food and ammunition, and have given up hope in the political realm.  They dare not talk about religion and politics, except to their closest companions.  "They are watching us.  They hear us.  No place is safe."

Meanwhile, as the launch of Obama's signature legislation, the Affordable Care Act, flounders with a website that does not work, skyrocketing premiums, cancelled policies, and a President lying about his lies that even the media are beginning to point out, some members of the democrat party sphere of influence are proclaiming this could spell the end of liberalism.  Big Government is in trouble, thanks to the foolishness of Barack Obama. Or as columnist Mark Shields put it, "...this is beyond the Obama administration. If this goes down, if the Obamac-- if health care, the Affordable Care Act is deemed a failure, this is the end -- I -- I -- I -- I really mean it -- of liberal government. Time and again, social programs have made the difference in this country! The public confidence for that will be so depleted, so diminished that I really think the change -- the -- the equation of American politics changes."

Social programs have made a difference?  I can't name a single one that has been successful.  They all starve for funds, and create unintended consequences that send the puppeteers scrambling for more government in an attempt to fix it.

As for the fatalism by conservatives and liberals, first of all, this is America.  Liberty is in our souls.  We will turn this around, and get America back on the right track.  We are ready to.  The cycle is in our favor.

Second, we are dealing with liberalism. . . or better yet, a twisted American version of Marxism. Like the Terminator, and I quote from the character Kyle Reese, "Listen, and understand. That terminator is out there. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead."

Liberalism doesn't stop, they don't quit, and they never die.

Therefore, both sides of fatalism is full of crap.  This is our country, and sometimes we gain ground, and sometimes we lose ground.  And perhaps, someday, like Greece, the Roman Empire, and the Mighty British Empire, we too will disappear and become nothing more than a footnote in history.  Perhaps.  That time is not now.  That day is not today.  Our grandchildren deserve better.

We will only starve our posterity of freedom if we do nothing, and allow the leftists to finish what they have started.  Doing nothing is worse than being the leftists.  Watching it happen without lifting a finger is what has allowed this to get this far in the first place.

Oh, and I was not mocking those that prepare for survival, earlier.  I have saved up food, water, and ammunition, too.  I believe in hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst.  Besides, it is a wise thing to do.  I live in earthquake country.  Besides, I don't plan for collapse.  To the contrary.  I am planning for revival.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Mark "Maxi" Shields in Crisis: Obamacare Failure Could Spell the End of Liberalism - Rush Limbaugh
Terminator (1984) Quotes - IMDb

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