Monday, November 25, 2013

Graham: Senate Will Challenge White House On Iran Deal

by JASmius

If only Darth Queeg's mini-me could display this much conspicuous testosterone when it came to...oh, I don't know - immigration policy, maybe?:

Senator Lindsey Graham said Monday that despite the Obama administration's interim deal with Iran the Senate would pass a bipartisan measure forcing sanctions against the rogue nation until its nuclear capability has been completely dismantled.

I bet you didn't guess that he's up for re-election next year; no, wait, of course you did.

According to the Washington Free Beacon, the South Carolina Republican said on CNN's  New Day that sanctions will come out of Congress in the next couple of weeks to ensure Iran dismantles its reactor rather than suspends construction as the deal requires.

I know Grahamnesty is trying desperately to sandblast the RINO tarnish off his image right now, what with this and the abortion-ban-after-twenty-weeks bill he introduced that has less of a chance of enactment than Mitt Romney's mug being added to Mt. Rushmore, but would he be leaping like a gazelle to get in front of the cameras to play tough guy on this if Chuckie Schumer hadn't already beaten him to it?

And leaving the senior South Carolina senator aside, what leverage does Congress have over O at this point?  Okay, so the Senate reinstates sanctions to the same level as before; but since all parties to them have been given the green light to resume business as usual with the mullahs - and they never really wanted to stop doing business with Tehran to begin with - how does a Senate resolution put that Humpty Dumpty back together?  Has the dynamic duo of Schumer & Graham discovered a heretofore unknown method for making eggs from omelets?  Do they have veto-proof majorities in both houses to override the inevitable Obama veto?  And if they do, how do they make The One abide by said override instead of ignoring them as has become his SOP?

The whole point of the Obama Doctrine was to ensure that Red Barry would have no leverage at all over anybody except Congress and the American people.  Not that I don't like Graham's belated fighting spirit - See that, South Carolina Tea Partiers? - but he's going to a phaser cannon fight handcuffed, legironed, and armed with nothing but a tampon and a box of Kleenex.

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