Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Rogers, Cruz: Obama Deal Ignores Iran's Missile Pact With North Korea

by JASmius

Oh, come now, Representative Rogers and Senator Cruz, O's nuclear sell-out to the mullahs doesn't ignore Iran's ICBM arrangement with the NoKos; it's the perfect compliment to it:

Congressional Republicans are escalating their criticism of the Obama administration and its Iranian nuclear deal as news broke that the country has been covertly collaborating with North Korea on a new rocket booster for long-range missiles.

I know I mentioned it in the post headline and the lede, but would it be impolitic after the third allusion for me to exclaim, "Holy bleep"?  No?  Good.  Okay, here goes: "Holy bleep!"

"While the president was undertaking his secret negotiations — which Congress wasn't informed of — he had to know Iran and North Korea were testing new engines for ballistic missiles to target the United States," said Alabama Representative Mike Rogers, chairman of the House Armed Services subcommittee on strategic forces, according to the Washington Free Beacon.

"Every day the president's deal looks worse and worse," he said.

Of course he knew.  Why do you think (apart from needing a distraction-of-the-week from ObamaCare) he was in such a hurry to give his blessing to Iran's nuclear weapons ambitions?  After all, what good are warheads without the ICBMs to deliver them?  Even Hezbollah can only get you so far.  And O doesn't have that kind of time.

Oops, I included Senator Cruz in the headline, so I've got to throw in his quote, although it's nothing groundbreaking - but then, after the past four days, what quote could be groundbreaking short of a mushroom cloud on the eastern seaboard?:

Texas Senator Ted Cruz is equally critical, saying the agreement with Iran neglected to address the threat of intercontinental ballistic missiles.

"The Iranian regime is clearly demonstrating through word and deed that they have no intention of moderating the behavior that earned them one of the harshest international programs of economic sanctions on record," Cruz told the Beacon.

"Relaxing the sanctions now only encourages them to continue their pursuit of nuclear weapons — and the means to deliver them to Israel, Europe and even the United States. 

And then he had to go and spoil it all:

"I hope President Obama and Secretary [of State John] Kerry will reconsider this dangerous policy and add the immediate cessation of their ICBM program to the list of prerequisites placed on Iran before any additional negotiations take place," Cruz said.

A hope Cruz knows is a forlorn one.  Also a measure of how sadder but wiser he's become since the shutdown debacle he helped precipitate in that he's not making demands but impotently begging the dictator and his jester to not do what everybody knows they will.

Here's one other quote from neither Rogers nor Cruz to aid your sweet dreams tonight:

Several groups of Iranian technicians traveled to Pyongyang over the last few months, including as recently as late October, to develop the booster which officials say could be used on both a space launcher and a long-range missile.

U.S. intelligence agencies believe the countries are using their space programs to hide long-range strategic missiles which could be used to launch nuclear warheads capable of reaching the U.S. within the next two years.

Or, if they just launch shorter range missiles from a platform in international waters off either coast, they don't even have to wait that long.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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