Monday, November 25, 2013

Wife Of American Jailed In Iran 'Devastated' Obama Left His Christian Ass To Rot

by JASmius

Aaaaaaand be intruded upon by his murderer and rapist cell mates:

Naghmeh Abedini, whose American husband Saeed Abedini remains imprisoned in  Iran, spoke out Monday about the failure of the United States to work the Christian pastor's release into the nuclear deal reached early Sunday, Fox News reported.

I don't want to call Mrs. Abedini naïve; she's enduring an ongoing living nightmare, and in such times of extremity you hold out hope to irrational lengths.  So I can understand why she would hope that Barack Obama - a man who is virulently anti-Christian and pro-Iranian - would make at least a half-hearted try to get her husband sprung.

But not this:

"It's devastating," Naghmeh Abedini said. "Iran has no incentive for them to release him. I don't think we have any more leverage. We now have to consider other avenues and having other countries speak out because our country, when we could have used our leverage, chose to stay silent."

It can't be "devastating" unless she actually believed that The One would intervene on behalf of Pastor Saeed,  Disappointing, yes, but not "devastating".

You know what's devastating?  The indictment Mrs. Abedini smacketh-downeth in the rest of that 'graph.  "We now have to consider...having other countries speak out because our country, when we could have used our leverage, chose to stay silent."  I'd say she's a dick to Obama, but then everybody should be a dick to Obama, because he's a dick to everybody.  Especially unjustly incarcerated Christian pastors.

How big a dick was The One to Pastor Saeed?  Well, the reason he went back to Iran was an orphanage.  Now, sure, you can question the sanity of a Christian pastor who's also an Iranian expatriate returning to his native country that is still under the heel of bloodthirsty, America-hating jihadists who know as well as he should have that this president wouldn't even give up his tee time to watch the mullahs torture him in real time.  But would sticking up for Pastor Saeed really have endangered this abject surrender agreement?  Something that would have at least distracted from the latest round of PR pounding he's taking from pretty much all sides?

In Mary Poppins, Julie Andrews sings "A spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down".  Barack Obama's version of it would be illustrated by Martin Bashir and Sarah Palin.

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