Tuesday, January 14, 2014

FBI: No Charges Over IRS Scrutiny Of Tea Party

by JASmius

Well, that didn't take long, now did it?:

The FBI is not planning to file criminal charges involving the Internal Revenue Service's extra scrutiny of the Tea Party and other conservative groups, the Wall Street Journal reported on Monday, citing law enforcement officials.

The newspaper quoted officials as saying that investigators probing the IRS actions, which unleashed a political furor in Washington, did not uncover the type of political bias or "enemy hunting" that would constitute a criminal violation. The evidence showed a mismanaged agency enforcing rules it did not understand on applications for tax exemptions, the Journal reported.

The case is still under investigation, but criminal charges were unlikely unless unexpected evidence emerged, officials familiar with the probe told the paper.

A Justice Department spokesman declined to comment when queried by Reuters.

The only way this outrage is ever going to be genuinely investigated is via the appointment of an Independent Counsel.  And the only way that could be done is via reinstatement of the Independent Counsel Statute.  And the only way that could be done is via the Republicans retaking the Senate, and the bill passing both houses of the next Congress by veto-proof majorities.

So IRSgate is never going to be genuinely investigated, and the Regime will use the IRS for a sequel in next November's midterm elections.  And that will never be investigated either.

It's a good thing I don't make New Year's resolutions.

UPDATE: House Government Reform & Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa and GOP colleague Jim Jordan of Ohio impotently blast the FBI's corrupt decision.

Remember the old adage "elections have consequences"?  We're in uncharted territory on this one.

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