Sunday, January 12, 2014

Karl Rove: "Christie Is What We Want In A President, Bridge Scandal Proves That"

by JASmius

Republican strategist Karl Rove told a Fox News Sunday panel that New Jersey Governor Chris Christie's response to the BridgeGate scandal would, if anything, help him with the conservative constituency that has been seen as his biggest obstacle to the 2016 Republican presidential nominations.

"I don't think the tea party is going to seize upon Fort Lee and the George Washington Bridge as their defining difference for Chris Christie," Rove said. "In fact, I think his handling of this, being straightforward, taking action, saying I'm responsible, firing the people, probably gives him some street cred with tea party Republicans who say 'That's what we want in a leader, someone who steps up and takes responsibility.'"

Chris Christie is "what we want in a president" because he's not a pinko gangsta like Barack Obama?  Well, I'll acknowledge that that's a big step forward, but isn't that setting the bar awfully low?  What would do a lot more to persuade me of the Architect's assertion is the Big Man learning his lesson about cosying up to Democrats and engaging them in permanent, glorious battle instead.  Improving his communication and management skills wouldn't be a bad idea, either.

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