Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Senate Panel: Benghazi Attack Was Preventable

by JASmius

I'm not sure this constitutes progress; more than likely, it affixes blame without imposing any penalty.  On the other hand, it's already more than I would have expected:

The Senate Intelligence Committee said on Wednesday that the deadly September 11th, 2012, attack by militants on U.S. government posts in Benghazi, Libya, was preventable and faulted the State Department for inadequate security precautions.  
In the months before the attacks on an American diplomatic post and CIA compound in Libya's second-largest city, U.S. intelligence agencies had issued numerous reports warning that security in eastern Libya was deteriorating and that U.S. personnel and posts in Benghazi were at risk, according to a declassified report issued by the committee. 
But the committee said the State Department "failed to increase security enough to address the threat," even though the U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi had suffered two earlier, but less damaging, attacks during the previous six months.

Nothing new to anybody who was paying attention at the time and since.  The novelty is that it's coming from the Senate Intelligence Committee.

Of course, the Obama Regime was no help whatsoever, and all kinds of hindrance:

“Throughout this investigation, the Obama administration was more of a roadblock than a contributor to committee efforts to look into the root cause of these attacks," said Senator Marco Rubio, R-FL. "This is especially troubling given that no one at the State Department, which has direct responsibility for the safety of U.S. diplomatic posts overseas, has been held accountable.  
“Despite many promises of ensuring justice for those behind this attack, that has not happened. This complete absence of accountability is unacceptable, and it is my hope that this administration will finally commit the intelligence, diplomatic and military resources to bring those responsible for these attacks to justice.”
Are you kidding?  The "militants" behind the attack were probably on the Obama campaign payroll.

Could there be more to come?:

Rubio and North Carolina Senator Richard Burr said the panel's report is incomplete. 
"This bipartisan report is a step forward in our understanding of these events, but should not by any means be viewed as a final verdict," Burr said. "To the extent this report is incomplete, it is not due to the Committee's unwillingness to investigate, but the State Department's intransigence. It is our obligation and duty to continue to ask probing questions and investigate all details as they continue to come to light - as they invariably will."
Translation: After the GOP retakes the Senate this November, they'll be in the Darrell Issa position, firing off blizzards of subpoenas that wind up as fish wrapping in the White House mess.  And the more time that passes since the incident, the less the public will care, and the more it'll look like "racist" Republicans are trying to "lynch" the First Black President over something that "makes no difference."

This should have killed O's re-election chances stone-cold dead the moment it happened.  Any other president, it would have.  But not The One.  Once he "got past" November 6th, 2012, he was home free.  All of these probes and investigations are taking place in, to employ a sports metaphor, "garbage time".

But look on the bright side: With this junta calling the shots, there'll always be a new and bigger "man-caused disaster".  Maybe one too big for even King Hussein to ignore.

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