Friday, February 21, 2014

McCain Concedes Tomorrow's Presidential Election To Hillary Clinton

by JASmius

But the one allegedly scheduled for 2016?  Who knows?

The context of Maverick's comment was Michelle Bachmann's remark the other day that America isn't ready yet for a female president.  Thus the exchange between Piers Morgan and Darth Queeg whose slimy rehearsedness was given away by the Arizonan's 24-frames-per-second high-speed blinking, which I was half expecting to tear his eyelids off at any second.

If I'd been in McCain's place, I would have instead observed that Bachmann didn't appear to believe that America wasn't ready for a female president when she herself sought that same office just two years ago.  I would also have mentioned that the reason she fell so woefully short wasn't because of her gender, but because she wasn't dog-catcher timbre, much less the presidential variety, and had all the political stature of Mini-Me.

Maverick didn't say that, I imagine, because (1) he probably considers that "punching down," and (2) he'd much rather put over Hillary Clinton instead (behind that standard transparently phony "She wouldn't be my choice, but...." preamble) - which was why he was on with Piers Morgan in the first place.

Although, to be fair, what he actually said - that Hillary would be elected "tomorrow" - is functionally meaningless.  Indeed, I'm sure Hillary does wish a presidential election was tomorrow, because that means she'd get to bypass the campaign altogether and go straight to her coronation.  Because for the Empress, the problem is always the campaign, where her Nixonian qualities, all the baggage of her past and most especially her lackluster tenure at Foggy Bottom, and the unpurgeable reeking stench of her Obama association, both confluenced in a place called "Benghazi," would kill her chances deader than a delta smelt before she ever got out of the Donk primaries - once again.

But all her fanboys, including Piers Morgan and John McCain, are incapable of grasping that, and would be unwilling to do so if they weren't.  And so the unkillable conventional "wisdom" of Hillary Clinton's "inevitability" rolls on, in sequel mode, like the zombie myth it is and will remain.

A good thing, too; otherwise, I might feel an uncontrollable compulsion to blink.

1 comment:

Historyscoper said...

Don't miss the fun.