Attkisson on missing IRS documents: If the emails really are lost, 'That's quite a story in itself' - CBS Philadelphia
That's convenient 2 years of emails from tax agency head at center of IRS scandal simply vanish - IJReview
The Internal Revenue Service has become the enforcement arm of the Democrat Party, and more specifically, of the Obama totalitarian regime. The IRS, long before Barack took office, believed itself to be above the law. No federal agency strikes more fear in Americans, Democrat and Republican alike, than the IRS. They have the unconstitutional power to search and seize at will, and to completely turn your life upside down if you fail to comply, or if they make an error. You, however, must never be mistaken in your computations, or reporting, because they will get you then, too.
It was no surprise when it was decided it would be the IRS that would force us to buy health insurance as mandated by the Affordable Care Act. And it was no surprise when the IRS was caught singling out conservative groups. Everything by the Left is political, and everything is about agenda. Breaking the law is no obstacle to the liberal left.
When the scandal surfaced, Lois Lerner pleaded the Fifth, not wishing to incriminate herself with the facts. Her method of doing it was wrong, but the media let her slide.
"That's okay," we told ourselves, "there will be a record somewhere. The truth always finds a way to surface."
The truth is contained in a bunch of emails, and conveniently, those emails have suddenly disappeared. The hard drive crashed, we are told, and then was discarded.
Did the IRS really lose Lois Lerner's emails? Let a special prosecutor find them - National Journal
From Drudge:
AUDIENCE GASPS As IRS Commissioner Admits Missing Lois Lerner Hard Drive Was Trashed...
Won't apologize...
PAUL RYAN: 'Nobody believes you'...
Issa calls White House attorney...
'Time for a special prosecutor?'
The IRS acts like they just discovered this, but even that was a lie. The White House, in fact, knew of the so-called hard drive crash that lost all of the emails 6 weeks before Congress did, and said nothing. They withheld evidence! In the real world, that is a serious offense, but this lawless administration is shrugging it off as business as usual.
White House learned of Lerner's crashed hard drive 6 weeks before Congress - CNS News
Then we discover that it is okay that the emails have been electronically lost, because the IRS is required to also keep a hard copy of them. . .
IRS required by law to print out emails for record-keeping - Daily Caller
Losing all evidence of those emails is in violation of federal law. Okay, fine, so where are all of those hard copies?
The current IRS commissioner, however, says that email is not an official record, so they are not required to keep a permanent record. The IRS Manual says otherwise.
IRS commissioner: You know, email isn't necessarily an official record; Update: IRS Manual says it is - Hot Air
And, yet, liberal leftists, and uninformed idiots, are still defending the democrats.
Can it get any more obvious on what is going on here? The IRS scandal is the poster-child for what this Obama administration is all about. They are lawless, deceitful liars that will lie to your face when they know that you know they are lying, and then chuckle and walk away as if you are the problem. They are targeting their opposition, trying to censor and silence their opposition, and they are using every means they can. When caught, they lie, they taunt, they ridicule their opposition, and then continue doing what they are doing as if they are above the law. Lerner knew about the IRS targeting conservative groups. Obama, if he didn't know, approves of it (though I have no doubt he was fully aware). Lerner was in communication with everyone on it, it was a concerted effort to silence the conservatives, and because it was through the IRS, scare donors out of giving the GOP and Tea Party candidates any money. Fear. Fear is the weapon of tyranny, as is lies, and this administration is hip deep in all of it. How obvious must it get before America says, "Enough is enough. This administration, and the democrats, are lawless, and must be stopped!"?
Maybe the NSA has those emails. They seem to have snooped into every other kind of communication.
Lawmakers Call on NSA to turn over Lerner's Lost Emails - Daily Caller
Or did they conveniently lose the records, too?
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
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