Friday, June 20, 2014

Scott Walker Slams Political Prosecution, Denies Claim

by JASmius

2016 Democrat fear is confirmed, I repeat, 2016 Democrat fear is definitely confirmed:

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker Thursday lashed out at prosecutors' accusations he illegally coordinated fundraising with conservative groups in an allegedly criminal scheme to violate election laws — calling the complaint "nothing more than a partisan investigation."

"The accusation of any wrongdoing written in the complaint by the office of a partisan Democrat district attorney by me or by my campaign is categorically false," Walker said in a statement, referring to Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm.

"In fact two judges, in both state and federal courts, have ruled that no laws were broken."

"This is nothing more than a partisan investigation with no basis in state law," Walker added. "It’s time for the prosecutors to acknowledge both judge’s orders to end this investigation."

No charges have been filed against Walker or any member of his staff.

Prosecutors, ladies and gentlemen, do not make charges; prosecutors file charges.  If Messrs. Chisholm and Schmitz actually had evidence of this so-called "criminal scheme" on the part of Governor Walker and conservative groups, they would have filed formal charges so fast they'd have left vapor trails behind them.  In the absence of such charges, one can only reasonably conclude that they don't have any evidence.  So they make public accusations in order to frantically try and keep up the crumbling, never-all-that-big-in-the-first-place negative buzz around the Walk-man.

If this is starting to sound like a variation on IRSgate, go to the head of the class:

"These documents show how the John Doe prosecutors adopted a blatantly unconstitutional interpretation of Wisconsin law that they used to launch a secret criminal investigation targeting conservatives throughout Wisconsin," Grossman said in an email.

"Sunlight is the best disinfectant, and this is a story that needs to be told to prevent more abuses and to hold the John Doe prosecutors accountable for violating the rights of Wisconsinites."

In essence, this "John Doe probe" is an effort to criminalize conservative political fundraising and campaigning, as well as further trampling on conservatives' First Amendment rights and bully them into cowed, silent impotence.  It's also a last-ditch effort to kneecap Scott Walker before he can be re-elected for a second time, become a two-term governor of a significant swing state with a sterling track record of executive experience, conservative policy accomplishment, and Tea Party-esque fighting reputation, and vault into instant presidential frontrunner status for 2016.

The witchhunt is on hold pending the Donk persecutors prosecutors' appeal to the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals.  If they uphold District Court Judge Rudolph Randa's stay, it's difficult to see the Roberts SCOTUS granting a certiorari writ, given Citizens United and Olympus's other pro-free speech campaign finance rulings of the past few years.

All of which makes an Obama coup de tat that much more likely.  Because "by crook" is the only way the Left is going to avert a Scott Walker presidency, and the rollback of the past five and a half years.  And there's no way they're going to allow that to happen.

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