Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The Final Affront Against Americans, and God

By Douglas V. Gibbs

Christians call the lawlessness we are seeing in our current culture "The days of Noah."  There are a number of stories in biblical history in which the human population thrust their fist in the face of God, and the result was catastrophic, be it because of divine intervention, or the disastrous consequences of their actions that ultimately brought down the rebellious civilization.  Sexual perversion, the blood sacrifice of innocent children, and an attempt to eliminate God through false religion and scientific inquiry, tend to all walk hand in hand.  Societies have collapsed internally under this kind of assault, and one wonders if the United States, and really the entire world, is now walking down the same destructive path that so many failed populations in Earth's history have tread before.

The normalization of homosexuality, the attempt to normalize beastiality, pedophilia, and incest are all on the table.  The wholesale slaughter of babies still in the womb has led to the consideration of killing babies after birth (post-birth abortion, after-birth abortion).  Religions like Islam that are hostile to society, and hostile to Israel and Christianity, are being embraced, and their violence is being tolerated while any attempted defense against Muslim jihad is being ostracized.

Darkness always appears as an angel of light, revealing itself as having good intentions, or being something that is actually moral and good when it is not.  In reality, despite the call of good intentions or the false claims of morality and equity, destruction fills the veins of darkness, and death permeates its final mandate.

The darkness will not only imbue society, but reach its malevolence into the heart of religion, and the Christian Church itself.  In the Name of Christ, some churches will defy Him, stepping into the grave of deception with The World, rather than hold to the foundation of Scripture.  People will be deceived, and people will cry out in anger against those that hold to the dwindling fibers of sanity.

Let's change all that.  I wrote the last paragraph in the future tense, as if these things are coming, and the reality is, it is already here.

Right has become wrong, and wrong has become right.  And in the orgy of rebellion against the system of values given to us by Nature's God through Natural Law, it is not enough for this society to try and poke a stick into the mote of God's Eye.  Mankind seeks the singularity, where God is proven not to exist, not because the proof of his absence is out there, but because mankind himself has achieved godhood through technology, self-manipulation, and babel-esque exploration through space.

In themselves, technology and science and digging deeper into space as explorers is not a bad thing.  It is exciting that human civilization has reached such fantastic heights.  It is when those achievements become the tools of arrogance, with a motive that is an affront to God, that we begin to tread in a danger zone.  Sometimes, an action itself is not a sin, but the deep-seated reason behind the endeavor makes it that way.  It is not wrong to eat, but gluttony is not a good habit to engage in.  There is nothing wrong with being confident, self-reliant, and eager to improve one's life, but when those actions become blanketed with pride and greed, they are sinful because of the motive that engages them.

Flipping through the channels on the television in my office, a TV I normally only use for music, movies, baseball, or football, I landed on a channel I just don't normally watch. . . one of the various MTV networks. . . and a video by Lady GaGa had just finished.  The host made comment to the gay nature of the video, or the performer, and said something about the love and morality of the singer because of her acceptance (and from what I understand, participation in) of homosexuality.  Embracing homosexuality, the host proclaimed, is the moral thing to do.

The message was clear, and it was pointed at the young viewers of the show.  Because of the onslaught of favor for homosexuality by the entertainment industry, culture is accepting the behavior as normal, and the propaganda has been so successful that the younger generation believes that at least a quarter of the population must be gay, or bi-sexual, when in reality those that claim to practice homosexual behavior is at about 2.3% of the population.

I have seen similar messages of indoctrination on ABC Family, and a few other cable networks, as well.  In fact, there is a cable channel, LOGO, that specifically caters to the gay population, and those curious about the homosexual community.

The proponents want you to believe that "gay rights" is the new civil rights movement.  They have situated society so that the younger generation will be more accepting of the sexual perversion, and have labeled any and all opposition as "haters," "bigots," and any other racially charged term they can think of.

The drive for cultural acceptance of homosexuality has progressed to other groups seeking the same.  The envelope is always pushed.  Like drugs, sin is a never-ending need for more and more, seeking the next high, the more intense rush, and a point of existence far beyond the limits of our culture.  Rebellion becomes championed.  Code words like "diversity" have emerged, perverting the original definition of the word into something that is obscene, destructive, and devoid of any willingness to abide by any standard, be they moral, or any other set standard that protects society from the excesses of human nature.

Extremes have become the norm, and the norm is now considered extreme.  Death, bodily mutilation, and harm to the innocent is acceptable.  Piercings have led to implants, and implants have led to genital mutilation, and transsexual endeavors will eventually lead to bodypart replacement in order to make our humanity a mere memory while we explore the outer reaches of rebellion against who we are, and where we come from.

We already replace faulty limbs with artificial bodyparts, which is a good thing. . . but how long before replacing bodyparts becomes a fad?  How long before those new parts are extreme examples of the original?  Will society take the manipulation of their bodies to a new level, where people voluntarily remove a perfectly functional human leg to be replaced by a mechanical leg that performs, and looks like, the leg of a grasshopper?  Where are the limits?

As we become less human with technology, and machines begin to reach levels of intelligence that rival and surpass our own in terms of awareness, will we decide that because of our technology there must be no God, because we have become our own gods?  Shall we dip into the possibility of immortality by transferring our consciousness into a machine, as we slaughter our babies because they are imperfect, or just because we can?  Will the rules of sexuality have no limits as well?

Transgender activists are demanding that children must be born genderless, calling the definitions of boy or girl "infant gender assignment," a labeling tendency by humanity the transsexual activists consider limiting and bigotry. "Parents should wait for their children to inform them of whether they are boy, girl or neither."

We have handed over our consciousness to the will of a ruling elite, where they are trying to tell us how to eat, what to believe, and if we should be allowed to have any privacy.  The first lady, Michelle Obama, is forcing her extreme nutritional beliefs upon society, and if we refuse we are labeled as extreme.  Schools are being forced to serve her menu of food, and bake sales are becoming a thing of the past by government mandate.  To resist can cost schools federal funding for field trips, despite the fact that the food being offered by Michelle Obama's dictates wind up in the trash because kids don't want to eat it.  Aside from the obvious unconstitutionality of the actions by the federal government intruding upon our lives, we must ask, 'Since when should a single individual who has a voice people are willing to listen to solely because she's married to a politician, and more specifically, the President of the United States, be able to dictate to all of America what they can or cannot eat?'

Should I not be free to digest what I desire, despite the false claims by government that "obesity" is something that falls within their dictatorial authorities?

The federal government claims it is by their version of morality that they guide us.  To refuse their mandates, then, is to be considered immoral by the federal government, and its big government followers (a.k.a. uninformed voters).

In Australia, morality has taken a wicked turn.  A judge has decided that incest is acceptable because it is a sexual lifestyle like homosexuality, and the fear of deformed children as a result of an incestuous relationship is no longer a fear because of the convenience of ending the life of that child through abortion.

In Germany, beastiality brothels have become all the rage, where customers can pay to have sex with animals.

In Britain, the push to normalize pedophelia is in full swing, citing the desire to have sex with children is just another sexual orientation. . . like homosexuality.

Denial of the Holocaust is on the rise in the United States, and is a growing belief by today's younger generation.  Anti-Semitism as a whole is on the rise in the United States, fueled by anti-Israel propaganda by the media and academia, and the rapid increase of the foreign-born Hispanic population in the United States.  According to a poll, 44% of foreign-born Hispanics hold anti-Jewish beliefs.

As illegal immigrants continue to pour into the nation, based on the failure of the federal government to secure the border, a growing number of those illegal aliens are from Muslim countries, bringing Jihad, anti-Semitism, and the potential for terrorism into our country.  The hate being brought into this country by Islam is not only against Jews and Christians, however, but against Americanism in totality. Some may even be willing to compare the ideology of Islam to Nazism, not only in how both ideologies have a profound hatred of Jews, but also, like Nazism, Islam seeks world domination of their ideology, proclaiming that peace is not possible until Islam rules the world.  The federal government not only fails to oppose this dangerous ideology, but has done things to promote it, such as forcing U.S. military members to submit to sharia during Ramadan,

Many of the Christian churches have been infiltrated, as well.  Some have embraced the merger of the opposing faiths of Islam and Christianity, dubbing it "Chrislam."  The Vatican now allows Islamic prayers and Koran readings, hoping that "interfaith prayers would foster peace."  The willingness of the Catholic Church to bow down to the pressures of a people who follow the false prophet Muhammad, and Satan himself masquerading as Allah, as well succumbing to pressures in place by the international progressives, follows a number of denominations that now allow gay weddings, gay ministers, and the Presbyterian Church not only condoning abortion, but voting against protecting babies born alive after a failed abortion.  The Presbyterians voted against protecting the lives of babies surviving abortion at a recent Presbyterian Church USA General Assembly convention.

Meanwhile, Bible-based churches that are holding tight to the Word of God have become irrelevant, silent in the onslaught against morality and God. . . for fear of losing their non-profit status - a status I believe was created with the express purpose of silencing the church in the first place.

All of this coincides with the increase of liberal left progressive teachings of our children being realized, a growing leftist opinion in the United States, and a Democrat controlled White House that not only demands compliance by the citizens, but meets any opposition with accusations of sedition, extremism, fringe radicalism, and racism.  The opposition to the progressive democrats is ridiculed into silence, or personally attacked until submissive and compliant.

Karl Marx once said, "The meaning of peace is the absence of opposition to socialism."

Islam says that they are the religion of peace, and that peace will come when there is no opposition to Islam.

Adolf Hitler said, “When an opponent declares, "I will not come over to your side," I calmly say, "Your child belongs to us already... What are you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing else but this new community.”

President Barack Obama has stated numerous times that he will not tolerate opposition, and if the people's voice in Congress fails to work with him, he will implement his policies without Congress. In the case of the Hobby Lobby decision, he has decided to ignore the courts, as well.  To stand in Obama's way is to be racist, according to the President, Eric Holder, Harry Reid, and a list of other Democrats longer than the list of tyrannical mandates in the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare).  Besides, they declare, big government surveillance and mandates is good for you.  The government, they proclaim, only has your best interests at heart.  However, their policies are anti-American, and an affront against liberty, and God.  Which makes it no surprise that in a new poll it was found that a majority of Liberals are not proud to be American.
So as we build our Tower of Babel, ally with our enemies that seek to destroy us, sacrifice the blood of our unborn children to convenience and ungodly intentions, and we follow the sexual behavior of the world of the days of Noah, and Sodom and Gomorrah, we must ask ourselves, "Is this truly a step we are willing to take, and if it is, what are our motives?"

Our fruits will reveal who we truly are, and the consequences of our actions will follow.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

CDC: Gay Population 2.3%, Thanks to Media, Americans Think Number is 13 Times Higher - NewsBusters

By 2045 The Top Species Will No Longer Be Humans, and That Could Be a Problem - Yahoo Finance

After-Birth Abortion: Why should the baby live? - Athanatos Christian Apologetics Ministry

Transgender Activist Wants All Children Born Genderless - Personal Liberty Digest

NASA: Humans will prove "We are not alone in the universe" within 20 years - CBS Connecticut

Thanks to Michelle Obama, Chick-fil-A Banned from School - Tea Party News Network

School leader mocks Michelle O's bake sale restrictions: We can't fundraise 'selling carrot sticks' - EAG News

Michelle Obama fights GOP on School Lunch Rules - Yahoo News

Judge Says ABORTION makes incest okay, and incest is fine because it's like homosexuality - Daily Caller

Beastiality Brothels Are Taking Germany by Storm - Huffington Post

Normalizing Pedophelia - National Review Online

Holocaust Denied by Students in Rialto School Assignment - The Sun

Anti-Semitism on the Rise in America - Anti-Defamation League

Islam and Nazism: The Ideologies of Hate - Logan's Warning

US Military Personnel forced to submit to sharia during Ramadan - Atlas Shrugs, Pamela Geller

Exposing Chrislam

Vatican makes history: Pope allows Islamic prayers, Koran readings - Washington Times

Presbyterians OK with Killing Born Babies - National Review Online

Holder sees racial animus in opposition - The Hill

Bloggers, Surveillance, and Obama's Orwellian State - TIME

Obama says he'll work without Congress - The Blaze

Obama says he will overhaul immigration without Congress' Help - Los Angeles Times

Obama Moving Immigration 'On My Own, Without Congress' After Boehner Tells Him 'No-Go' - Breitbart

Obama Planning to Use Executive Orders to "Get Around" Hobby Lobby Ruling - Conservative Tribune

The Secret Language of Millenials - TIME

Typical Liberal: Whoopi Goldberg Silences Guest by Spouting Racism - Tea Party News Network

Mark Dice, showing Obama supporters agreeing that if Republican John Boehner doesn’t like Mexican food, he must be racist and should be removed from office
- Tea Party News Network

New Poll Reveals Disturbing Results: Majority of Liberals Aren't Proud to Be American - IJReview

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