Monday, July 14, 2014

The Murrieta Spring

by JASmius

Most of America supports the idea of securing the border.  In fact, one poll states that 82% of Americans are in favor of securing the border with Mexico.  That tells me that most Americans support the patriots in Murrieta, and their protest against the federal government trying to force its will upon a community.....

Murrieta was more than a protest.  It was the beginning of a revolution, a resistance to federal tyranny, and President Obama's desire to lawlessly force his policies upon America.

- Douglas V. Gibbs, yesterday

Call the man a patriot, activist, leader, blogger, a(n eventual) magazine publisher, a(n eventual) best-selling author, teacher, radio pioneer, burgeoning television personality - and now, a prophet:

As the federal government seeks to provide temporary shelter for the tens of thousands of illegal Central American children that have flooded over the southern United States border, local communities are pushing back....

Beyond vociferous opposition among communities closest to the border, protest has fanned out across the country. In Escondido, California, the planning commission denied a permit to convert a former nursing home into a youth shelter after residents protested, according to the Journal. In Murrieta, California, protesters blocked buses carrying migrants.

A proposal to place immigrant children in Greece, N.Y., was also axed after residents protested, as was a plan by the Department of Health and Human Services to put undocumented children at a former Army Reserve facility near Westminster, Maryland.

At the National Governors Association meeting in Nashville, Tennessee, this weekend, governors raised concerns over the cost of housing children in their states, according to the Journal. And a few communities that have not even been approached for relocations have taken preemptive steps to block it, passing ordinances banning newly arrived immigrants from being placed in their towns.

Residents in Richmond, Virginia, were among the earliest to protest the opening of a shelter to relocate children. [emphases added]

Wow, so lib towns in haplessly "blue" states are now "cities of hate" as well.  I had no idea that Mr. Gibbs had amassed that many frequent flier miles.

Or it could simply be that illegal immigration has always been a losing issue for Democrats and always will be, and that most Americans, on either side of the rank & file aisle, resent having demographic deluges, huge, unaffordable costs, and public health hazards inflicted upon them by the federal government in jackbooted fashion without their consent or even knowledge.  In short, they don't want their communities sacked by invading, pestilent, Obama-aided hordes.  Or, put still another way, the irresistible force of "fundamental transformation" is meeting the multiple immovable objects of what will come to be known as the "Murrieta Spring".

Note to Mr. Gibbs' NPR interrogator: It isn't Murrieta or Escondido or Greece or Westminster or Richmond or any other municipality that has sustained a "black eye"; black eyes are usually sustained by those who flip the double-bird at people willing to stand up and punch back.  In this case, the "black eye" is the fact that if America falls to this "pre-meditated invasion" (it did five and a half years ago, but work with me here....), there will be no doubt about what happened, how, why, and what party is responsible.

And in the mean time, there is a counterattack scheduled for just under four months from now that could produce a cavalcade of Equus africanus asinus shiners for the ages.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Doug for President!!!!!