Tuesday, August 05, 2014

D'Souza On Ebola: 'A Country Must Protect' Its Own People

by JASmius

.....except when it isn't "fair" that a country has medical capabilities no other country has, in which case, nature must be forcibly allowed to take its course:

The U.S. should consider banning flights from West Africa in a bid to safeguard the continent from the Ebola virus, says conservative author and award-winning filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza.

"If you make a simple balance sheet, what is the risk of excluding some West African flights from coming in?'' D'Souza said Monday on "The Steve Malzberg Show'' on Newsmax TV.

"That's minimal, versus what is the risk of having a very serious health problem in the United States? That's something that weighs heavily on behalf of looking out for the health of our own citizens.''

Indeed.  We should also consider banning flights from any country that accepts flights from West Africa until such a time as we have directly confirmed that the Ebola outbreak has been contained and stopped in its tracks.

But then we are trapped in the grip of a racist, Ameriphobic megalomaniac who is bent upon reducing our country to the lowest common denominator of the rest of humanity instead of, through our heretofore exceptional example, raising the rest of humanity up to our level:

D'Souza, whose new documentary is called "America,'' said the seemingly lax attitude towards keeping Ebola out of the U.S. could be indicative of a wrongheaded ideology that is sweeping the nation.

"There's sort of this ideology … that somehow it's bad for a country to look out directly for its own survival and its own self-interest,'' he said.

Not every country; just those that are majority-Christian, capitalist, and white.  Which O is "fundamentally" addressing as we speak.

"A country should and must protect the self-interest and in fact, the survival of its own citizens. Now, there are a lot of problems in the rest of the world — poverty, disease, epidemics.

Of which we should be partaking just like every other country.  Which O is "fundamentally" addressing as we speak.

 "We should be compassionate toward those people, but that does not mean that we should not draw a tight cord around ourselves and it is the first duty of any government to protect its own citizens.''

Yes, it does mean that, Mr. D'Souza.  It does.  Don't you understand that progress is regress, regress is progress, up is down, in is out, dark is light, life is death, health is illness, and Oceania has never been at war with Eastasia, Winston?  That compassion isn't curing Ebola and saving lives, but ensuring that Ebola kills more white Americans than it does black Africans?

Why, it's no different than the mindtrip that blood-libelously casts a besieged little country of Jews that only wants to be left alone to live in peace as the mass-murdering Hitlerites of the twenty-first century:

D'Souza lashed out at a growing anti-Israel sentiment around the world as the Jewish state attempts to protect itself against the terrorist group Hamas.

The European anti-Israel lobby, as well as other countries, are trying to make Israel into the new, pre-apartheid South Africa,'' he said.

"You see that phrase 'apartheid' coming up again and again and why? Because apartheid is an effort to morally de-legitimize Israel. Ultimately, apartheid South Africa simply collapsed because states need more legitimacy in order to hold themselves together.

Oh, sure, during the Second World War there were rumors that something really, really bad was happening in Europe, but nobody wanted to speak of it.  Nobody liked Jews very much, even in America, and so what might be taking place in Nazi Europe was never broached in "polite" conversation.  And then the advancing Allied armies uncovered Majdanek.  And then Auschwitz.  Followed by Buchenwald, Bergen-Belsen, Dachau, Ravensbrück, Mauthausen, and Theresienstadt.  And the uncomfortable reality was laid bare for the world to see: dead Jews.  Six million of them.  An assembly line of industrial genocide.  The logical endpoint of preceding centuries of cultural anti-Semitism, of blood libels, of demonization of "The Other".  Embarrassed, mortified, and horrified, the world that still didn't like Jews very much was shamed into uttering the clearly dishonest words, "Never again."

Yet the world could barely bring itself to allow Jewish Holocaust refugees to take possession of any of the Holy Land territories that were originally promised them in the Balfour Declaration, and then stood back and watched as the combined armies of six surrounding Arab powers tried to wipe them out on three separate occasions over the ensuing quarter century.  But, strangely enough, the Jews refused to let themselves be wiped out, much to the world's disgruntled chagrin.  Or, as the late Golda Meir put it, "Israel will not die so that the world will speak better of it."

And then the world remembered how the Jews were set up for the Holocaust in the first place: Moral de-legitimization.  Make Israel look like the villain, "oppressing" and "massacring" the "poor Palestinians" who "only want a state of their own".  Thus was born the "Middle East peace process," in which asymmetric warfare and diplomatic browbeating have both magnified humanity's inherent Jew hatred and worn down Israel's will to resist.  And if that fails, the Iranian mullahs have their nuclear arsenal with which to "wipe the Jews off the map," after which the world will pretend to mourn.

Don't think for one moment that Barack Obama isn't leading that despicable charge as well.

And don't rule out the possibility that he and his misbegotten party won't electorally benefit from his deranged, tyrannical narcissism:

If President Barack Obama grants amnesty to 5 million illegal immigrants before Labor Day, it could become "the issue" of the November midterm elections, says political commentator Pat Buchanan...."

That would clearly rally and energize Obama's base, but it would do the same for the Republicans," the former presidential adviser explained....

Buchanan predicts that it could be a tactical move to get Democrats to the polls in November, especially the Hispanic community.

"There's no doubt that La Raza and the left wing of the Democratic Party and many folks in the Hispanic community would say that 'Obama has done something dramatic for us, he really has, we ought to get out and vote,' " he explained. "That's a real possibility."

And since Democrats vastly outnumber Republicans for some still-inexplicable reason, especially with these illegal reinforcements, well, you do the math.

Of course, what neither side ever seems to remember is that neither the Left nor the Right constitute a majority in this country; the majority of Americans are low/no-information voters - or as they like to think of themselves, "independents".   Massed amalgams of colossal ignorance.  They just seem like lefties because their haughty empty-headedness and Obamedia-dependence and pop culture addictions render them effortlessly manipulable by the Left.  Any shiny "SQUIRREL!"-esque distraction is all it takes to dupe them into voting Democrat yet again, as the 2012 campaign infamously demonstrated.

Is the Border Crisis any different?  With public sentiment on the issue running against The One and the Dems by a margin of over four to one, one would like to think so.  But, of course, the more likely a GOP tsunami in November appears, the more inevitable King Hussein's mass amnesty decree becomes, even if he doesn't pull the trigger on it before Labor Day:

Buchanan wrote an opinion piece for Townhall.com in which he predicts that Obama will grant amnesty to 5 million illegal immigrants through an executive order before Labor Day.

The former presidential candidate says that his prediction is based on comments made by Democratic Representative Luis Gutierrez of Illinois-4, who has said that Obama will "act broadly and generously" for "millions and millions" of illegal immigrants.

"He might draw back from doing it, but let me say this: If the Republicans gain in the Senate and the president realizes he is going to get nothing from the next Congress, zero, I think there's a possibility he could do it after the election," he added.

Exit question: How many of those five million or the hundreds of thousands still pouring across the border are bringing the Ebola virus with them?

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