Saturday, August 02, 2014

Latin Countries Join A World of Nazis Against Israel

By Douglas V. Gibbs

Anti-Semitism has reached a new high.  The liberal left media was quiet when Hamas was launching rocket after rocket into Israel, targeting civilian populations, and using their own women and children as human shields while they specifically targeted women and children in Israel.  Yet, the moment Israel went into defensive mode, and was as careful as possible to not only target only known terrorist targets, but to warn citizens of imminent attacks, the media turned on Israel, and began a propaganda campaign calling Israel "baby killers," and "terrorists."  The small-minded tools of the world have listened to the Muslim and Leftist propaganda, and have become as anti-semitic as the Nazis were.  While non-Muslim populations have not gone so far as to say "begin heating up the ovens" as Islamic groups proclaim, the protests around the world, and language used by leftist politicians, is nothing short of sickening.

According to AFP, Latin countries have blindly joined the chorus of idiots, calling Israel a terrorist
nation for daring to defend itself as it is surrounded by a horde of countries in the Muslim World that agree with the three no's of Khartoum:

No peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, no negotiations with Israel.

The Palestinians did not exist before Israel, and during the Ottoman Empire, the Muslims did not want, nor did they settle on, the land that is currently Israel.  Israel gave up Gaza under Ariel Sharon in the hopes of peace, but as history has shown over and over, Israel giving up land for peace does not work.  Why?  Because Islam does not want peace with Israel.  Islam wants Israel destroyed, and the sheep of the world, including, now, the Latin American countries, have spat on history, and have become no different than the Nazis, who slaughtered millions of Jews, and did it with the blessing of Islam.

South of the United States border, the old guard of mainland Europe's Old World authoritarian Roman Empire, has gone completely nuts. . . but what should we expect with all of the leftists in control down there?

Bolivian President Evo Morales put Israel on his list of "Terrorist States" and eliminated a visa waiver program for Israeli citizens.

Brazil President Dilma Rousseff this week called the Israeli military operation a "massacre."

Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro called the war between Israel and Hamas "a war of extermination that has lasted nearly a century" against the Palestinian people. A lawmaker from his party used the term "genocide".

Peru, Ecuador, Chile, and El Salvador have also recalled their ambassadors for consultations, while Costa Rica and Argentina, which have the largest Jewish populations in the region, called the Israeli ambassador for meetings at their foreign ministries.

The Central American and South American region has universally condemned Israel's defense of its borders, while ignoring the terrorist violence from Hamas in Gaza being perpetrated against Israel.

The calls of condemnation against Israel in Latin America comes after similar reactions by many groups in Europe, and American Secretary of State John Kerry's own harsh words against Israel, which has been met with criticism from the Obama administration's critics in both the United States, and in Israel.

Israelis understand what is going on, and many fear this may be a new holocaust.  Islam's desire is the destruction of Israel.  If America continues to join the chorus against Israel, as our hard left idiots in Washington have been doing, it would end American support for Israel that began with George Washington.

“May the children of the stock of Abraham who dwell in this land, continue to merit and enjoy the good will of the other inhabitants; while everyone shall sit in safety under own his own vine and fig tree, and there shall be none to make him afraid.” This quote was excerpted from a letter written by George Washington.

Biblically, to turn our back on Israel would be destructive for our country.

Genesis 12:3 "And I will bless them that bless thee and curse him that curseth thee; and in thee shall all nations of the earth be blessed."

"Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, they shall prosper that love thee." (Psalm 122:6)

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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