Thursday, August 14, 2014

Obama Plans To Send Illegal Kids To U.S. Schools

by JASmius

Translation: Obama plans to send illegal, tattooed, Central American gang-bangers to U.S. schools - LOTS of illegal, tattooed, Central American gang-bangers:

The Obama administration is prepping the nation's school systems for a huge influx of illegal immigrant children this fall as they await hearings that could lead to deportations.

Translation: The Obama Regime is ordering state and local governments to take a huge influx of drug-runners and criminals into their schools this fall that will totally disrupt public education across the country as they ignore hearings they'll never attend that will lead to no deportations that will ever be attempted.

"All children in the United States are entitled to equal access to a public elementary and secondary education, regardless of their or their parents' actual or perceived national origin, citizenship, or immigration status," the Education Department stated in a fact sheet.

And there it is.  That statement is 180 degrees counter to the law and the Constitution, but the law and the Constitution are irrelevant; only what Barack Obama decrees matters.  And he has decreed, in classic passive/aggressive fashion, that these tens and hundreds of thousands of illegals that he lured here in cahoots with Mexican drug cartels and corrupt Central American governments via his illegal/unconstitutional DACA decree two years ago are here to stay and there is not a damn thing we can do about it.

Leading, in turn, to stories like this one:

The challenge of educating illegals has raised other problems for some strapped school districts.

Officials of the Boston suburb of Lynn, Mass., disclosed earlier this month that many adult illegals were posing as minors to enroll in the district's overcrowded public high schools.

"Some of them have had gray hair, and they're telling you that they're 17 years old and they have no documentation," Jamie Cerulli, the chief of staff for Lynn Mayor Judith Flanagan Kennedy, told National Review. "If my children went to the public schools, I'd be very uncomfortable with all of these unaccompanied minors [that] are placed in the ninth grade." [emphases added]

And state and local governments are stuck with the tab.  Just like Texas is having to pay for deploying 3,000 National Guard troops to the border.  It's like Article IV, Section 4 ("The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion, and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive....against domestic Violence.") doesn't exist.  And as far as the White House is concerned, it doesn't.

Exit question: President Gutsy Call's dog-wagging kinda-sorta new war in Iraq sure took the Border Crisis off the front pages, didn't it?

-Hard Starboard Radio
-American Daily Review
-Constitution Radio

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